source: trunk/Packages/bgrabitmap/

Last change on this file was 2, checked in by chronos, 5 years ago
File size: 31.9 KB
1{=== Color definitions ===}
6 {* This is the value used for transparent pixels. In theory, any
7 color with alpha = 0 is transparent, however it is recommended to
8 use all other channels to zero as well. }
9 BGRAPixelTransparent: TBGRAPixel;
11 {* [#FFFFFF] White opaque }
12 BGRAWhite: TBGRAPixel;
13 {* [#000000] Black opaque }
14 BGRABlack: TBGRAPixel;
17 {* This color [#000001] looks just like black. It is needed for drawing black
18 shapes using the ''Canvas'' property of ''TBGRABitmap''. This is a standard
19 ''TCanvas'' and when drawing with pure black (''clBlack''), there is no way to know if
20 something has been drawn or if it is transparent }
21 clBlackOpaque = TColor($010000);
24 //VGA colors
25 VGABlack,VGAGray,VGASilver,VGAWhite,
26 VGAMaroon,VGARed,VGAPurple,VGAFuchsia,
27 VGAGreen,VGALime,VGAOlive,VGAYellow,
28 VGANavy,VGABlue,VGATeal,VGAAqua: TBGRAPixel;
30 //Red colors
31 CSSIndianRed,CSSLightCoral,CSSSalmon,CSSDarkSalmon,
32 CSSRed,CSSCrimson,CSSFireBrick,CSSDarkRed: TBGRAPixel;
33 //Pink colors
34 CSSPink,CSSLightPink,CSSHotPink,CSSDeepPink,
35 CSSMediumVioletRed,CSSPaleVioletRed: TBGRAPixel;
36 //Orange colors
37 CSSLightSalmon,CSSCoral,CSSTomato,CSSOrangeRed,
38 CSSDarkOrange,CSSOrange: TBGRAPixel;
39 //Yellow colors
40 CSSGold,CSSYellow,CSSLightYellow,CSSLemonChiffon,
41 CSSLightGoldenrodYellow,CSSPapayaWhip,CSSMoccasin,CSSPeachPuff,
42 CSSPaleGoldenrod,CSSKhaki,CSSDarkKhaki: TBGRAPixel;
43 //Purple colors
44 CSSLavender,CSSThistle,CSSPlum,CSSViolet,
45 CSSOrchid,CSSFuchsia,CSSMagenta,CSSMediumOrchid,
46 CSSMediumPurple,CSSBlueViolet,CSSDarkViolet,CSSDarkOrchid,
47 CSSDarkMagenta,CSSPurple,CSSIndigo,CSSDarkSlateBlue,
48 CSSSlateBlue,CSSMediumSlateBlue: TBGRAPixel;
49 //Green colors
50 CSSGreenYellow,CSSChartreuse,CSSLawnGreen,CSSLime,
51 CSSLimeGreen,CSSPaleGreen,CSSLightGreen,CSSMediumSpringGreen,
52 CSSSpringGreen,CSSMediumSeaGreen,CSSSeaGreen,CSSForestGreen,
53 CSSGreen,CSSDarkGreen,CSSYellowGreen,CSSOliveDrab,
54 CSSOlive,CSSDarkOliveGreen,CSSMediumAquamarine,CSSDarkSeaGreen,
55 CSSLightSeaGreen,CSSDarkCyan,CSSTeal: TBGRAPixel;
56 //Blue/Cyan colors
57 CSSAqua,CSSCyan,CSSLightCyan,CSSPaleTurquoise,
58 CSSAquamarine,CSSTurquoise,CSSMediumTurquoise,CSSDarkTurquoise,
59 CSSCadetBlue,CSSSteelBlue,CSSLightSteelBlue,CSSPowderBlue,
60 CSSLightBlue,CSSSkyBlue,CSSLightSkyBlue,CSSDeepSkyBlue,
61 CSSDodgerBlue,CSSCornflowerBlue,CSSRoyalBlue,CSSBlue,
62 CSSMediumBlue,CSSDarkBlue,CSSNavy,CSSMidnightBlue: TBGRAPixel;
63 //Brown colors
64 CSSCornsilk, CSSBlanchedAlmond, CSSBisque, CSSNavajoWhite,
65 CSSWheat, CSSBurlyWood, CSSTan, CSSRosyBrown,
66 CSSSandyBrown, CSSGoldenrod, CSSDarkGoldenrod, CSSPeru,
67 CSSChocolate, CSSSaddleBrown, CSSSienna, CSSBrown,
68 CSSMaroon: TBGRAPixel;
69 //White colors
70 CSSWhite, CSSSnow, CSSHoneydew, CSSMintCream,
71 CSSAzure, CSSAliceBlue, CSSGhostWhite, CSSWhiteSmoke,
72 CSSSeashell, CSSBeige, CSSOldLace, CSSFloralWhite,
73 CSSIvory, CSSAntiqueWhite, CSSLinen, CSSLavenderBlush,
74 CSSMistyRose: TBGRAPixel;
75 //Gray colors
76 CSSGainsboro, CSSLightGray, CSSSilver, CSSDarkGray,
77 CSSGray, CSSDimGray, CSSLightSlateGray, CSSSlateGray,
78 CSSDarkSlateGray, CSSBlack: TBGRAPixel;
81 TBGRAColorDefinition = record
82 Name: string;
83 Color: TBGRAPixel;
84 end;
86 { TBGRAColorList }
87 {* Contains a fixed list of colors }
88 TBGRAColorList = class
89 protected
90 FFinished: boolean;
