1 | {=== Geometry types ===}
2 |
5 | const
6 | {* Value indicating that there is nothing in the single-precision floating point value.
7 | It is also used as a separator in lists }
8 | EmptySingle: single = -3.402823e38;
9 |
10 | type
11 | {* Pointer to a ''TPointF'' structure }
12 | PPointF = ^TPointF;
13 | {* Contains a point with single-precision floating point coordinates }
14 | {$if FPC_FULLVERSION>=030001}
15 | TPointF = Types.TPointF;
16 | {$else}
17 | TPointF = packed record x, y: single;
18 | end;
19 | {$endif}
20 |
21 | {* Contains an array of points with single-precision floating point coordinates }
22 | ArrayOfTPointF = array of TPointF;
23 |
24 | {* An affine matrix contains three 2D vectors: the image of x, the image of y and the translation }
25 | TAffineMatrix = array[1..2,1..3] of single;
26 |
27 | {$if FPC_FULLVERSION>=030001}
28 | TRectF = Types.TRectF;
29 | {$else}
30 | {$define BGRA_DEFINE_TRECTF}
31 | { TRectF }
32 |
33 | TRectF =
35 | packed
37 | record
38 | private
39 | function GetHeight: single;
40 | function GetWidth: Single;
41 | public
42 | property Width: Single read GetWidth;
43 | property Height: single read GetHeight;
44 | procedure Offset (const dx,dy : Single);
45 | case Integer of
46 | 0: (Left, Top, Right, Bottom: Single);
47 | 1: (TopLeft, BottomRight: TPointF);
48 | end;
49 |
50 | { TRectHelper }
51 |
52 | TRectHelper = record helper for TRect
53 | private
54 | function GetHeight: integer;
55 | function GetIsEmpty: boolean;
56 | function GetWidth: integer;
57 | procedure SetHeight(AValue: integer);
58 | procedure SetWidth(AValue: integer);
59 | public
60 | constructor Create(Origin: TPoint; AWidth, AHeight: Longint); overload;
61 | constructor Create(ALeft, ATop, ARight, ABottom: Longint); overload;
62 | procedure Intersect(const ARect: TRect);
63 | procedure Offset(DX, DY: Longint);
64 | procedure Inflate(DX, DY: Longint);
65 | function Contains(const APoint: TPoint): boolean; overload;
66 | function Contains(const ARect: TRect): boolean; overload;
67 | property Width: integer read GetWidth write SetWidth;
68 | property Height: integer read GetHeight write SetHeight;
69 | property IsEmpty: boolean read GetIsEmpty;
70 | end;
71 |
72 | operator=(const ARect1,ARect2: TRect): boolean;
73 |
74 | type
75 | { TSizeHelper }
76 |
77 | TSizeHelper = record helper for TSize
78 | private
79 | function GetHeight: integer;
80 | function GetWidth: integer;
81 | public
82 | property Width: integer read GetWidth;
83 | property Height: integer read GetHeight;
84 | end;
85 |
86 | {$endif}
87 |
88 | const
89 | EmptyPoint : TPoint = (X: -2147483648; Y: -2147483648);
90 |
91 | function IsEmptyPoint(const APoint: TPoint): boolean;
92 |
93 | type
94 | TPointFHelper = record helper for TPointF
95 | function Ceiling: TPoint;
96 | function Truncate: TPoint;
97 | function Floor: TPoint;
98 | function Round: TPoint;
99 | function Length: Single;
100 | end;
101 |
102 | type
103 | PRectF = ^TRectF;
104 |
105 | { TRectFHelper }
106 |
107 | TRectFHelper = record helper for TRectF
108 | class function Intersect(const R1: TRectF; const R2: TRectF): TRectF; overload; static;
109 | class function Union(const R1: TRectF; const R2: TRectF): TRectF; overload; static;
110 | class function Union(const R1: TRectF; const R2: TRectF; ADiscardEmpty: boolean): TRectF; overload; static;
111 | function Union(const r: TRectF):TRectF;
112 | function Union(const r: TRectF; ADiscardEmpty: boolean):TRectF;
113 | function IntersectsWith(const r: TRectF): boolean;
114 | function IsEmpty: boolean;
115 | end;
116 |
117 | const
118 | {* A value for an empty rectangle }
119 | EmptyRectF : TRectF = (left:0; top:0; right:0; bottom: 0);
120 |
121 | function RectF(Left, Top, Right, Bottom: Single): TRectF;
122 | function RectF(const ATopLeft,ABottomRight: TPointF): TRectF;
123 | function RectWithSizeF(left,top,width,height: Single): TRectF;
124 | function IsEmptyRectF(const ARect:TRectF): boolean;
125 |
126 | type
127 | { TAffineBox }
128 |
129 | TAffineBox = object
130 | private
131 | function GetAsPolygon: ArrayOfTPointF;
132 | function GetBottomRight: TPointF;
133 | function GetHeight: single;
134 | function GetIsEmpty: boolean;
135 | function GetRectBounds: TRect;
136 | function GetRectBoundsF: TRectF;
137 | function GetSurface: single;
138 | function GetWidth: single;
139 | public
140 | TopLeft, TopRight,
141 | BottomLeft: TPointF;
142 | class function EmptyBox: TAffineBox; static;
143 | class function AffineBox(ATopLeft, ATopRight, ABottomLeft: TPointF): TAffineBox; static; overload;
144 | class function AffineBox(ARectF: TRectF): TAffineBox; static; overload;
145 | function Contains(APoint: TPointF): boolean;
146 | property RectBounds: TRect read GetRectBounds;
147 | property RectBoundsF: TRectF read GetRectBoundsF;
148 | property BottomRight: TPointF read GetBottomRight;
149 | property IsEmpty: boolean read GetIsEmpty;
150 | property AsPolygon: ArrayOfTPointF read GetAsPolygon;
151 | property Width: single read GetWidth;
152 | property Height: single read GetHeight;
153 | property Surface: single read GetSurface;
154 | end;
155 |
156 | const
157 | {** Value indicating that there is an empty ''TPointF'' structure.
158 | It is also used as a separator in lists of points }
159 | EmptyPointF: TPointF = (x: -3.402823e38; y: -3.402823e38);
160 |
161 | {----------------- Operators for TPointF --------------------}
162 | {** Creates a new structure with values ''x'' and ''y'' }
163 | function PointF(x, y: single): TPointF; overload;
164 | function PointF(pt: TPoint): TPointF; overload;
165 | {** Checks if the structure is empty (equal to ''EmptyPointF'') }
166 | function isEmptyPointF(const pt: TPointF): boolean;
167 | {** Checks if both ''x'' and ''y'' are equal }
168 | operator = (const pt1, pt2: TPointF): boolean; inline;
169 | {** Adds ''x'' and ''y'' components separately. It is like adding vectors }
170 | operator + (const pt1, pt2: TPointF): TPointF; inline;
171 | {** Subtract ''x'' and ''y'' components separately. It is like subtracting vectors }
172 | operator - (const pt1, pt2: TPointF): TPointF; inline;
173 | {** Returns a point with opposite values for ''x'' and ''y'' components }
174 | operator - (const pt2: TPointF): TPointF; inline;
175 | {** Scalar product: multiplies ''x'' and ''y'' components and returns the sum }
176 | operator * (const pt1, pt2: TPointF): single; inline;
177 | {** Multiplies both ''x'' and ''y'' by ''factor''. It scales the vector represented by (''x'',''y'') }
178 | operator * (const pt1: TPointF; factor: single): TPointF; inline;
179 | {** Multiplies both ''x'' and ''y'' by ''factor''. It scales the vector represented by (''x'',''y'') }
180 | operator * (factor: single; const pt1: TPointF): TPointF; inline;
181 | {** Returns the length of the vector (''dx'',''dy'') }
182 | function VectLen(dx,dy: single): single; overload;
183 | {** Returns the length of the vector represented by (''x'',''y'') }
184 | function VectLen(v: TPointF): single; overload;
185 | function VectDet(v1,v2: TPointF): double; inline;
186 |
187 | type
188 | TFaceCulling = (fcNone, fcKeepCW, fcKeepCCW);
189 |
190 | {** Creates an array of ''TPointF'' }
191 | function PointsF(const pts: array of TPointF): ArrayOfTPointF;
192 | {** Concatenates arrays of ''TPointF'' }
193 | function ConcatPointsF(const APolylines: array of ArrayOfTPointF): ArrayOfTPointF;
194 | {** Compute the length of the polyline contained in the array.
