1 | {=== Pixel types and functions ===}
2 |
5 | type
6 | {* Pointer for direct pixel access. Data is stored as a sequence of ''TBGRAPixel''.
7 | See [[BGRABitmap tutorial 4]] }
8 | PBGRAPixel = ^TBGRAPixel;
9 |
12 | {$IFDEF LCLgtk}
14 | {$ENDIF}
15 | {$IFDEF LCLgtk2}
17 | {$ENDIF}
19 | {$IFNDEF LCLQt}
21 | {$ENDIF}
22 | {$ENDIF}
23 | {$ENDIF}
24 | {$ENDIF}
25 |
26 | {* Each pixel is a sequence of 4 bytes containing blue, green, red and alpha channel.
27 | Values range from 0 to 255, color is in sRGB colorspace. The alpha value of 0
28 | is transparent and 255 is opaque. In the bitmap data, when the pixel is fully transparent,
29 | the RGB values are supposed to be set to zero. }
30 |
31 | { TBGRAPixel }
32 |
33 | TBGRAPixel = packed record
34 | private
35 | function GetClassIntensity: word;
36 | function GetClassLightness: word;
37 | procedure SetClassIntensity(AValue: word);
38 | procedure SetClassLightness(AValue: word);
39 | public
41 | red, green, blue, alpha: byte;
42 | {$ELSE}
43 | blue, green, red, alpha: byte;
44 | {$ENDIF}
45 | procedure FromRGB(ARed,AGreen,ABlue: Byte; AAlpha: Byte = 255);
46 | procedure FromColor(AColor: TColor; AAlpha: Byte = 255);
47 | procedure FromString(AStr: string);
48 | procedure FromFPColor(AColor: TFPColor);
49 | procedure ToRGB(out ARed,AGreen,ABlue,AAlpha: Byte); overload;
50 | procedure ToRGB(out ARed,AGreen,ABlue: Byte); overload;
51 | function ToColor: TColor;
52 | function ToString: string;
53 | function ToGrayscale(AGammaCorrection: boolean = true): TBGRAPixel;
54 | function ToFPColor: TFPColor;
55 | class Operator := (Source: TBGRAPixel): TColor;
56 | class Operator := (Source: TColor): TBGRAPixel;
57 | property Intensity: word read GetClassIntensity write SetClassIntensity;
58 | property Lightness: word read GetClassLightness write SetClassLightness;
59 | end;
60 | TBGRAPixelBuffer = packed array of TBGRAPixel;
61 |
62 | procedure AllocateBGRAPixelBuffer(var ABuffer: TBGRAPixelBuffer; ASize: integer);
63 |
64 | const
66 | TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder = True;
67 | TBGRAPixel_RedByteOffset = 0;
68 | TBGRAPixel_GreenByteOffset = 1;
69 | TBGRAPixel_BlueByteOffset = 2;
70 | {$ELSE}
71 | TBGRAPixel_RGBAOrder = False;
72 | TBGRAPixel_BlueByteOffset = 0;
73 | TBGRAPixel_GreenByteOffset = 1;
74 | TBGRAPixel_RedByteOffset = 2;
75 | {$ENDIF}
76 | TBGRAPixel_AlphaByteOffset = 3;
78 | TBGRAPixel_RedShift = TBGRAPixel_RedByteOffset*8;
79 | TBGRAPixel_GreenShift = TBGRAPixel_GreenByteOffset*8;
80 | TBGRAPixel_BlueShift = TBGRAPixel_BlueByteOffset*8;
81 | TBGRAPixel_AlphaShift = TBGRAPixel_AlphaByteOffset*8;
82 | {$ELSE}
83 | TBGRAPixel_RedShift = 24 - TBGRAPixel_RedByteOffset*8;
84 | TBGRAPixel_GreenShift = 24 - TBGRAPixel_GreenByteOffset*8;
85 | TBGRAPixel_BlueShift = 24 - TBGRAPixel_BlueByteOffset*8;
86 | TBGRAPixel_AlphaShift = 24 - TBGRAPixel_AlphaByteOffset*8;
87 | {$ENDIF}
88 |
89 | {** Creates a pixel with given RGBA values }
90 | function BGRA(red, green, blue, alpha: byte): TBGRAPixel; overload; inline;
91 | {** Creates a opaque pixel with given RGB values }
92 | function BGRA(red, green, blue: byte): TBGRAPixel; overload; inline;
93 | {** Checks if two pixels are equal. If they are both transparent,
94 | RGB values are ignored }
95 | operator = (const c1, c2: TBGRAPixel): boolean; inline;
96 | {** Returns the intensity of a pixel. The intensity is the
97 | maximum value reached by any component }
98 | function GetIntensity(c: TBGRAPixel): word; inline;
99 | {** Sets the intensity of a pixel }
100 | function SetIntensity(c: TBGRAPixel; intensity: word): TBGRAPixel;
101 | {** Returns the lightness of a pixel. The lightness is the
102 | perceived brightness, 0 being black and 65535 being white }
103 | function GetLightness(c: TBGRAPixel): word; overload;