91 FNbColors: integer;
92 FColors: array of TBGRAColorDefinition;
93 function GetByIndex(Index: integer): TBGRAPixel;
94 function GetByName(Name: string): TBGRAPixel;
95 function GetName(Index: integer): string;
96 procedure Add(Name: string; out Color: TBGRAPixel; red,green,blue: byte); overload;
97 public
98 {** Creates an empty color list }
99 constructor Create;
100 {** Add a color to the list }
101 procedure Add(Name: string; const Color: TBGRAPixel); overload;
102 {** Ends the color list and prevents further modifications }
103 procedure Finished;
104 {** Returns the index of a color with a given name }
105 function IndexOf(Name: string): integer;
106 {** Returns the index of a color. Colors are considered to match if
107 the difference is less than or equal to ''AMaxDiff'' }
108 function IndexOfColor(const AColor: TBGRAPixel; AMaxDiff: Word = 0): integer;
110 {** Gets the color associated with a color name }
111 property ByName[Name: string]: TBGRAPixel read GetByName;
112 {** Gets the color at the specified index }
113 property ByIndex[Index: integer]: TBGRAPixel read GetByIndex; default;
114 {** Gets the name of the color at the specified index }
115 property Name[Index: integer]: string read GetName;
116 {** Gets the number of colors }
117 property Count: integer read FNbColors;
118 end;
121 {* List of VGA colors:
122 * [#000000] Black, [#808080] Gray, [#C0C0C0] Silver, [#FFFFFF] White,
123 * [#800000] Maroon, [#FF0000] Red, [#800080] Purple, [#FF00FF] Fuchsia,
124 * [#008000] Green, [#00FF00] Lime, [#808000] Olive, [#FFFF00] Yellow,
125 * [#000080] Navy, [#0000FF] Blue, [#008080] Teal, [#00FFFF] Aqua.
126 * Shortcut constants are provided: [#000000] ''VGABlack'', [#808080] ''VGAGray''... }
127 VGAColors: TBGRAColorList;
128 {* List of [ web colors].
129 Shortcut constants are provided: [#000000] ''CSSBlack'', [#FF0000] ''CSSRed''... }
130 CSSColors: TBGRAColorList;
132{------------------- string conversion ------------------------}
134{* Converts a ''TBGRAPixel'' value into a string, using color names provided in ''AColorList'', and
135 considering that a color matches in the color list if its difference is within ''AMaxDiff'' }
136function BGRAToStr(c: TBGRAPixel; AColorList: TBGRAColorList = nil; AMaxDiff: Word= 0): string;
137{* Converts a fully defined string into a ''TBGRAPixel'' value. Color names from ''VGAColors'' and ''CSSColors''
138 are used if there is an exact match }
139function StrToBGRA(str: string): TBGRAPixel; overload;
140{* Converts a string into a ''TBGRAPixel'' value. If the value is not fully defined or that
141 there is an error, ''DefaultColor'' is returned.
142 Color names from ''VGAColors'' and ''CSSColors'' are used if there is an exact match. }
143function StrToBGRA(str: string; const DefaultColor: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel; overload;
144{* Converts a string into a ''TBGRAPixel'' value. If the value is not fully defined, missing channels (expressed with '?')
145 are filled with fallbackValues. You can check if there was an error with the provided boolean.
146 Color names from ''VGAColors'' and ''CSSColors'' are used if there is an exact match. }
147function PartialStrToBGRA(str: string; const fallbackValues: TBGRAPixel; out error: boolean): TBGRAPixel;
148{* Converts a string into a ''TBGRAPixel'' value into ''parsedValue''. ''parsedValue'' is not changed if
149 some channels are missing (expressed with '?'). You can check if there was an error with the provided boolean.