195 | ''AClosed'' specifies if the last point is to be joined to the first one }
196 | function PolylineLen(const pts: array of TPointF; AClosed: boolean = false): single;
197 |
198 | type
199 | {* A pen style can be dashed, dotted, etc. It is defined as a list of floating point number.
200 | The first number is the length of the first dash,
201 | the second number is the length of the first gap,
202 | the third number is the length of the second dash...
203 | It must have an even number of values. This is used as a complement
204 | to [[BGRABitmap Types imported from Graphics|TPenStyle]] }
205 | TBGRAPenStyle = array Of Single;
206 |
207 | {** Creates a pen style with the specified length for the dashes and the spaces }
208 | function BGRAPenStyle(dash1, space1: single; dash2: single=0; space2: single = 0; dash3: single=0; space3: single = 0; dash4 : single = 0; space4 : single = 0): TBGRAPenStyle;
209 |
210 | type
211 | {* Different types of spline. A spline is a series of points that are used
212 | as control points to draw a curve. The first point and last point may
213 | or may not be the starting and ending point }
214 | TSplineStyle = (
215 | {** The curve is drawn inside the polygonal envelope without reaching the starting and ending points }
216 | ssInside,
217 | {** The curve is drawn inside the polygonal envelope and the starting and ending points are reached }
218 | ssInsideWithEnds,
219 | {** The curve crosses the polygonal envelope without reaching the starting and ending points }
220 | ssCrossing,
221 | {** The curve crosses the polygonal envelope and the starting and ending points are reached }
222 | ssCrossingWithEnds,
223 | {** The curve is outside the polygonal envelope (starting and ending points are reached) }
224 | ssOutside,
225 | {** The curve expands outside the polygonal envelope (starting and ending points are reached) }
226 | ssRoundOutside,
227 | {** The curve is outside the polygonal envelope and there is a tangeant at vertices (starting and ending points are reached) }
228 | ssVertexToSide,
229 | {** The curve is rounded using Bezier curves when the angle is less than or equal to 45° }
230 | ssEasyBezier);
231 |
232 | type
233 | {* Pointer to an arc definition }
234 | PArcDef = ^TArcDef;
235 | {* Definition of an arc of an ellipse }
236 | TArcDef = record
237 | {** Center of the ellipse }
238 | center: TPointF;
239 | {** Horizontal and vertical of the ellipse before rotation }
240 | radius: TPointF;
241 | {** Rotation of the ellipse }
242 | xAngleRadCW: single;
243 | {** Start and end angle, in radian and clockwise. See angle convention in ''BGRAPath'' }
244 | startAngleRadCW, endAngleRadCW: single;
245 | {** Specifies if the arc goes anticlockwise }
246 | anticlockwise: boolean
247 | end;
248 |
249 | {** Creates a structure for an arc definition }
250 | function ArcDef(cx, cy, rx,ry, xAngleRadCW, startAngleRadCW, endAngleRadCW: single; anticlockwise: boolean) : TArcDef;
251 |
252 | type
253 | {* Possible options for drawing an arc of an ellipse (used in ''BGRACanvas'') }
254 | TArcOption = (
255 | {** Close the path by joining the ending and starting point together }
256 | aoClosePath,
257 | {** Draw a pie shape by joining the ending and starting point to the center of the ellipse }
258 | aoPie,
259 | {** Fills the shape }
260 | aoFillPath);
261 | {** Set of options for drawing an arc }
262 | TArcOptions = set of TArcOption;
263 |
264 | TBGRAArrowStyle = (asNone, asNormal, asCut, asTriangle, asHollowTriangle, asFlipped, asFlippedCut, asTail, asTailRepeat);
265 |
266 | { TBGRACustomArrow }
267 |
268 | TBGRACustomArrow = class
269 | protected
270 | function GetEndOffsetX: single; virtual; abstract;
271 | function GetEndRepeatCount: integer; virtual; abstract;
272 | function GetEndSizeFactor: TPointF; virtual; abstract;
273 | function GetIsEndDefined: boolean; virtual; abstract;
274 | function GetIsStartDefined: boolean; virtual; abstract;
275 | function GetStartOffsetX: single; virtual; abstract;
276 | function GetStartRepeatCount: integer; virtual; abstract;
277 | function GetStartSizeFactor: TPointF; virtual; abstract;
278 | procedure SetEndOffsetX(AValue: single); virtual; abstract;
279 | procedure SetEndRepeatCount(AValue: integer); virtual; abstract;
280 | procedure SetEndSizeFactor(AValue: TPointF); virtual; abstract;
281 | procedure SetStartOffsetX(AValue: single); virtual; abstract;
282 | procedure SetStartRepeatCount(AValue: integer); virtual; abstract;
283 | procedure SetStartSizeFactor(AValue: TPointF); virtual; abstract;
284 | function GetLineCap: TPenEndCap; virtual; abstract;
285 | procedure SetLineCap(AValue: TPenEndCap); virtual; abstract;
286 | public
287 | function ComputeStartAt(const APosition: TPointF; const ADirection: TPointF; const AWidth: single; const ACurrentPos: single): ArrayOfTPointF; virtual; abstract;
288 | function ComputeEndAt(const APosition: TPointF; const ADirection: TPointF; const AWidth: single; const ACurrentPos: single): ArrayOfTPointF; virtual; abstract;
289 | procedure StartAsNone; virtual; abstract;
290 | procedure StartAsClassic(AFlipped: boolean = false; ACut: boolean = false; ARelativePenWidth: single = 1); virtual; abstract;
291 | procedure StartAsTriangle(ABackOffset: single = 0; ARounded: boolean = false; AHollow: boolean = false; AHollowPenWidth: single = 0.5); virtual; abstract;
292 | procedure StartAsTail; virtual; abstract;
293 | procedure EndAsNone; virtual; abstract;
294 | procedure EndAsClassic(AFlipped: boolean = false; ACut: boolean = false; ARelativePenWidth: single = 1); virtual; abstract;
295 | procedure EndAsTriangle(ABackOffset: single = 0; ARounded: boolean = false; AHollow: boolean = false; AHollowPenWidth: single = 0.5); virtual; abstract;
296 | procedure EndAsTail; virtual; abstract;
297 | property IsStartDefined: boolean read GetIsStartDefined;
298 | property IsEndDefined: boolean read GetIsEndDefined;
299 | property StartOffsetX: single read GetStartOffsetX write SetStartOffsetX;
300 | property EndOffsetX: single read GetEndOffsetX write SetEndOffsetX;
301 | property LineCap: TPenEndCap read GetLineCap write SetLineCap;
302 | property StartSize: TPointF read GetStartSizeFactor write SetStartSizeFactor;
303 | property EndSize: TPointF read GetEndSizeFactor write SetEndSizeFactor;
304 | property StartRepeatCount: integer read GetStartRepeatCount write SetStartRepeatCount;
305 | property EndRepeatCount: integer read GetEndRepeatCount write SetEndRepeatCount;
306 | end;
307 |
308 | { TBGRACustomPenStroker }
309 |
310 | TBGRACustomPenStroker = class
311 | protected
312 | function GetArrow: TBGRACustomArrow; virtual; abstract;
313 | function GetArrowOwned: boolean; virtual; abstract;
314 | function GetCustomPenStyle: TBGRAPenStyle; virtual; abstract;
315 | function GetJoinStyle: TPenJoinStyle; virtual; abstract;
316 | function GetLineCap: TPenEndCap; virtual; abstract;
317 | function GetMiterLimit: single; virtual; abstract;
318 | function GetPenStyle: TPenStyle; virtual; abstract;
319 | function GetStrokeMatrix: TAffineMatrix; virtual; abstract;
320 | procedure SetArrow(AValue: TBGRACustomArrow); virtual; abstract;
321 | procedure SetArrowOwned(AValue: boolean); virtual; abstract;
322 | procedure SetCustomPenStyle(AValue: TBGRAPenStyle); virtual; abstract;
323 | procedure SetJoinStyle(AValue: TPenJoinStyle); virtual; abstract;
