1 | type
2 | PWeightedPixel = ^TWeightedPixel;
3 | TWeightedPixel = packed record
4 | Coord: TPoint;
5 | Weight: NativeInt;
6 | PtrOfs: NativeInt;
7 | end;
8 |
9 | var
10 | maskWidth,maskHeight: integer;
11 | blurOfs: TPoint;
12 | ppixel: PWeightedPixel;
13 | Pixel: array of TWeightedPixel;
14 | PixelArrayLineStart: array of integer;
15 | DiffPixel: array of TWeightedPixel;
16 | DiffPixelArrayLineStart: array of integer;
17 |
18 | bmpWidth,bmpHeight,lineDelta: NativeInt;
19 |
20 | procedure LoadMask(out ABlurOfs: TPoint);
21 | var x,y,n,i: NativeInt;
22 | tempWeight: NativeInt;
23 | diffMask: array of packed array of NativeInt;
24 | p: PBGRAPixel;
25 | begin
26 | ABlurOfs := point(blurMask.Width shr 1, blurMask.Height shr 1);
27 |
28 | //count number of non empty pixels
29 | maskWidth := blurMask.Width;
30 | maskHeight := blurMask.Height;
31 | n := 0;
32 | p := blurMask.Data;
33 | for i := blurMask.NbPixels-1 downto 0 do
34 | begin
35 | if p^.red <> 0 then inc(n);
36 | inc(p);
37 | end;
38 |
39 | //initialize arrays
40 | setlength(diffMask, maskHeight, maskWidth+1);
41 | for y := 0 to maskHeight - 1 do
42 | fillchar(diffMask[y,0], (maskWidth+1)*sizeof(NativeInt), 0);
43 |
44 | setlength(Pixel, n);
45 | setlength(PixelArrayLineStart, maskHeight+1); //stores the first pixel of each line
46 | n := 0;
47 | //compute mask variations and initial mask pixel list
48 | for y := 0 to maskHeight - 1 do
49 | begin
50 | PixelArrayLineStart[y] := n;
51 | p := blurMask.ScanLine[y];
52 | for x := 0 to maskWidth - 1 do
53 | begin
54 | tempWeight := p^.red;
55 | inc(p);
56 | diffMask[y,x] -= tempWeight;
57 | diffMask[y,x+1] += tempWeight;
58 |
59 | if tempWeight <> 0 then
60 | begin
61 | Pixel[n].Weight := tempWeight;
62 | Pixel[n].Coord := Point(x,y);
63 | Pixel[n].PtrOfs := (y-ABlurOfs.Y)*lineDelta + (x-ABlurOfs.X)*sizeof(TBGRAPixel);
64 | Inc(n);
65 | end;
66 | end;
67 | end;
68 | PixelArrayLineStart[maskHeight] := n;
69 |
70 | //count number of diff pixels
71 | n := 0;
72 | for y := 0 to maskHeight - 1 do
73 | for x := 0 to maskWidth do
74 | if diffMask[y,x] <> 0 then Inc(n);
75 |
76 | //initialize arrays
77 | setlength(DiffPixel, n);
78 | setlength(DiffPixelArrayLineStart, maskHeight+1); //stores the first pixel of each diff line
79 | n := 0;
80 | //compute diff pixel list
81 | for y := 0 to maskHeight - 1 do
82 | begin
83 | DiffPixelArrayLineStart[y] := n;
84 | for x := 0 to maskWidth do
85 | begin
86 | tempWeight := diffMask[y,x];
87 | if tempWeight <> 0 then
88 | begin
89 | DiffPixel[n].Weight := tempWeight;
90 | DiffPixel[n].Coord := Point(x-1,y);
91 | DiffPixel[n].PtrOfs := (y-ABlurOfs.Y)*lineDelta + (x-ABlurOfs.X-1)*sizeof(TBGRAPixel);
92 | Inc(n);
93 | end;
94 | end;
95 | end;
96 | DiffPixelArrayLineStart[maskHeight] := n;
97 | end;
98 |
99 | function PrepareScan(AWantedBounds: TRect; out AClippedBounds: TRect): boolean;
100 | begin
101 | //evaluate required bounds taking blur radius into acount