150 Color names from ''VGAColors'' and ''CSSColors'' are used if there is an exact match. }
151procedure TryStrToBGRA(str: string; var parsedValue: TBGRAPixel; out missingValues: boolean; out error: boolean);
156{ TBGRAColorList }
158function TBGRAColorList.GetByIndex(Index: integer): TBGRAPixel;
160 if (Index < 0) or (Index >= FNbColors) then
161 result := BGRAPixelTransparent
162 else
163 result := FColors[Index].Color;
166function TBGRAColorList.GetByName(Name: string): TBGRAPixel;
167var i: integer;
169 i := IndexOf(Name);
170 if i = -1 then
171 result := BGRAPixelTransparent
172 else
173 result := FColors[i].Color;
176function TBGRAColorList.GetName(Index: integer): string;
178 if (Index < 0) or (Index >= FNbColors) then
179 result := ''
180 else
181 result := FColors[Index].Name;
184procedure TBGRAColorList.Add(Name: string; out Color: TBGRAPixel; red, green,
185 blue: byte);
187 Color := BGRA(red,green,blue);
188 Add(Name,Color);
191constructor TBGRAColorList.Create;
193 FNbColors:= 0;
194 FColors := nil;
195 FFinished:= false;
198procedure TBGRAColorList.Add(Name: string; const Color: TBGRAPixel);
200 if FFinished then
201 raise Exception.Create('This list is already finished');
202 if length(FColors) = FNbColors then
203 SetLength(FColors, FNbColors*2+1);
204 FColors[FNbColors].Name := Name;
205 FColors[FNbColors].Color := Color;
206 inc(FNbColors);
209procedure TBGRAColorList.Finished;
211 if FFinished then exit;
212 FFinished := true;
213 SetLength(FColors, FNbColors);
216function TBGRAColorList.IndexOf(Name: string): integer;
217var i: integer;
219 for i := 0 to FNbColors-1 do
220 if CompareText(Name, FColors[i].Name) = 0 then
221 begin
222 result := i;
223 exit;
224 end;
225 result := -1;
228function TBGRAColorList.IndexOfColor(const AColor: TBGRAPixel; AMaxDiff: Word = 0): integer;
229var i: integer;
230 MinDiff,CurDiff: Word;
232 if AMaxDiff = 0 then
233 begin
234 for i := 0 to FNbColors-1 do
235 if AColor = FColors[i].Color then
236 begin
237 result := i;
238 exit;
239 end;
240 result := -1;
241 end else
242 begin
243 MinDiff := AMaxDiff;
244 result := -1;
245 for i := 0 to FNbColors-1 do
246 begin
247 CurDiff := BGRAWordDiff(AColor,FColors[i].Color);
248 if CurDiff <= MinDiff then
249 begin
250 result := i;
251 MinDiff := CurDiff;
252 if MinDiff = 0 then exit;
253 end;
254 end;
255 end;
258{------------------- string conversion ---------------------------------}
260{ Write a color in hexadecimal format RRGGBBAA or using the name in a color list }
261function BGRAToStr(c: TBGRAPixel; AColorList: TBGRAColorList = nil; AMaxDiff: Word= 0): string;
262var idx: integer;
264 if Assigned(AColorList) then
265 begin
266 idx := AColorList.IndexOfColor(c, AMaxDiff);
267 if idx<> -1 then
268 begin
269 result := AColorList.Name[idx];
270 exit;
271 end;
272 end;
273 result := IntToHex(,2)+IntToHex(,2)+IntToHex(c.Blue,2)+IntToHex(c.Alpha,2);
277 arrayOfString = array of string;
279function SimpleParseFuncParam(str: string; var flagError: boolean): arrayOfString;
280var idxOpen,start,cur: integer;
282 result := nil;
283 idxOpen := pos('(',str);
284 if idxOpen = 0 then
285 begin
286 start := 1;
287 //find first space
288 while (start <= length(str)) and (str[start]<>' ') do inc(start);
289 end else
290 start := idxOpen+1;
291 cur := start;
292 while cur <= length(str) do
293 begin
294 if str[cur] in[',',')'] then
295 begin
296 setlength(result,length(result)+1);
297 result[high(result)] := trim(copy(str,start,cur-start));
298 start := cur+1;
299 if str[cur] = ')' then exit;
300 end;
301 inc(cur);
302 end;
303 if idxOpen <> 0 then flagError := true; //should exit on ')'
304 if start <= length(str) then
305 begin
306 setlength(result,length(result)+1);
307 result[high(result)] := copy(str,start,length(str)-start+1);
308 end;
311function ParseColorValue(str: string; var flagError: boolean): byte;
312var pourcent,unclipped,{%H-}errPos: integer;
313 pourcentF: single;
314 pourcentStr: string;
316 if str = '' then result := 0 else
317 begin
318 if str[length(str)]='%' then
319 begin
320 pourcentStr := copy(str,1,length(str)-1);
321 val(pourcentStr,pourcent,errPos);
322 if errPos <> 0 then
323 begin
324 val(pourcentStr,pourcentF,errPos);
325 if errPos <> 0 then
326 begin
327 flagError := true;
328 result := 0;
329 end
330 else
331 begin
332 if pourcentF < 0 then result := 0 else
333 if pourcentF > 100 then result := 255 else
334 result := round(pourcentF*255 / 100);
335 end;
336 end else
337 begin
338 if pourcent < 0 then result := 0 else
339 if pourcent > 100 then result := 255 else
340 result := pourcent*255 div 100;
341 end;
342 end else
343 begin
344 val(str,unclipped,errPos);
345 if errPos <> 0 then flagError := true;
346 if unclipped < 0 then result := 0 else
347 if unclipped > 255 then result := 255 else
348 result := unclipped;
349 end;
350 end;
353//this function returns the parsed value only if it contains no error nor missing values, otherwise
354//it returns BGRAPixelTransparent
355function StrToBGRA(str: string): TBGRAPixel;
356var missingValues, error: boolean;
358 result := BGRABlack;
359 TryStrToBGRA(str, result, missingValues, error);
360 if missingValues or error then result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
363//this function changes the content of parsedValue depending on available and parsable information.