324 | procedure SetLineCap(AValue: TPenEndCap); virtual; abstract;
325 | procedure SetMiterLimit(AValue: single); virtual; abstract;
326 | procedure SetPenStyle(AValue: TPenStyle); virtual; abstract;
327 | procedure SetStrokeMatrix(const AValue: TAffineMatrix); virtual; abstract;
328 | public
329 | function ComputePolyline(const APoints: array of TPointF; AWidth: single; AClosedCap: boolean = true): ArrayOfTPointF; overload; virtual; abstract;
330 | function ComputePolyline(const APoints: array of TPointF; AWidth: single; APenColor: TBGRAPixel; AClosedCap: boolean = true): ArrayOfTPointF; overload; virtual; abstract;
331 | function ComputePolylineAutoCycle(const APoints: array of TPointF; AWidth: single): ArrayOfTPointF; virtual; abstract;
332 | function ComputePolygon(const APoints: array of TPointF; AWidth: single): ArrayOfTPointF; virtual; abstract;
333 | property Style: TPenStyle read GetPenStyle write SetPenStyle;
334 | property CustomPenStyle: TBGRAPenStyle read GetCustomPenStyle write SetCustomPenStyle;
335 | property Arrow: TBGRACustomArrow read GetArrow write SetArrow;
336 | property ArrowOwned: boolean read GetArrowOwned write SetArrowOwned;
337 | property StrokeMatrix: TAffineMatrix read GetStrokeMatrix write SetStrokeMatrix;
338 | property LineCap: TPenEndCap read GetLineCap write SetLineCap;
339 | property JoinStyle: TPenJoinStyle read GetJoinStyle write SetJoinStyle;
340 | property MiterLimit: single read GetMiterLimit write SetMiterLimit;
341 | end;
342 |
343 | type
344 | {* Point in 3D with single-precision floating point coordinates }
345 | TPoint3D = record x,y,z: single;
346 | end;
347 |
348 | {----------------- Operators for TPoint3D ---------------}
349 | {** Creates a new structure with values (''x'',''y'',''z'') }
350 | function Point3D(x,y,z: single): TPoint3D;
351 | {** Checks if all components ''x'', ''y'' and ''z'' are equal }
352 | operator = (const v1,v2: TPoint3D): boolean; inline;
353 | {** Adds components separately. It is like adding vectors }
354 | operator + (const v1,v2: TPoint3D): TPoint3D; inline;
355 | {** Subtract components separately. It is like subtracting vectors }
356 | operator - (const v1,v2: TPoint3D): TPoint3D; inline;
357 | {** Returns a point with opposite values for all components }
358 | operator - (const v: TPoint3D): TPoint3D; inline;
359 | {** Scalar product: multiplies components and returns the sum }
360 | operator * (const v1,v2: TPoint3D): single; inline;
361 | {** Multiplies components by ''factor''. It scales the vector represented by (''x'',''y'',''z'') }
362 | operator * (const v1: TPoint3D; const factor: single): TPoint3D; inline;
363 | {** Multiplies components by ''factor''. It scales the vector represented by (''x'',''y'',''z'') }
364 | operator * (const factor: single; const v1: TPoint3D): TPoint3D; inline;
365 | {** Computes the vectorial product ''w''. It is perpendicular to both ''u'' and ''v'' }
366 | procedure VectProduct3D(u,v: TPoint3D; out w: TPoint3D);
367 | {** Normalize the vector, i.e. scale it so that its length be 1 }
368 | procedure Normalize3D(var v: TPoint3D); inline;
369 | function VectLen3D(const v: TPoint3D): single;
370 |
371 | type
372 | {* Defition of a line in the euclidian plane }
373 | TLineDef = record
374 | {** Some point in the line }
375 | origin: TPointF;
376 | {** Vector indicating the direction }
377 | dir: TPointF;
378 | end;
379 |
380 | {----------- Line and polygon functions -----------}
381 | {** Computes the intersection of two lines. If they are parallel, returns
382 | the middle of the segment between the two origins }
383 | function IntersectLine(line1, line2: TLineDef): TPointF; overload;
384 | {** Computes the intersection of two lines. If they are parallel, returns
385 | the middle of the segment between the two origins. The value ''parallel''
386 | is set to indicate if the lines were parallel }
387 | function IntersectLine(line1, line2: TLineDef; out parallel: boolean): TPointF; overload;
388 | {** Checks if the polygon formed by the given points is convex. ''IgnoreAlign''
389 | specifies that if the points are aligned, it should still be considered as convex }
390 | function IsConvex(const pts: array of TPointF; IgnoreAlign: boolean = true): boolean;
391 | function IsClockwise(const pts: array of TPointF): boolean;
392 | {** Checks if the quad formed by the 4 given points intersects itself }
393 | function DoesQuadIntersect(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF): boolean;
394 | {** Checks if two segment intersect }
395 | function DoesSegmentIntersect(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF): boolean;
396 |
397 | type
398 | TBGRACustomPathCursor = class;
399 |
400 | {* A path is the ability to define a contour with ''moveTo'', ''lineTo''...
401 | Even if it is an interface, it must not implement reference counting. }
402 | IBGRAPath = interface
403 | {** Closes the current path with a line to the starting point }
404 | procedure closePath;
405 | {** Moves to a location, disconnected from previous points }
406 | procedure moveTo(constref pt: TPointF);
407 | {** Adds a line from the current point }
408 | procedure lineTo(constref pt: TPointF);
409 | {** Adds a polyline from the current point }
410 | procedure polylineTo(const pts: array of TPointF);
411 | {** Adds a quadratic Bézier curve from the current point }
412 | procedure quadraticCurveTo(constref cp,pt: TPointF);
413 | {** Adds a cubic Bézier curve from the current point }
414 | procedure bezierCurveTo(constref cp1,cp2,pt: TPointF);
415 | {** Adds an arc. If there is a current point, it is connected to the beginning of the arc }
416 | procedure arc(constref arcDef: TArcDef);
417 | {** Adds an opened spline. If there is a current point, it is connected to the beginning of the spline }
418 | procedure openedSpline(const pts: array of TPointF; style: TSplineStyle);
419 | {** Adds an closed spline. If there is a current point, it is connected to the beginning of the spline }
420 | procedure closedSpline(const pts: array of TPointF; style: TSplineStyle);
421 | {** Copy the content of this path to the specified destination }
422 | procedure copyTo(dest: IBGRAPath);
423 | {** Returns the content of the path as an array of points }
424 | function getPoints: ArrayOfTPointF; overload;
425 | {** Returns the content of the path as an array of points with the transformation specified by ''AMatrix'' }
426 | function getPoints(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix): ArrayOfTPointF; overload;
427 | {** Returns a cursor to go through the path. The cursor must be freed by calling ''Free''. }
428 | function getCursor: TBGRACustomPathCursor;
429 | end;
430 |
431 | { TBGRACustomPath }
432 |
433 | TBGRACustomPath = class(IBGRAPath)
434 | constructor Create; virtual; abstract;
435 | procedure beginPath; virtual; abstract;
436 | procedure closePath; virtual; abstract;
437 | procedure moveTo(constref pt: TPointF); virtual; abstract;
438 | procedure lineTo(constref pt: TPointF); virtual; abstract;
439 | procedure polylineTo(const pts: array of TPointF); virtual; abstract;
440 | procedure quadraticCurveTo(constref cp,pt: TPointF); virtual; abstract;
441 | procedure bezierCurveTo(constref cp1,cp2,pt: TPointF); virtual; abstract;
442 | procedure arc(constref arcDef: TArcDef); virtual; abstract;
443 | procedure openedSpline(const pts: array of TPointF; style: TSplineStyle); virtual; abstract;