102 | AClippedBounds := bmp.GetImageBounds;
103 | if IsRectEmpty(AClippedBounds) then
104 | begin
105 | result := false;
106 | exit;
107 | end;
108 | AClippedBounds.Left := max(0, AClippedBounds.Left - blurOfs.X);
109 | AClippedBounds.Top := max(0, AClippedBounds.Top - blurOfs.Y);
110 | AClippedBounds.Right := min(bmpWidth, AClippedBounds.Right + maskWidth - 1 - blurOfs.X);
111 | AClippedBounds.Bottom := min(bmpHeight, AClippedBounds.Bottom + maskHeight - 1 - blurOfs.Y);
112 | if not IntersectRect(AClippedBounds, AClippedBounds, AWantedBounds) then
113 | begin
114 | result := false;
115 | exit;
116 | end;
117 |
118 | result := true;
119 | end;
120 |
121 | var
122 | bounds: TRect;
123 | yb, xb: NativeInt;
124 | mindy, maxdy, n, nStart, nCount, nDiffStart, nDiffCount: NativeInt;
125 | bmpX,bmpXBase,bmpYBase: NativeInt;
126 | pixMaskAlpha, maskAlpha: NativeInt;
127 | tempPixel: TBGRAPixel;
128 | pdest : PBGRAPixel;
129 | psrc : PByte;
130 |
131 | begin
132 | bmpWidth := bmp.Width;
133 | bmpHeight:= bmp.Height;
134 | if bmp.LineOrder = riloTopToBottom then
135 | lineDelta := bmpWidth*sizeof(TBGRAPixel) else
136 | lineDelta := -bmpWidth*sizeof(TBGRAPixel);
137 |
138 | if (ADestination.Width <> bmpWidth) or (ADestination.Height <> bmpHeight) then
139 | raise exception.Create('Dimension mismatch');
140 |
141 | LoadMask(blurOfs);
142 | if not PrepareScan(ABounds, bounds) then exit; //nothing to do
143 |
144 | bmpYBase := bounds.Top - blurOfs.Y;
145 |
146 | //loop through destination
147 | for yb := bounds.Top to bounds.Bottom - 1 do
148 | begin
149 | if (ACheckShouldStop <> nil) and ACheckShouldStop(yb) then break;
150 | psrc := PByte(bmp.ScanLine[yb]+bounds.Left);
151 | pdest := ADestination.ScanLine[yb] + bounds.Left;
152 | //compute vertical range
153 | mindy := max(-blurOfs.Y, -yb);
154 | maxdy := min(blurMask.Height - 1 - blurOfs.Y, bmpHeight - 1 - yb);
155 |
156 | sumR := 0;
157 | sumG := 0;
158 | sumB := 0;
159 | sumA := 0;
160 | Adiv := 0;
161 | {$ifdef PARAM_MASKSHIFT}
162 | RGBdiv := 0;
163 | {$endif}
164 |
165 | bmpXBase := bounds.Left-blurOfs.X;
166 | nStart := PixelArrayLineStart[mindy+blurOfs.Y];
167 | nCount := PixelArrayLineStart[maxdy+blurOfs.Y+1]-nStart;
168 | ppixel:= @Pixel[nStart];
169 | //go through pixel list of the current vertical range
170 | for n := nCount-1 downto 0 do
171 | begin
172 | bmpX := bmpXBase+ppixel^.Coord.x;
173 | //check horizontal range
174 | if (bmpX >= 0) and (bmpX < bmpWidth) then
175 | begin
176 | tempPixel := PBGRAPixel(psrc + ppixel^.PtrOfs)^;
177 | maskAlpha := ppixel^.Weight;
178 | pixMaskAlpha := maskAlpha * tempPixel.alpha;
179 | sumA += pixMaskAlpha;
180 | Adiv += maskAlpha;
181 | {$ifdef PARAM_MASKSHIFT}
182 | pixMaskAlpha := pixMaskAlpha shr maskShift;
183 | RGBdiv += pixMaskAlpha;
184 | {$endif}
185 | {$hints off}
186 | sumR += tempPixel.red * pixMaskAlpha;
187 | sumG += tempPixel.green * pixMaskAlpha;
188 | sumB += tempPixel.blue * pixMaskAlpha;
189 | {$hints on}