364//set parsedValue to the fallback values before calling this function.
365//missing values are expressed by empty string or by '?', for example 'rgb(255,?,?,?)' will change only the red value.
366//note that if alpha is not expressed by the string format, it will be opaque. So 'rgb(255,?,?)' will change the red value and the alpha value.
367//the last parameter of rgba() is a floating point number where 1 is opaque and 0 is transparent.
368procedure TryStrToBGRA(str: string; var parsedValue: TBGRAPixel; out missingValues: boolean; out error: boolean);
369var errPos: integer;
370 values: array of string;
371 alphaF: single;
372 idx: integer;
374 str := Trim(str);
375 error := false;
376 if (str = '') or (str = '?') then
377 begin
378 missingValues := true;
379 exit;
380 end else
381 missingValues := false;
382 str := StringReplace(lowerCase(str),'grey','gray',[]);
384 //VGA color names
385 idx := VGAColors.IndexOf(str);
386 if idx <> -1 then
387 begin
388 parsedValue := VGAColors[idx];
389 exit;
390 end;
391 if str='transparent' then parsedValue := BGRAPixelTransparent else
392 begin
393 //check CSS color
394 idx := CSSColors.IndexOf(str);
395 if idx <> -1 then
396 begin
397 parsedValue := CSSColors[idx];
398 exit;
399 end;
401 //CSS RGB notation
402 if (copy(str,1,4)='rgb(') or (copy(str,1,5)='rgba(') or
403 (copy(str,1,4)='rgb ') or (copy(str,1,5)='rgba ') then
404 begin
405 values := SimpleParseFuncParam(str,error);
406 if (length(values)=3) or (length(values)=4) then
407 begin
408 if (values[0] <> '') and (values[0] <> '?') then
409 := ParseColorValue(values[0], error)
410 else
411 missingValues := true;
412 if (values[1] <> '') and (values[1] <> '?') then
413 := ParseColorValue(values[1], error)
414 else
415 missingValues := true;
416 if (values[2] <> '') and (values[2] <> '?') then
417 := ParseColorValue(values[2], error)
418 else
419 missingValues := true;
420 if length(values)=4 then
421 begin
422 if (values[3] <> '') and (values[3] <> '?') then
423 begin
424 val(values[3],alphaF,errPos);
425 if errPos <> 0 then
426 begin
427 parsedValue.alpha := 255;
428 error := true;
429 end
430 else
431 begin
432 if alphaF < 0 then
433 parsedValue.alpha := 0 else
434 if alphaF > 1 then
435 parsedValue.alpha := 255
436 else
437 parsedValue.alpha := round(alphaF*255);
438 end;
439 end else
440 missingValues := true;
441 end else
442 parsedValue.alpha := 255;
443 end else
444 error := true;
445 exit;
446 end;
448 //remove HTML notation header
449 if str[1]='#' then delete(str,1,1);
451 //add alpha if missing (if you want an undefined alpha use '??' or '?')
452 if length(str)=6 then str += 'FF';
453 if length(str)=3 then str += 'F';
455 //hex notation
456 if length(str)=8 then
457 begin
458 if copy(str,1,2) <> '??' then
459 begin
460 val('$'+copy(str,1,2),,errPos);
461 if errPos <> 0 then error := true;
462 end else missingValues := true;
463 if copy(str,3,2) <> '??' then
464 begin
465 val('$'+copy(str,3,2),,errPos);
466 if errPos <> 0 then error := true;
467 end else missingValues := true;
468 if copy(str,5,2) <> '??' then
469 begin
470 val('$'+copy(str,5,2),,errPos);
471 if errPos <> 0 then error := true;
472 end else missingValues := true;
473 if copy(str,7,2) <> '??' then
474 begin
475 val('$'+copy(str,7,2),parsedValue.alpha,errPos);
476 if errPos <> 0 then
477 begin
478 error := true;
479 parsedValue.alpha := 255;
480 end;
481 end else missingValues := true;
482 end else
483 if length(str)=4 then
484 begin
485 if str[1] <> '?' then
486 begin
487 val('$'+str[1],,errPos);
488 if errPos <> 0 then error := true;
489 *= $11;
490 end else missingValues := true;
491 if str[2] <> '?' then
492 begin
493 val('$'+str[2],,errPos);
494 if errPos <> 0 then error := true;
495 *= $11;
496 end else missingValues := true;
497 if str[3] <> '?' then
498 begin
499 val('$'+str[3],,errPos);
500 if errPos <> 0 then error := true;
501 *= $11;
502 end else missingValues := true;
503 if str[4] <> '?' then
504 begin
505 val('$'+str[4],parsedValue.alpha,errPos);
506 if errPos <> 0 then
507 begin
508 error := true;
509 parsedValue.alpha := 255;
510 end else
511 parsedValue.alpha *= $11;
512 end else missingValues := true;
513 end else
514 error := true; //string format not recognised
515 end;
519//this function returns the values that can be read from the string, otherwise
520//it fills the gaps with the fallback values. The error boolean is True only
521//if there was invalid values, it is not set to True if there was missing values.