444 | procedure closedSpline(const pts: array of TPointF; style: TSplineStyle); virtual; abstract;
445 | procedure copyTo(dest: IBGRAPath); virtual; abstract;
446 | protected
447 | function getPoints: ArrayOfTPointF; virtual; abstract;
448 | function getPoints(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix): ArrayOfTPointF; virtual; abstract;
449 | function getLength: single; virtual; abstract;
450 | function getCursor: TBGRACustomPathCursor; virtual; abstract;
451 | protected
452 | function QueryInterface({$IFDEF FPC_HAS_CONSTREF}constref{$ELSE}const{$ENDIF} IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult; {$IF (not defined(WINDOWS)) AND (FPC_FULLVERSION>=20501)}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$IFEND};
453 | function _AddRef: Integer; {$IF (not defined(WINDOWS)) AND (FPC_FULLVERSION>=20501)}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$IFEND};
454 | function _Release: Integer; {$IF (not defined(WINDOWS)) AND (FPC_FULLVERSION>=20501)}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$IFEND};
455 | end;
456 |
457 | TBGRAPathAny = class of TBGRACustomPath;
458 |
459 | { TBGRACustomPathCursor }
460 | {* Class that contains a cursor to browse an existing path }
461 | TBGRACustomPathCursor = class
462 | protected
463 | function GetArcPos: single; virtual; abstract;
464 | function GetCurrentCoord: TPointF; virtual; abstract;
465 | function GetCurrentTangent: TPointF; virtual; abstract;
466 | function GetLoopClosedShapes: boolean; virtual; abstract;
467 | function GetLoopPath: boolean; virtual; abstract;
468 | function GetPathLength: single; virtual; abstract;
469 | function GetBounds: TRectF; virtual; abstract;
470 | function GetStartCoordinate: TPointF; virtual; abstract;
471 | procedure SetArcPos(AValue: single); virtual; abstract;
472 | procedure SetLoopClosedShapes(AValue: boolean); virtual; abstract;
473 | procedure SetLoopPath(AValue: boolean); virtual; abstract;
474 | public
475 | {** Go forward in the path, increasing the value of ''Position''. If ''ADistance'' is negative, then
476 | it goes backward instead. ''ACanJump'' specifies if the cursor can jump from one shape to another
477 | without a line or an arc. Otherwise, the cursor is stuck, and the return value is less than
478 | the value ''ADistance'' provided. If all the way has been travelled, the
479 | return value is equal to ''ADistance'' }
480 | function MoveForward(ADistance: single; ACanJump: boolean = true): single; virtual; abstract;
481 | {** Go backward, decreasing the value of ''Position''. If ''ADistance'' is negative, then it goes
482 | forward instead. ''ACanJump'' specifies if the cursor can jump from one shape to another
483 | without a line or an arc. Otherwise, the cursor is stuck, and the return value is less than
484 | the value ''ADistance'' provided. If all the way has been travelled, the
485 | return value is equal to ''ADistance'' }
486 | function MoveBackward(ADistance: single; ACanJump: boolean = true): single; virtual; abstract;
487 | {** Returns the current coordinate in the path }
488 | property CurrentCoordinate: TPointF read GetCurrentCoord;
489 | {** Returns the tangent vector. It is a vector of length one that is parallel to the curve
490 | at the current point. A normal vector is easily deduced as PointF(y,-x) }
491 | property CurrentTangent: TPointF read GetCurrentTangent;
492 | {** Current position in the path, as a distance along the arc from the starting point of the path }
493 | property Position: single read GetArcPos write SetArcPos;
494 | {** Full arc length of the path }
495 | property PathLength: single read GetPathLength;
496 | {** Starting coordinate of the path }
497 | property StartCoordinate: TPointF read GetStartCoordinate;
498 | {** Specifies if the cursor loops when there is a closed shape }
499 | property LoopClosedShapes: boolean read GetLoopClosedShapes write SetLoopClosedShapes;
500 | {** Specifies if the cursor loops at the end of the path. Note that if it needs to jump to go
501 | to the beginning, it will be only possible if the parameter ''ACanJump'' is set to True
502 | when moving along the path }
503 | property LoopPath: boolean read GetLoopPath write SetLoopPath;
504 | end;
505 |
506 | var
507 | BGRAPathFactory: TBGRAPathAny;
508 |
509 | const
510 | {* A value for an empty rectangle }
511 | EmptyRect : TRect = (left:0; top:0; right:0; bottom: 0);
512 | {* Checks if a point is in a rectangle. This follows usual convention: ''r.Right'' and
513 | ''r.Bottom'' are not considered to be included in the rectangle. }
514 | function PtInRect(const pt: TPoint; r: TRect): boolean; overload;
515 | {* Creates a rectangle with the specified ''width'' and ''height'' }
516 | function RectWithSize(left,top,width,height: integer): TRect;
517 |
519 | {$I bezier.inc}
520 |
521 | type
522 | {* Possible options for a round rectangle }
523 | TRoundRectangleOption = (
524 | {** specify that a corner is a square (not rounded) }
525 | rrTopLeftSquare,rrTopRightSquare,rrBottomRightSquare,rrBottomLeftSquare,
526 | {** specify that a corner is a bevel (cut) }
527 | rrTopLeftBevel,rrTopRightBevel,rrBottomRightBevel,rrBottomLeftBevel,
528 | {** default option, does nothing particular }
529 | rrDefault);
530 | {** A set of options for a round rectangle }
531 | TRoundRectangleOptions = set of TRoundRectangleOption;
532 | {* Order of polygons when rendered using ''TBGRAMultiShapeFiller''
533 | (in unit ''BGRAPolygon'') }
534 | TPolygonOrder = (
535 | {** No order, colors are mixed together }
536 | poNone,
537 | {** First polygon is on top }
538 | poFirstOnTop,
539 | {** Last polygon is on top }
540 | poLastOnTop);
541 |
542 | { TIntersectionInfo }
543 | {* Contains an intersection between an horizontal line and any shape. It
544 | is used when filling shapes }
545 | TIntersectionInfo = class
546 | interX: single;
547 | winding: integer;
548 | numSegment: integer;
549 | procedure SetValues(AInterX: Single; AWinding, ANumSegment: integer);
550 | end;
551 | {** An array of intersections between an horizontal line and any shape }
552 | ArrayOfTIntersectionInfo = array of TIntersectionInfo;
553 |
554 | {* Abstract class defining any shape that can be filled }
555 | TBGRACustomFillInfo = class
556 | public
557 | {** Returns true if one segment number can represent a curve and
558 | thus cannot be considered exactly straight }
559 | function SegmentsCurved: boolean; virtual; abstract;
560 |
561 | {** Returns integer bounds for the shape }
562 | function GetBounds: TRect; virtual; abstract;
563 |
564 | {** Check if the point is inside the shape }
565 | function IsPointInside(x,y: single; windingMode: boolean): boolean; virtual; abstract;
566 |
567 | {** Create an array that will contain computed intersections.
568 | To augment that array, use ''CreateIntersectionInfo'' for new items }
569 | function CreateIntersectionArray: ArrayOfTIntersectionInfo; virtual; abstract;
570 | {** Create a structure to define one single intersection }
571 | function CreateIntersectionInfo: TIntersectionInfo; virtual; abstract;
572 | {** Free an array of intersections }
573 | procedure FreeIntersectionArray(var inter: ArrayOfTIntersectionInfo); virtual; abstract;
574 |
575 | {** Fill an array ''inter'' with actual intersections with the shape at the y coordinate ''cury''.