190 | end;
191 | inc(ppixel);
192 | end;
193 |
194 | //compute average
195 | if (Adiv <= 0) {$ifdef PARAM_MASKSHIFT} or (RGBdiv <= 0) {$endif} then
196 | pdest^ := BGRAPixelTransparent
197 | else
198 | pdest^ := computeAverage;
199 |
200 | nDiffStart := DiffPixelArrayLineStart[mindy+blurOfs.Y];
201 | nDiffCount := DiffPixelArrayLineStart[maxdy+blurOfs.Y+1]-nDiffStart;
202 |
203 | if nDiffCount < nCount then
204 | begin
205 | for xb := bounds.Left+1 to Bounds.Right - 1 do
206 | begin
207 | Inc(pdest);
208 | inc(bmpXBase);
209 | inc(psrc,sizeof(TBGRAPixel));
210 |
211 | ppixel:= @DiffPixel[nDiffStart];
212 | for n := nDiffCount-1 downto 0 do
213 | begin
214 | bmpX := bmpXBase+ppixel^.Coord.x;
215 | if (bmpX >= 0) and (bmpX < bmpWidth) then
216 | begin
217 | tempPixel := PBGRAPixel(psrc + ppixel^.PtrOfs)^;
218 | maskAlpha := ppixel^.Weight;
219 | pixMaskAlpha := maskAlpha * tempPixel.alpha;
220 | sumA += pixMaskAlpha;
221 | Adiv += maskAlpha;
222 | {$ifdef PARAM_MASKSHIFT}
223 | pixMaskAlpha := (cardinal(pixMaskAlpha)+$80000000) shr maskShift - ($80000000 shr maskShift);
224 | RGBdiv += pixMaskAlpha;
225 | {$endif}
226 | {$hints off}
227 | sumR += tempPixel.red * pixMaskAlpha;
228 | sumG += tempPixel.green * pixMaskAlpha;
229 | sumB += tempPixel.blue * pixMaskAlpha;
230 | {$hints on}
231 | end;
232 | inc(ppixel);
233 | end;
234 |
235 | //compute average
236 | if (Adiv <= 0) {$ifdef PARAM_MASKSHIFT} or (RGBdiv <= 0) {$endif} then
237 | pdest^ := BGRAPixelTransparent
238 | else
239 | pdest^ := ComputeAverage;
240 | end;
241 | end else
242 | begin
243 | for xb := bounds.Left+1 to Bounds.Right - 1 do
244 | begin
245 | Inc(pdest);
246 | inc(bmpXBase);
247 | inc(psrc,sizeof(TBGRAPixel));
248 |
249 | sumR := 0;
250 | sumG := 0;
251 | sumB := 0;
252 | sumA := 0;
253 | Adiv := 0;
254 | {$ifdef PARAM_MASKSHIFT}
255 | RGBdiv := 0;
256 | {$endif}
257 |
258 | ppixel:= @Pixel[nStart];
259 | for n := nCount-1 downto 0 do
260 | begin
261 | bmpX := bmpXBase+ppixel^.Coord.x;
262 | //check horizontal range
263 | if (bmpX >= 0) and (bmpX < bmpWidth) then
264 | begin
265 | tempPixel := PBGRAPixel(psrc + ppixel^.PtrOfs)^;
266 | maskAlpha := ppixel^.Weight;
267 | pixMaskAlpha := maskAlpha * tempPixel.alpha;
268 | sumA += pixMaskAlpha;
269 | Adiv += maskAlpha;
270 | {$ifdef PARAM_MASKSHIFT}
271 | pixMaskAlpha := pixMaskAlpha shr maskShift;
272 | RGBdiv += pixMaskAlpha;
273 | {$endif}
274 | {$hints off}
275 | sumR += tempPixel.red * pixMaskAlpha;
276 | sumG += tempPixel.green * pixMaskAlpha;
277 | sumB += tempPixel.blue * pixMaskAlpha;
278 | {$hints on}
279 | end;
280 | inc(ppixel);
281 | end;
282 |
283 | //compute average
284 | if (Adiv <= 0) {$ifdef PARAM_MASKSHIFT} or (RGBdiv <= 0) {$endif} then
285 | pdest^ := BGRAPixelTransparent
286 | else
287 | pdest^ := computeAverage;
288 | end;
289 | end;
290 |
291 | inc(bmpYBase);
292 | end;
293 | ADestination.InvalidateBitmap;
294 | end;
295 | {$undef PARAM_MASKSHIFT}
296 |