522function PartialStrToBGRA(str: string; const fallbackValues: TBGRAPixel; out
523 error: boolean): TBGRAPixel;
524var missingValues: boolean;
526 result := fallbackValues;
527 TryStrToBGRA(str, result, missingValues, error);
530{ Read a color, for example in hexadecimal format RRGGBB(AA) or RGB(A). Partial colors are not accepted by this function. }
531function StrToBGRA(str: string; const DefaultColor: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
532var missingValues, error: boolean;
534 result := BGRABlack;
535 TryStrToBGRA(str, result, missingValues, error);
536 if missingValues or error then result := DefaultColor;
539function BlueGreenRedToBGRA(blue,green,red: byte): TBGRAPixel;
541 result := BGRA(red,green,blue);
548 BGRAPixelTransparent := BGRA(0,0,0,0);
549 BGRAWhite := BGRA(255,255,255);
550 BGRABlack := BGRA(0,0,0);
552 VGAColors := TBGRAColorList.Create;
553 VGAColors.Add('Black',VGABlack,0,0,0);
554 VGAColors.Add('Gray',VGAGray,128,128,128);
555 VGAColors.Add('Silver',VGASilver,192,192,192);
556 VGAColors.Add('White',VGAWhite,255,255,255);
557 VGAColors.Add('Maroon',VGAMaroon,128,0,0);
558 VGAColors.Add('Red',VGARed,255,0,0);
559 VGAColors.Add('Purple',VGAPurple,128,0,128);
560 VGAColors.Add('Fuchsia',VGAFuchsia,255,0,255);
561 VGAColors.Add('Green',VGAGreen,0,128,0);
562 VGAColors.Add('Lime',VGALime,0,255,0);
563 VGAColors.Add('Olive',VGAOlive,128,128,0);
564 VGAColors.Add('Yellow',VGAYellow,255,255,0);
565 VGAColors.Add('Navy',VGANavy,0,0,128);
566 VGAColors.Add('Blue',VGABlue,0,0,255);
567 VGAColors.Add('Teal',VGATeal,0,128,128);
568 VGAColors.Add('Aqua',VGAAqua,0,255,255);
569 VGAColors.Finished;
571 //Red colors
572 CSSIndianRed:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(92, 92, 205);
573 CSSLightCoral:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(128, 128, 240);
574 CSSSalmon:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(114, 128, 250);
575 CSSDarkSalmon:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(122, 150, 233);
576 CSSRed:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(0, 0, 255);
577 CSSCrimson:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(60, 20, 220);
578 CSSFireBrick:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(34, 34, 178);
579 CSSDarkRed:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(0, 0, 139);
581 //Pink colors
582 CSSPink:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(203, 192, 255);
583 CSSLightPink:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(193, 182, 255);
584 CSSHotPink:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(180, 105, 255);
585 CSSDeepPink:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(147, 20, 255);
586 CSSMediumVioletRed:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(133, 21, 199);
587 CSSPaleVioletRed:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(147, 112, 219);
589 //Orange colors
590 CSSLightSalmon:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(122, 160, 255);
591 CSSCoral:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(80, 127, 255);
592 CSSTomato:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(71, 99, 255);
593 CSSOrangeRed:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(0, 69, 255);
594 CSSDarkOrange:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(0, 140, 255);
595 CSSOrange:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(0, 165, 255);
597 //Yellow colors
598 CSSGold:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(0, 215, 255);
599 CSSYellow:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(0, 255, 255);
600 CSSLightYellow:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(224, 255, 255);
601 CSSLemonChiffon:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(205, 250, 255);
602 CSSLightGoldenrodYellow:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(210, 250, 250);
603 CSSPapayaWhip:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(213, 239, 255);
604 CSSMoccasin:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(181, 228, 255);
605 CSSPeachPuff:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(185, 218, 255);
606 CSSPaleGoldenrod:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(170, 232, 238);
607 CSSKhaki:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(140, 230, 240);
608 CSSDarkKhaki:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(107, 183, 189);
610 //Purple colors
611 CSSLavender:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(250, 230, 230);
612 CSSThistle:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(216, 191, 216);
613 CSSPlum:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(221, 160, 221);
614 CSSViolet:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(238, 130, 238);
615 CSSOrchid:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(214, 112, 218);
616 CSSFuchsia:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(255, 0, 255);
617 CSSMagenta:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(255, 0, 255);
618 CSSMediumOrchid:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(211, 85, 186);