576 | ''nbInter'' receives the number of computed intersections. ''windingMode'' specifies if
577 | the winding method must be used to determine what is inside of the shape }
578 | procedure ComputeAndSort(cury: single; var inter: ArrayOfTIntersectionInfo; out nbInter: integer; windingMode: boolean); virtual; abstract;
579 |
580 | function GetSliceIndex: integer; virtual; abstract;
581 | end;
582 |
583 | type
584 | {* Shape of a gradient }
585 | TGradientType = (
586 | {** The color changes along a certain vector and does not change along its perpendicular direction }
587 | gtLinear,
588 | {** The color changes like in ''gtLinear'' however it is symmetrical to a specified direction }
589 | gtReflected,
590 | {** The color changes along a diamond shape }
591 | gtDiamond,
592 | {** The color changes in a radial way from a given center }
593 | gtRadial,
594 | {** The color changes according to the angle relative to a given center }
595 | gtAngular);
596 | const
597 | {** List of string to represent gradient types }
598 | GradientTypeStr : array[TGradientType] of string
599 | = ('Linear','Reflected','Diamond','Radial','Angular');
600 | {** Returns the gradient type represented by the given string }
601 | function StrToGradientType(str: string): TGradientType;
602 |
603 | type
604 | { TBGRACustomGradient }
605 | {* Defines a gradient of color, not specifying its shape but only the
606 | series of colors }
607 | TBGRACustomGradient = class
608 | public
609 | {** Returns the color at a given ''position''. The reference range is
610 | from 0 to 65535, however values beyond are possible as well }
611 | function GetColorAt(position: integer): TBGRAPixel; virtual; abstract;
612 | function GetExpandedColorAt(position: integer): TExpandedPixel; virtual;
613 | {** Returns the color at a given ''position''. The reference range is
614 | from 0 to 1, however values beyond are possible as well }
615 | function GetColorAtF(position: single): TBGRAPixel; virtual;
616 | function GetExpandedColorAtF(position: single): TExpandedPixel; virtual;
617 | {** Returns the average color of the gradient }
618 | function GetAverageColor: TBGRAPixel; virtual; abstract;
619 | function GetAverageExpandedColor: TExpandedPixel; virtual;
620 | function GetMonochrome: boolean; virtual; abstract;
621 | {** This property is True if the gradient contains only one color,
622 | and thus is not really a gradient }
623 | property Monochrome: boolean read GetMonochrome;
624 | end;
625 |
626 | {$ENDIF}
627 |
628 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
629 |
632 |
634 | { TRectF }
635 |
636 | function TRectF.GetHeight: single;
637 | begin
638 | result := Bottom-Top;
639 | end;
640 |
641 | function TRectF.GetWidth: Single;
642 | begin
643 | result := Right-Left;
644 | end;
645 |
646 | procedure TRectF.Offset(const dx, dy: Single);
647 | begin
648 | left:=left+dx; right:=right+dx;
649 | bottom:=bottom+dy; top:=top+dy;
650 | end;
651 |
652 | { TRectHelper }
653 |
654 | function TRectHelper.GetHeight: integer;
655 | begin
656 | result := Bottom-Top;
657 | end;
658 |
659 | function TRectHelper.GetIsEmpty: boolean;
660 | begin
661 | result := (Width = 0) and (Height = 0)
662 | end;
663 |
664 | function TRectHelper.GetWidth: integer;
665 | begin
666 | result := Right-Left;
667 | end;
668 |
669 | procedure TRectHelper.SetHeight(AValue: integer);
670 | begin
671 | Bottom := Top+AValue;
672 | end;
673 |
674 | procedure TRectHelper.SetWidth(AValue: integer);
675 | begin
676 | Right := Left+AValue;
677 | end;
678 |
679 | constructor TRectHelper.Create(Origin: TPoint; AWidth, AHeight: Longint);
680 | begin
681 | self.Left := Origin.X;
682 | self.Top := Origin.Y;
683 | self.Right := Origin.X+AWidth;
684 | self.Bottom := Origin.Y+AHeight;
685 | end;
686 |
687 | constructor TRectHelper.Create(ALeft, ATop, ARight, ABottom: Longint);
688 | begin
689 | self.Left := ALeft;
690 | self.Top := ATop;
691 | self.Right := ARight;
692 | self.Bottom := ABottom;
693 | end;
694 |
695 | procedure TRectHelper.Intersect(const ARect: TRect);
696 | begin
697 | IntersectRect(self, self, ARect);
698 | end;
699 |
700 | procedure TRectHelper.Offset(DX, DY: Longint);
701 | begin
702 | OffsetRect(self, DX,DY);
703 | end;
704 |
705 | procedure TRectHelper.Inflate(DX, DY: Longint);
706 | begin
707 | InflateRect(self, DX,DY);
708 | end;
709 |
710 | function TRectHelper.Contains(const APoint: TPoint): boolean;
711 | begin
712 | result := (APoint.X >= Left) and (APoint.X <= Right) and
713 | (APoint.Y >= Top) and (APoint.Y <= Bottom);
714 | end;
715 |
716 | function TRectHelper.Contains(const ARect: TRect): boolean;
717 | begin
718 | Result := (Left <= ARect.Left) and (ARect.Right <= Right) and (Top <= ARect.Top) and (ARect.Bottom <= Bottom);
719 | end;
720 |
721 | operator =(const ARect1, ARect2: TRect): boolean;
722 | begin
723 | result:= (ARect1.Left = ARect2.Left) and (ARect1.Top = ARect2.Top) and
724 | (ARect1.Right = ARect2.Right) and (ARect1.Bottom = ARect2.Bottom);
725 | end;
726 |
727 | { TSizeHelper }
728 |
729 | function TSizeHelper.GetHeight: integer;
730 | begin
731 | result := cy;
732 | end;
733 |
734 | function TSizeHelper.GetWidth: integer;
735 | begin
736 | result := cx;
737 | end;
738 |
739 | {$ENDIF}
740 |
741 | function IsEmptyPoint(const APoint: TPoint): boolean;
742 | begin
743 | result := (APoint.x = -2147483648) or (APoint.y = -2147483648);
744 | end;
745 |
746 | function TPointFHelper.Ceiling: TPoint;
747 | begin
748 | if isEmptyPointF(self) then
749 | result := EmptyPoint
750 | else
751 | begin
752 | result.x:=ceil(x);
753 | result.y:=ceil(y);
754 | end;
755 | end;
756 |
757 | function TPointFHelper.Truncate: TPoint;
758 | begin
759 | if isEmptyPointF(self) then
760 | result := EmptyPoint
761 | else
762 | begin
763 | result.x:=trunc(x);
764 | result.y:=trunc(y);
765 | end;
766 | end;
767 |
768 | function TPointFHelper.Floor: TPoint;
769 | begin
770 | if isEmptyPointF(self) then
771 | result := EmptyPoint
772 | else
773 | begin
774 | result.x:=Math.floor(x);
775 | result.y:=Math.floor(y);
776 | end;
777 | end;
778 |
779 | function TPointFHelper.Round: TPoint;
780 | begin
781 | if isEmptyPointF(self) then
782 | result := EmptyPoint
783 | else
784 | begin
785 | result.x:=System.round(x);
786 | result.y:=System.round(y);
787 | end;
788 | end;
789 |
790 | function TPointFHelper.Length: Single;
791 | begin
792 | result:= VectLen(self);
793 | end;
794 |
795 | class function TRectFHelper.Intersect(const R1: TRectF; const R2: TRectF): TRectF;
796 | begin
797 | result.left:=max(R1.left,R2.left);
798 | result.top:=max(R1.top,R2.top);
799 | result.right:=min(R1.right,R2.right);
800 | result.bottom:=min(R1.bottom,R2.bottom);
801 | if (result.left >= result.right) or (result.top >= result.bottom) then
802 | result := EmptyRectF;
803 | end;
804 |
805 | class function TRectFHelper.Union(const R1: TRectF; const R2: TRectF): TRectF;
806 | begin
807 | result.left:=min(R1.left,R2.left);
808 | result.top:=min(R1.top,R2.top);
809 | result.right:=max(R1.right,R2.right);
810 | result.bottom:=max(R1.bottom,R2.bottom);
811 | end;
812 |
813 | class function TRectFHelper.Union(const R1: TRectF; const R2: TRectF; ADiscardEmpty: boolean): TRectF;
814 | begin
815 | if ADiscardEmpty and IsEmptyRectF(R1) then result:= R2 else
816 | if ADiscardEmpty and IsEmptyRectF(R2) then result:= R1 else
817 | result := Union(R1,R2);
818 | end;
819 |
820 | function TRectFHelper.Union(const r: TRectF): TRectF;
821 | begin
822 | result := TRectF.Union(self, r);
823 | end;
824 |
825 | function TRectFHelper.Union(const r: TRectF; ADiscardEmpty: boolean): TRectF;
826 | begin
827 | result := TRectF.Union(self, r, ADiscardEmpty);
828 | end;
829 |
830 | function TRectFHelper.IntersectsWith(const r: TRectF): boolean;
831 | begin
832 | result:= not TRectF.Intersect(self, r).IsEmpty;
833 | end;
834 |
835 | function TRectFHelper.IsEmpty: boolean;
836 | begin
837 | result:= IsEmptyRectF(self);
838 | end;
839 |
840 | { TAffineBox }
841 |
842 | function TAffineBox.GetAsPolygon: ArrayOfTPointF;
843 | begin
844 | result := PointsF([TopLeft,TopRight,BottomRight,BottomLeft]);
845 | end;
846 |
847 | function TAffineBox.GetBottomRight: TPointF;
848 | begin
849 | if IsEmpty then
850 | result := EmptyPointF
851 | else
852 | result := TopRight + (BottomLeft-TopLeft);
853 | end;
854 |
855 | function TAffineBox.GetHeight: single;
856 | begin
857 | if isEmptyPointF(TopLeft) or isEmptyPointF(BottomLeft) then
858 | result := 0
859 | else
860 | result := VectLen(BottomLeft-TopLeft);
861 | end;
862 |
863 | function TAffineBox.GetIsEmpty: boolean;
864 | begin
865 | result := isEmptyPointF(TopRight) or isEmptyPointF(BottomLeft) or isEmptyPointF(TopLeft);
866 | end;
867 |
868 | function TAffineBox.GetRectBounds: TRect;
869 | begin
870 | with GetRectBoundsF do
871 | result := Rect(floor(Left),floor(Top),ceil(Right),ceil(Bottom));
872 | end;
873 |
874 | function TAffineBox.GetRectBoundsF: TRectF;
875 | var
876 | x1,y1,x2,y2: single;
877 | begin
878 | x1 := TopLeft.x; x2 := x1;
879 | y1 := TopLeft.y; y2 := y1;
880 | if TopRight.x > x2 then x2 := TopRight.x;
881 | if TopRight.x < x1 then x1 := TopRight.x;
882 | if TopRight.y > y2 then y2 := TopRight.y;
883 | if TopRight.y < y1 then y1 := TopRight.y;
884 | if BottomLeft.x > x2 then x2 := BottomLeft.x;
885 | if BottomLeft.x < x1 then x1 := BottomLeft.x;
886 | if BottomLeft.y > y2 then y2 := BottomLeft.y;
887 | if BottomLeft.y < y1 then y1 := BottomLeft.y;
888 | if BottomRight.x > x2 then x2 := BottomRight.x;
889 | if BottomRight.x < x1 then x1 := BottomRight.x;
890 | if BottomRight.y > y2 then y2 := BottomRight.y;
891 | if BottomRight.y < y1 then y1 := BottomRight.y;
892 | result := RectF(x1,y1,x2,y2);
893 | end;
894 |
895 | function TAffineBox.GetSurface: single;
896 | var
897 | u, v: TPointF;
898 | lenU, lenH: Single;
899 | begin
900 | u := TopRight-TopLeft;
901 | lenU := VectLen(u);
902 | if lenU = 0 then exit(0);
903 | u *= 1/lenU;
904 | v := BottomLeft-TopLeft;
905 | lenH := PointF(-u.y,u.x)*v;
906 | result := abs(lenU*lenH);
907 | end;
908 |
909 | function TAffineBox.GetWidth: single;
910 | begin
911 | if isEmptyPointF(TopLeft) or isEmptyPointF(TopRight) then
912 | result := 0
913 | else
914 | result := VectLen(TopRight-TopLeft);
915 | end;
916 |
917 | class function TAffineBox.EmptyBox: TAffineBox;
918 | begin
919 | result.TopLeft := EmptyPointF;
920 | result.TopRight := EmptyPointF;
921 | result.BottomLeft := EmptyPointF;
922 | end;
923 |
924 | class function TAffineBox.AffineBox(ATopLeft, ATopRight, ABottomLeft: TPointF): TAffineBox;
925 | begin
926 | result.TopLeft := ATopLeft;
927 | result.TopRight := ATopRight;
928 | result.BottomLeft := ABottomLeft;
929 | end;
930 |
931 | class function TAffineBox.AffineBox(ARectF: TRectF): TAffineBox;
932 | begin
933 | result.TopLeft := ARectF.TopLeft;
934 | result.TopRight := PointF(ARectF.Right, ARectF.Top);
935 | result.BottomLeft := PointF(ARectF.Left, ARectF.Bottom);
936 | end;
937 |
938 | function TAffineBox.Contains(APoint: TPointF): boolean;
939 | var
940 | u,v,perpU,perpV: TPointF;
941 | posV1, posV2, posU1, posU2: single;
942 | begin
943 | if IsEmpty then exit(false);
944 |
945 | u := TopRight-TopLeft;
946 | perpU := PointF(-u.y,u.x);
947 | v := BottomLeft-TopLeft;
948 | perpV := PointF(v.y,-v.x);
949 |
950 | //reverse normal if not in the same direction as other side
951 | if perpU*v < 0 then
952 | begin
953 | perpU := -perpU;
954 | perpV := -perpV;
955 | end;
956 |
957 | //determine position along normals
958 | posU1 := (APoint-TopLeft)*perpU;
959 | posU2 := (APoint-BottomLeft)*perpU;
960 | posV1 := (APoint-TopLeft)*perpV;
961 | posV2 := (APoint-TopRight)*perpV;
962 |
963 | result := (posU1 >= 0) and (posU2 < 0) and (posV1 >= 0) and (posV2 < 0);
964 | end;
965 |
966 | function StrToGradientType(str: string): TGradientType;
967 | var gt: TGradientType;
968 | begin
969 | result := gtLinear;
970 | str := LowerCase(str);
971 | for gt := low(TGradientType) to high(TGradientType) do
972 | if str = LowerCase(GradientTypeStr[gt]) then
973 | begin
974 | result := gt;
975 | exit;
976 | end;
977 | end;
978 |
979 | { TBGRACustomGradient }
980 |
981 | function TBGRACustomGradient.GetExpandedColorAt(position: integer
982 | ): TExpandedPixel;
983 | begin
984 | result := GammaExpansion(GetColorAt(position));
985 | end;
986 |
987 | function TBGRACustomGradient.GetColorAtF(position: single): TBGRAPixel;
988 | begin
989 | position *= 65536;
990 | if position < low(integer) then
991 | result := GetColorAt(low(Integer))
992 | else if position > high(integer) then
993 | result := GetColorAt(high(Integer))
994 | else
995 | result := GetColorAt(round(position));
996 | end;
997 |
998 | function TBGRACustomGradient.GetExpandedColorAtF(position: single): TExpandedPixel;
999 | begin
1000 | position *= 65536;
1001 | if position < low(integer) then
1002 | result := GetExpandedColorAt(low(Integer))
1003 | else if position > high(integer) then
1004 | result := GetExpandedColorAt(high(Integer))
1005 | else
1006 | result := GetExpandedColorAt(round(position));
1007 | end;
1008 |
1009 | function TBGRACustomGradient.GetAverageExpandedColor: TExpandedPixel;
1010 | begin
1011 | result := GammaExpansion(GetAverageColor);
1012 | end;
1013 |
1014 | { TIntersectionInfo }
1015 |
1016 | procedure TIntersectionInfo.SetValues(AInterX: Single; AWinding,
1017 | ANumSegment: integer);
1018 | begin
1019 | interX := AInterX;
1020 | winding := AWinding;
1021 | numSegment := ANumSegment;
1022 | end;
1023 |
1024 | {********************** TRect functions **************************}
1025 |
1026 | function PtInRect(const pt: TPoint; r: TRect): boolean;
1027 | var
1028 | temp: integer;
1029 | begin
1030 | if r.right < r.left then
1031 | begin
1032 | temp := r.left;
1033 | r.left := r.right;
1034 | r.Right := temp;
1035 | end;
1036 | if r.bottom < r.top then
1037 | begin
1038 | temp := r.top;
1039 | r.top := r.bottom;
1040 | r.bottom := temp;
1041 | end;
1042 | Result := (pt.X >= r.left) and (pt.Y >= r.top) and (pt.X < r.right) and
1043 | (pt.y < r.bottom);