619 CSSMediumPurple:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(219, 112, 147);
620 CSSBlueViolet:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(226, 43, 138);
621 CSSDarkViolet:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(211, 0, 148);
622 CSSDarkOrchid:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(204, 50, 153);
623 CSSDarkMagenta:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(139, 0, 139);
624 CSSPurple:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(128, 0, 128);
625 CSSIndigo:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(130, 0, 75);
626 CSSDarkSlateBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(139, 61, 72);
627 CSSSlateBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(205, 90, 106);
628 CSSMediumSlateBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(238, 104, 123);
630 //Green colors
631 CSSGreenYellow:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(47, 255, 173);
632 CSSChartreuse:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(0, 255, 127);
633 CSSLawnGreen:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(0, 252, 124);
634 CSSLime:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(0, 255, 0);
635 CSSLimeGreen:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(50, 205, 50);
636 CSSPaleGreen:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(152, 251, 152);
637 CSSLightGreen:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(144, 238, 144);
638 CSSMediumSpringGreen:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(154, 250, 0);
639 CSSSpringGreen:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(127, 255, 0);
640 CSSMediumSeaGreen:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(113, 179, 60);
641 CSSSeaGreen:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(87, 139, 46);
642 CSSForestGreen:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(34, 139, 34);
643 CSSGreen:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(0, 128, 0);
644 CSSDarkGreen:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(0, 100, 0);
645 CSSYellowGreen:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(50, 205, 154);
646 CSSOliveDrab:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(35, 142, 107);
647 CSSOlive:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(0, 128, 128);
648 CSSDarkOliveGreen:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(47, 107, 85);
649 CSSMediumAquamarine:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(170, 205, 102);
650 CSSDarkSeaGreen:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(143, 188, 143);
651 CSSLightSeaGreen:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(170, 178, 32);
652 CSSDarkCyan:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(139, 139, 0);
653 CSSTeal:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(128, 128, 0);
655 //Blue/Cyan colors
656 CSSAqua:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(255, 255, 0);
657 CSSCyan:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(255, 255, 0);
658 CSSLightCyan:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(255, 255, 224);
659 CSSPaleTurquoise:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(238, 238, 175);
660 CSSAquamarine:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(212, 255, 127);
661 CSSTurquoise:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(208, 224, 64);
662 CSSMediumTurquoise:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(204, 209, 72);
663 CSSDarkTurquoise:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(209, 206, 0);
664 CSSCadetBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(160, 158, 95);
665 CSSSteelBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(180, 130, 70);
666 CSSLightSteelBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(222, 196, 176);
667 CSSPowderBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(230, 224, 176);
668 CSSLightBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(230, 216, 173);
669 CSSSkyBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(235, 206, 135);
670 CSSLightSkyBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(250, 206, 135);
671 CSSDeepSkyBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(255, 191, 0);
672 CSSDodgerBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(255, 144, 30);
673 CSSCornflowerBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(237, 149, 100);
674 CSSRoyalBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(255, 105, 65);
675 CSSBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(255, 0, 0);
676 CSSMediumBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(205, 0, 0);
677 CSSDarkBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(139, 0, 0);
678 CSSNavy:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(128, 0, 0);
679 CSSMidnightBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(112, 25, 25);
681 //Brown colors
682 CSSCornsilk:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(220, 248, 255);