1044 | end;
1045 |
1046 | function RectWithSize(left, top, width, height: integer): TRect;
1047 | begin
1048 | result.left := left;
1049 | result.top := top;
1050 | result.right := left+width;
1051 | result.bottom := top+height;
1052 | end;
1053 |
1054 | { Make a pen style. Need an even number of values. See TBGRAPenStyle }
1055 | function BGRAPenStyle(dash1, space1: single; dash2: single; space2: single;
1056 | dash3: single; space3: single; dash4: single; space4: single): TBGRAPenStyle;
1057 | var
1058 | i: Integer;
1059 | begin
1060 | if dash4 <> 0 then
1061 | begin
1062 | setlength(result,8);
1063 | result[6] := dash4;
1064 | result[7] := space4;
1065 | result[4] := dash3;
1066 | result[5] := space3;
1067 | result[2] := dash2;
1068 | result[3] := space2;
1069 | end else
1070 | if dash3 <> 0 then
1071 | begin
1072 | setlength(result,6);
1073 | result[4] := dash3;
1074 | result[5] := space3;
1075 | result[2] := dash2;
1076 | result[3] := space2;
1077 | end else
1078 | if dash2 <> 0 then
1079 | begin
1080 | setlength(result,4);
1081 | result[2] := dash2;
1082 | result[3] := space2;
1083 | end else
1084 | begin
1085 | setlength(result,2);
1086 | end;
1087 | result[0] := dash1;
1088 | result[1] := space1;
1089 | for i := 0 to high(result) do
1090 | if result[i]=0 then
1091 | raise exception.Create('Zero is not a valid value');
1092 | end;
1093 |
1094 | { TBGRACustomPath }
1095 |
1096 | function TBGRACustomPath.QueryInterface({$IFDEF FPC_HAS_CONSTREF}constref{$ELSE}const{$ENDIF} IID: TGUID; out Obj): HResult; {$IF (not defined(WINDOWS)) AND (FPC_FULLVERSION>=20501)}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$IFEND};
1097 | begin
1098 | if GetInterface(iid, obj) then
1099 | Result := S_OK
1100 | else
1101 | Result := longint(E_NOINTERFACE);
1102 | end;
1103 |
1104 | { There is no automatic reference counting, but it is compulsory to define these functions }
1105 | function TBGRACustomPath._AddRef: Integer; {$IF (not defined(WINDOWS)) AND (FPC_FULLVERSION>=20501)}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$IFEND};
1106 | begin
1107 | result := 0;
1108 | end;
1109 |
1110 | function TBGRACustomPath._Release: Integer; {$IF (not defined(WINDOWS)) AND (FPC_FULLVERSION>=20501)}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$IFEND};
1111 | begin
1112 | result := 0;
1113 | end;
1114 |
1115 | function ArcDef(cx, cy, rx, ry, xAngleRadCW, startAngleRadCW, endAngleRadCW: single;
1116 | anticlockwise: boolean): TArcDef;
1117 | begin
1118 | result.center := PointF(cx,cy);
1119 | result.radius := PointF(rx,ry);
1120 | result.xAngleRadCW:= xAngleRadCW;
1121 | result.startAngleRadCW := startAngleRadCW;
1122 | result.endAngleRadCW:= endAngleRadCW;
1123 | result.anticlockwise:= anticlockwise;
1124 | end;
1125 |
1126 | {----------------- Operators for TPoint3D ---------------}
1127 | operator = (const v1, v2: TPoint3D): boolean; inline;
1128 | begin
1129 | result := (v1.x=v2.x) and (v1.y=v2.y) and (v1.z=v2.z);
1130 | end;
1131 |
1132 | operator * (const v1,v2: TPoint3D): single; inline;
1133 | begin
1134 | result := v1.x*v2.x + v1.y*v2.y + v1.z*v2.z;
1135 | end;
1136 |
1137 | operator * (const v1: TPoint3D; const factor: single): TPoint3D; inline;
1138 | begin
1139 | result.x := v1.x*factor;
1140 | result.y := v1.y*factor;
1141 | result.z := v1.z*factor;
1142 | end;
1143 |
1144 | operator - (const v1,v2: TPoint3D): TPoint3D; inline;
1145 | begin
1146 | result.x := v1.x-v2.x;
1147 | result.y := v1.y-v2.y;
1148 | result.z := v1.z-v2.z;
1149 | end;
1150 |
1151 | operator -(const v: TPoint3D): TPoint3D; inline;
1152 | begin
1153 | result.x := -v.x;
1154 | result.y := -v.y;
1155 | result.z := -v.z;
1156 | end;
1157 |
1158 | operator + (const v1,v2: TPoint3D): TPoint3D; inline;
1159 | begin
1160 | result.x := v1.x+v2.x;
1161 | result.y := v1.y+v2.y;
1162 | result.z := v1.z+v2.z;
1163 | end;
1164 |
1165 | operator*(const factor: single; const v1: TPoint3D): TPoint3D;
1166 | begin
1167 | result.x := v1.x*factor;
1168 | result.y := v1.y*factor;
1169 | result.z := v1.z*factor;
1170 | end;
1171 |
1172 | function Point3D(x, y, z: single): TPoint3D;
1173 | begin
1174 | result.x := x;
1175 | result.y := y;
1176 | result.z := z;
1177 | end;
1178 |
1179 | procedure Normalize3D(var v: TPoint3D); inline;
1180 | var len: double;
1181 | begin
1182 | len := v*v;
1183 | if len = 0 then exit;
1184 | len := sqrt(len);
1185 | v.x /= len;
1186 | v.y /= len;
1187 | v.z /= len;
1188 | end;
1189 |
1190 | function VectLen3D(const v: TPoint3D): single;
1191 | begin
1192 | result := sqrt(v.x*v.x + v.y*v.y + v.z*v.z);
1193 | end;
1194 |
1195 | procedure VectProduct3D(u,v: TPoint3D; out w: TPoint3D);
1196 | begin
1197 | w.x := u.y*v.z-u.z*v.y;
1198 | w.y := u.z*v.x-u.x*v.z;
1199 | w.z := u.x*v.Y-u.y*v.x;
1200 | end;
1201 |
1202 | {----------------- Operators for TPointF --------------------}
1203 | operator =(const pt1, pt2: TPointF): boolean;
1204 | begin
1205 | result := (pt1.x = pt2.x) and (pt1.y = pt2.y);
1206 | end;
1207 |
1208 | operator -(const pt1, pt2: TPointF): TPointF;
1209 | begin
1210 | result.x := pt1.x-pt2.x;
1211 | result.y := pt1.y-pt2.y;
1212 | end;
1213 |
1214 | operator -(const pt2: TPointF): TPointF;
1215 | begin
1216 | result.x := -pt2.x;
1217 | result.y := -pt2.y;
1218 | end;
1219 |
1220 | operator +(const pt1, pt2: TPointF): TPointF;
1221 | begin
1222 | result.x := pt1.x+pt2.x;
1223 | result.y := pt1.y+pt2.y;
1224 | end;
1225 |
1226 | operator *(const pt1, pt2: TPointF): single;
1227 | begin
1228 | result := pt1.x*pt2.x + pt1.y*pt2.y;
1229 | end;
1230 |
1231 | operator *(const pt1: TPointF; factor: single): TPointF;
1232 | begin
1233 | result.x := pt1.x*factor;
1234 | result.y := pt1.y*factor;
1235 | end;
1236 |
1237 | operator *(factor: single; const pt1: TPointF): TPointF;
1238 | begin
1239 | result.x := pt1.x*factor;
1240 | result.y := pt1.y*factor;
1241 | end;
1242 |
1243 | function RectF(Left, Top, Right, Bottom: Single): TRectF;
1244 | begin
1245 | result.Left:= Left;
1246 | result.Top:= Top;
1247 | result.Right:= Right;
1248 | result.Bottom:= Bottom;
1249 | end;
1250 |
1251 | function RectF(const ATopLeft, ABottomRight: TPointF): TRectF;
1252 | begin
1253 | result.TopLeft:= ATopLeft;
1254 | result.BottomRight:= ABottomRight;
1255 | end;
1256 |
1257 | function RectWithSizeF(left, top, width, height: Single): TRectF;
1258 | begin
1259 | result.Left:= Left;
1260 | result.Top:= Top;
1261 | result.Right:= left+width;
1262 | result.Bottom:= top+height;
1263 | end;
1264 |
1265 | function IsEmptyRectF(const ARect: TRectF): boolean;
1266 | begin
1267 | result:= (ARect.Width = 0) and (ARect.Height = 0);
1268 | end;
1269 |
1270 | function PointF(x, y: single): TPointF;
1271 | begin
1272 | Result.x := x;
1273 | Result.y := y;
1274 | end;
1275 |
1276 | function PointF(pt: TPoint): TPointF;
1277 | begin
1278 | if IsEmptyPoint(pt) then
1279 | result:= EmptyPointF
1280 | else
1281 | begin
1282 | Result.x := pt.x;
1283 | Result.y := pt.y;
1284 | end;
1285 | end;
1286 |
1287 | function PointsF(const pts: array of TPointF): ArrayOfTPointF;
1288 | var
1289 | i: Integer;
1290 | begin
1291 | setlength(result, length(pts));
1292 | for i := 0 to high(pts) do result[i] := pts[i];
1293 | end;
1294 |
1295 | function ConcatPointsF(const APolylines: array of ArrayOfTPointF
1296 | ): ArrayOfTPointF;
1297 | var
1298 | i,pos,count:integer;
1299 | j: Integer;
1300 | begin
1301 | count := 0;
1302 | for i := 0 to high(APolylines) do
1303 | inc(count,length(APolylines[i]));
1304 | setlength(result,count);
1305 | pos := 0;
1306 | for i := 0 to high(APolylines) do
1307 | for j := 0 to high(APolylines[i]) do
1308 | begin
1309 | result[pos] := APolylines[i][j];
1310 | inc(pos);
1311 | end;
1312 | end;
1313 |
1314 | function VectLen(v: TPointF): single;
1315 | begin
1316 | if isEmptyPointF(v) then
1317 | result := EmptySingle
1318 | else
1319 | result := sqrt(v*v);
1320 | end;
1321 |
1322 | function VectDet(v1, v2: TPointF): double;
1323 | begin
1324 | result := v1.x*v2.y - v1.y*v2.x;
1325 | end;
1326 |
1327 | function VectLen(dx, dy: single): single;
1328 | begin
1329 | result := sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
1330 | end;
1331 |
1332 | function PolylineLen(const pts: array of TPointF; AClosed: boolean): single;
1333 | var
1334 | i: NativeInt;
1335 | begin
1336 | result := 0;
1337 | for i := 0 to high(pts)-1 do
1338 | result += VectLen(pts[i+1]-pts[i]);
1339 | if AClosed then
1340 | result += VectLen(pts[0]-pts[high(pts)]);
1341 | end;
1342 |
1343 | { Check if a PointF structure is empty or should be treated as a list separator }
1344 | function isEmptyPointF(const pt: TPointF): boolean;
1345 | begin
1346 | Result := (pt.x = EmptySingle) and (pt.y = EmptySingle);
1347 | end;
1348 |
1349 | {----------- Line and polygon functions -----------}
1351 | function IntersectLine(line1, line2: TLineDef): TPointF;
1352 | var parallel: boolean;
1353 | begin
1354 | result := IntersectLine(line1,line2,parallel);
1355 | end;
1356 | {$POP}
1357 |
1358 | function IntersectLine(line1, line2: TLineDef; out parallel: boolean): TPointF;
1359 | var divFactor: double;
1360 | begin
1361 | parallel := false;
1362 | //if lines are parallel
1363 | if ((line1.dir.x = line2.dir.x) and (line1.dir.y = line2.dir.y)) or
1364 | ((abs(line1.dir.y) < 1e-6) and (abs(line2.dir.y) < 1e-6)) then
1365 | begin
1366 | parallel := true;
1367 | //return the center of the segment between line origins
1368 | result.x := (line1.origin.x+line2.origin.x)/2;
1369 | result.y := (line1.origin.y+line2.origin.y)/2;
1370 | end else
1371 | if abs(line1.dir.y) < 1e-6 then //line1 is horizontal
1372 | begin
1373 | result.y := line1.origin.y;
1374 | result.x := line2.origin.x + (result.y - line2.origin.y)
1375 | /line2.dir.y*line2.dir.x;
1376 | end else
1377 | if abs(line2.dir.y) < 1e-6 then //line2 is horizontal
1378 | begin
1379 | result.y := line2.origin.y;
1380 | result.x := line1.origin.x + (result.y - line1.origin.y)
1381 | /line1.dir.y*line1.dir.x;
1382 | end else
1383 | begin
1384 | divFactor := line1.dir.x/line1.dir.y - line2.dir.x/line2.dir.y;
1385 | if abs(divFactor) < 1e-6 then //almost parallel
1386 | begin
1387 | parallel := true;
1388 | //return the center of the segment between line origins
1389 | result.x := (line1.origin.x+line2.origin.x)/2;
1390 | result.y := (line1.origin.y+line2.origin.y)/2;
1391 | end else
1392 | begin
1393 | result.y := (line2.origin.x - line1.origin.x +
1394 | line1.origin.y*line1.dir.x/line1.dir.y -
1395 | line2.origin.y*line2.dir.x/line2.dir.y)
1396 | / divFactor;
1397 | result.x := line1.origin.x + (result.y - line1.origin.y)
1398 | /line1.dir.y*line1.dir.x;
1399 | end;
1400 | end;
1401 | end;
1402 |
1403 | { Check if a polygon is convex, i.e. it always turns in the same direction }
1404 | function IsConvex(const pts: array of TPointF; IgnoreAlign: boolean = true): boolean;
1405 | var
1406 | positive,negative,zero: boolean;
1407 | product: single;
1408 | i: Integer;
1409 | begin
1410 | positive := false;
1411 | negative := false;
1412 | zero := false;
1413 | for i := 0 to high(pts) do
1414 | begin
1415 | product := (pts[(i+1) mod length(pts)].x-pts[i].x)*(pts[(i+2) mod length(pts)].y-pts[i].y) -
1416 | (pts[(i+1) mod length(pts)].y-pts[i].y)*(pts[(i+2) mod length(pts)].x-pts[i].x);
1417 | if product > 0 then
1418 | begin
1419 | if negative then
1420 | begin
1421 | result := false;
1422 | exit;
1423 | end;
1424 | positive := true;
1425 | end else
1426 | if product < 0 then
1427 | begin
1428 | if positive then
1429 | begin
1430 | result := false;
1431 | exit;
1432 | end;
1433 | negative := true;
1434 | end else
1435 | zero := true;
1436 | end;
1437 | if not IgnoreAlign and zero then
1438 | result := false
1439 | else
1440 | result := true;
1441 | end;
1442 |
1443 | { Check if two segments intersect }
1444 | function DoesSegmentIntersect(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF): boolean;
1445 | var
1446 | seg1: TLineDef;
1447 | seg1len: single;
1448 | seg2: TLineDef;
1449 | seg2len: single;
1450 | inter: TPointF;
1451 | pos1,pos2: single;
1452 | para: boolean;
1453 |
1454 | begin
1455 | { Determine line definitions }
1456 | seg1.origin := pt1;
1457 | seg1.dir := pt2-pt1;
1458 | seg1len := sqrt(sqr(seg1.dir.X)+sqr(seg1.dir.Y));
1459 | if seg1len = 0 then
1460 | begin
1461 | result := false;
1462 | exit;
1463 | end;
1464 | seg1.dir *= 1/seg1len;
1465 |
1466 | seg2.origin := pt3;
1467 | seg2.dir := pt4-pt3;
1468 | seg2len := sqrt(sqr(seg2.dir.X)+sqr(seg2.dir.Y));
1469 | if seg2len = 0 then
1470 | begin
1471 | result := false;
1472 | exit;
1473 | end;
1474 | seg2.dir *= 1/seg2len;
1475 |
1476 | //obviously parallel
1477 | if seg1.dir = seg2.dir then
1478 | result := false
1479 | else
1480 | begin
1481 | //try to compute intersection
1482 | inter := IntersectLine(seg1,seg2,para);
1483 | if para then
1484 | result := false
1485 | else
1486 | begin
1487 | //check if intersections are inside the segments
1488 | pos1 := (inter-seg1.origin)*seg1.dir;
1489 | pos2 := (inter-seg2.origin)*seg2.dir;
1490 | if (pos1 >= 0) and (pos1 <= seg1len) and
1491 | (pos2 >= 0) and (pos2 <= seg2len) then
1492 | result := true
1493 | else
1494 | result := false;
1495 | end;
1496 | end;
1497 | end;
1498 |
1499 | function IsClockwise(const pts: array of TPointF): boolean;
1500 | var
1501 | i: Integer;
1502 | begin
1503 | for i := 0 to high(pts) do
1504 | begin
1505 | if (pts[(i+1) mod length(pts)].x-pts[i].x)*(pts[(i+2) mod length(pts)].y-pts[i].y) -
1506 | (pts[(i+1) mod length(pts)].y-pts[i].y)*(pts[(i+2) mod length(pts)].x-pts[i].x) < 0 then
1507 | begin
1508 | result := false;
1509 | exit;
1510 | end;
1511 | end;
1512 | result := true;
1513 | end;
1514 |
1515 | { Check if a quaduadrilateral intersects itself }
1516 | function DoesQuadIntersect(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4: TPointF): boolean;
1517 | begin
1518 | result := DoesSegmentIntersect(pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4) or DoesSegmentIntersect(pt2,pt3,pt4,pt1);
1519 | end;
1520 |
1522 | {$I bezier.inc}
1523 |
1524 | {$ENDIF}