683 CSSBlanchedAlmond:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(205, 235, 255);
684 CSSBisque:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(196, 228, 255);
685 CSSNavajoWhite:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(173, 222, 255);
686 CSSWheat:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(179, 222, 245);
687 CSSBurlyWood:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(135, 184, 222);
688 CSSTan:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(140, 180, 210);
689 CSSRosyBrown:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(143, 143, 188);
690 CSSSandyBrown:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(96, 164, 244);
691 CSSGoldenrod:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(32, 165, 218);
692 CSSDarkGoldenrod:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(11, 134, 184);
693 CSSPeru:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(63, 133, 205);
694 CSSChocolate:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(30, 105, 210);
695 CSSSaddleBrown:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(19, 69, 139);
696 CSSSienna:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(45, 82, 160);
697 CSSBrown:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(42, 42, 165);
698 CSSMaroon:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(0, 0, 128);
700 //White colors
701 CSSWhite:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(255, 255, 255);
702 CSSSnow:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(250, 250, 255);
703 CSSHoneydew:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(240, 255, 250);
704 CSSMintCream:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(250, 255, 245);
705 CSSAzure:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(255, 255, 240);
706 CSSAliceBlue:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(255, 248, 240);
707 CSSGhostWhite:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(255, 248, 248);
708 CSSWhiteSmoke:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(245, 245, 245);
709 CSSSeashell:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(255, 245, 238);
710 CSSBeige:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(220, 245, 245);
711 CSSOldLace:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(230, 245, 253);
712 CSSFloralWhite:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(240, 250, 255);
713 CSSIvory:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(240, 255, 255);
714 CSSAntiqueWhite:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(215, 235, 250);
715 CSSLinen:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(230, 240, 250);
716 CSSLavenderBlush:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(245, 240, 255);
717 CSSMistyRose:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(255, 228, 255);
719 //Gray colors
720 CSSGainsboro:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(220, 220, 220);
721 CSSLightGray:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(211, 211, 211);
722 CSSSilver:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(192, 192, 192);
723 CSSDarkGray:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(169, 169, 169);
724 CSSGray:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(128, 128, 128);
725 CSSDimGray:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(105, 105, 105);
726 CSSLightSlateGray:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(153, 136, 119);
727 CSSSlateGray:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(144, 128, 112);
728 CSSDarkSlateGray:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(79, 79, 47);
729 CSSBlack:= BlueGreenRedToBGRA(0, 0, 0);
731 CSSColors := TBGRAColorList.Create;
732 CSSColors.Add('AliceBlue',CSSAliceBlue);
733 CSSColors.Add('AntiqueWhite',CSSAntiqueWhite);
734 CSSColors.Add('Aqua',CSSAqua);
735 CSSColors.Add('Aquamarine',CSSAquamarine);
736 CSSColors.Add('Azure',CSSAzure);
737 CSSColors.Add('Beige',CSSBeige);
738 CSSColors.Add('Bisque',CSSBisque);
739 CSSColors.Add('Black',CSSBlack);
740 CSSColors.Add('BlanchedAlmond',CSSBlanchedAlmond);
741 CSSColors.Add('Blue',CSSBlue);
742 CSSColors.Add('BlueViolet',CSSBlueViolet);
743 CSSColors.Add('Brown',CSSBrown);
744 CSSColors.Add('BurlyWood',CSSBurlyWood);
745 CSSColors.Add('CadetBlue',CSSCadetBlue);
746 CSSColors.Add('Chartreuse',CSSChartreuse);
747 CSSColors.Add('Chocolate',CSSChocolate);
748 CSSColors.Add('Coral',CSSCoral);
749 CSSColors.Add('CornflowerBlue',CSSCornflowerBlue);
750 CSSColors.Add('Cornsilk',CSSCornsilk);
751 CSSColors.Add('Crimson',CSSCrimson);
752 CSSColors.Add('Cyan',CSSCyan);
753 CSSColors.Add('DarkBlue',CSSDarkBlue);
754 CSSColors.Add('DarkCyan',CSSDarkCyan);
755 CSSColors.Add('DarkGoldenrod',CSSDarkGoldenrod);
756 CSSColors.Add('DarkGray',CSSDarkGray);
757 CSSColors.Add('DarkGreen',CSSDarkGreen);
758 CSSColors.Add('DarkKhaki',CSSDarkKhaki);
759 CSSColors.Add('DarkMagenta',CSSDarkMagenta);
760 CSSColors.Add('DarkOliveGreen',CSSDarkOliveGreen);
761 CSSColors.Add('DarkOrange',CSSDarkOrange);
762 CSSColors.Add('DarkOrchid',CSSDarkOrchid);
763 CSSColors.Add('DarkRed',CSSDarkRed);
764 CSSColors.Add('DarkSalmon',CSSDarkSalmon);
765 CSSColors.Add('DarkSeaGreen',CSSDarkSeaGreen);
766 CSSColors.Add('DarkSlateBlue',CSSDarkSlateBlue);
767 CSSColors.Add('DarkSlateGray',CSSDarkSlateGray);
768 CSSColors.Add('DarkTurquoise',CSSDarkTurquoise);
769 CSSColors.Add('DarkViolet',CSSDarkViolet);
770 CSSColors.Add('DeepPink',CSSDeepPink);
771 CSSColors.Add('DeepSkyBlue',CSSDeepSkyBlue);
772 CSSColors.Add('DimGray',CSSDimGray);
773 CSSColors.Add('DodgerBlue',CSSDodgerBlue);
774 CSSColors.Add('FireBrick',CSSFireBrick);
775 CSSColors.Add('FloralWhite',CSSFloralWhite);
776 CSSColors.Add('ForestGreen',CSSForestGreen);
777 CSSColors.Add('Fuchsia',CSSFuchsia);
778 CSSColors.Add('Gainsboro',CSSGainsboro);
779 CSSColors.Add('GhostWhite',CSSGhostWhite);
780 CSSColors.Add('Gold',CSSGold);
781 CSSColors.Add('Goldenrod',CSSGoldenrod);
782 CSSColors.Add('Gray',CSSGray);
783 CSSColors.Add('Green',CSSGreen);
784 CSSColors.Add('GreenYellow',CSSGreenYellow);
785 CSSColors.Add('Honeydew',CSSHoneydew);
786 CSSColors.Add('HotPink',CSSHotPink);
787 CSSColors.Add('IndianRed',CSSIndianRed);
788 CSSColors.Add('Indigo',CSSIndigo);
789 CSSColors.Add('Ivory',CSSIvory);
790 CSSColors.Add('Khaki',CSSKhaki);
791 CSSColors.Add('Lavender',CSSLavender);
792 CSSColors.Add('LavenderBlush',CSSLavenderBlush);
793 CSSColors.Add('LawnGreen',CSSLawnGreen);
794 CSSColors.Add('LemonChiffon',CSSLemonChiffon);
795 CSSColors.Add('LightBlue',CSSLightBlue);
796 CSSColors.Add('LightCoral',CSSLightCoral);
797 CSSColors.Add('LightCyan',CSSLightCyan);
798 CSSColors.Add('LightGoldenrodYellow',CSSLightGoldenrodYellow);
799 CSSColors.Add('LightGray',CSSLightGray);
800 CSSColors.Add('LightGreen',CSSLightGreen);
801 CSSColors.Add('LightPink',CSSLightPink);
802 CSSColors.Add('LightSalmon',CSSLightSalmon);
803 CSSColors.Add('LightSeaGreen',CSSLightSeaGreen);
804 CSSColors.Add('LightSkyBlue',CSSLightSkyBlue);
805 CSSColors.Add('LightSlateGray',CSSLightSlateGray);
806 CSSColors.Add('LightSteelBlue',CSSLightSteelBlue);
807 CSSColors.Add('LightYellow',CSSLightYellow);
808 CSSColors.Add('Lime',CSSLime);
809 CSSColors.Add('LimeGreen',CSSLimeGreen);
810 CSSColors.Add('Linen',CSSLinen);
811 CSSColors.Add('Magenta',CSSMagenta);
812 CSSColors.Add('Maroon',CSSMaroon);
813 CSSColors.Add('MediumAquamarine',CSSMediumAquamarine);
814 CSSColors.Add('MediumBlue',CSSMediumBlue);
815 CSSColors.Add('MediumOrchid',CSSMediumOrchid);
816 CSSColors.Add('MediumPurple',CSSMediumPurple);
817 CSSColors.Add('MediumSeaGreen',CSSMediumSeaGreen);
818 CSSColors.Add('MediumSlateBlue',CSSMediumSlateBlue);
819 CSSColors.Add('MediumSpringGreen',CSSMediumSpringGreen);
820 CSSColors.Add('MediumTurquoise',CSSMediumTurquoise);
821 CSSColors.Add('MediumVioletRed',CSSMediumVioletRed);
822 CSSColors.Add('MidnightBlue',CSSMidnightBlue);
823 CSSColors.Add('MintCream',CSSMintCream);
824 CSSColors.Add('MistyRose',CSSMistyRose);
825 CSSColors.Add('Moccasin',CSSMoccasin);
826 CSSColors.Add('NavajoWhite',CSSNavajoWhite);
827 CSSColors.Add('Navy',CSSNavy);
828 CSSColors.Add('OldLace',CSSOldLace);
829 CSSColors.Add('Olive',CSSOlive);
830 CSSColors.Add('OliveDrab',CSSOliveDrab);
831 CSSColors.Add('Orange',CSSOrange);
832 CSSColors.Add('OrangeRed',CSSOrangeRed);
833 CSSColors.Add('Orchid',CSSOrchid);
834 CSSColors.Add('PaleGoldenrod',CSSPaleGoldenrod);
835 CSSColors.Add('PaleGreen',CSSPaleGreen);
836 CSSColors.Add('PaleTurquoise',CSSPaleTurquoise);
837 CSSColors.Add('PaleVioletRed',CSSPaleVioletRed);
838 CSSColors.Add('PapayaWhip',CSSPapayaWhip);
839 CSSColors.Add('PeachPuff',CSSPeachPuff);
840 CSSColors.Add('Peru',CSSPeru);
841 CSSColors.Add('Pink',CSSPink);
842 CSSColors.Add('Plum',CSSPlum);
843 CSSColors.Add('PowderBlue',CSSPowderBlue);
844 CSSColors.Add('Purple',CSSPurple);
845 CSSColors.Add('Red',CSSRed);
846 CSSColors.Add('RosyBrown',CSSRosyBrown);
847 CSSColors.Add('RoyalBlue',CSSRoyalBlue);
848 CSSColors.Add('SaddleBrown',CSSSaddleBrown);
849 CSSColors.Add('Salmon',CSSSalmon);
850 CSSColors.Add('SandyBrown',CSSSandyBrown);
851 CSSColors.Add('SeaGreen',CSSSeaGreen);
852 CSSColors.Add('Seashell',CSSSeashell);
853 CSSColors.Add('Sienna',CSSSienna);
854 CSSColors.Add('Silver',CSSSilver);
855 CSSColors.Add('SkyBlue',CSSSkyBlue);
856 CSSColors.Add('SlateBlue',CSSSlateBlue);
857 CSSColors.Add('SlateGray',CSSSlateGray);
858 CSSColors.Add('Snow',CSSSnow);
859 CSSColors.Add('SpringGreen',CSSSpringGreen);
860 CSSColors.Add('SteelBlue',CSSSteelBlue);
861 CSSColors.Add('Tan',CSSTan);
862 CSSColors.Add('Teal',CSSTeal);
863 CSSColors.Add('Thistle',CSSThistle);
864 CSSColors.Add('Tomato',CSSTomato);
865 CSSColors.Add('Turquoise',CSSTurquoise);
866 CSSColors.Add('Violet',CSSViolet);
867 CSSColors.Add('Wheat',CSSWheat);
868 CSSColors.Add('White',CSSWhite);
869 CSSColors.Add('WhiteSmoke',CSSWhiteSmoke);
870 CSSColors.Add('Yellow',CSSYellow);
871 CSSColors.Add('YellowGreen',CSSYellowGreen);
872 CSSColors.Finished;
877 CSSColors.Free;
878 VGAColors.Free;
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.