104 | {** Sets the lightness of a pixel }
105 | function SetLightness(c: TBGRAPixel; lightness: word): TBGRAPixel; overload;
106 | {** Sets the lightness quickly, by fading towards black if ''lightness'' is
107 | less than 32768, and fading towards white if ''lightness'' is more
108 | than 32768 }
109 | function ApplyLightnessFast(color: TBGRAPixel; lightness: word): TBGRAPixel; inline;
110 | {** Sets the intensity quickly, by fading towards black if ''lightness'' is
111 | less than 32768, and multiplying all components if ''lightness'' is more
112 | than 32768. In case of saturation, it fades towards white }
113 | function ApplyIntensityFast(color: TBGRAPixel; lightness: longword): TBGRAPixel;
114 | {** Combines two lightnesses together. A value of 32768 is neutral. The
115 | result may exceed 65535 }
116 | function CombineLightness(lightness1,lightness2: Int32or64): Int32or64;
117 | {** Converts a color into grayscale }
118 | function BGRAToGrayscale(c: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
119 | function BGRAToGrayscaleLinear(c: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
120 | {** Create a gray color with the given ''lightness'' }
121 | function GrayscaleToBGRA(lightness: word): TBGRAPixel;
122 | {** Merge two colors without gamma correction }
123 | function MergeBGRA(c1, c2: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel; overload;
124 | {** Merge two colors without gamma correction. ''weight1'' and ''weight2''
125 | indicates the weight of the color barycentre }
126 | function MergeBGRA(c1: TBGRAPixel; weight1: integer; c2: TBGRAPixel; weight2: integer): TBGRAPixel; overload;
127 | {** Merge two colors with gamma correction. ''weight1'' and ''weight2''
128 | indicates the weight of the color barycentre }
129 | function MergeBGRAWithGammaCorrection(c1: TBGRAPixel; weight1: byte; c2: TBGRAPixel; weight2: byte): TBGRAPixel;
130 | {** Converts a ''TColor'' value into an opaque pixel }
131 | function ColorToBGRA(color: TColor): TBGRAPixel; overload;
132 | {** Converts a ''TColor'' value into a pixel with given ''opacity'' }
133 | function ColorToBGRA(color: TColor; opacity: byte): TBGRAPixel; overload;
134 | {** Converts a pixel into a TColor value, discarding the alpha value }
135 | function BGRAToColor(c: TBGRAPixel): TColor;
136 | {** Converts a ''TFPColor'' value into a pixel. Note that even if
137 | ''TFPColor'' have 16-bit values, they are not considered as
138 | gamma expanded }
139 | function FPColorToBGRA(AValue: TFPColor): TBGRAPixel;
140 | {** Converts a pixel into a ''TFPColor'' }
141 | function BGRAToFPColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel): TFPColor; inline;
142 | function Color16BitToBGRA(AColor: Word): TBGRAPixel;
143 | function BGRAToColor16Bit(const AColor: TBGRAPixel): Word;
144 | {** Computes the difference (with gamma correction) between two pixels,
145 | taking into account all dimensions, including transparency. The
146 | result ranges from 0 to 65535 }
147 | function BGRAWordDiff(c1, c2: TBGRAPixel): word;
148 | {** Computes the difference (with gamma correction) between two pixels,
149 | taking into account all dimensions, including transparency. The
150 | result ranges from 0 to 255 }
151 | function BGRADiff(c1, c2: TBGRAPixel): byte;
152 | function FastBGRALinearDiff(c1,c2: TBGRAPixel): byte;
153 | function FastBGRAExpandedDiff(c1,c2: TBGRAPixel): word;
154 |
155 | type
156 | {* Array of pixels }
157 | ArrayOfTBGRAPixel = array of TBGRAPixel;
158 | {** Merge given colors without gamma correction }
159 | function MergeBGRA(const colors: array of TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel; overload;
160 |
161 | { Get height [0..1] stored in a TBGRAPixel }
162 | function MapHeight(Color: TBGRAPixel): Single;
163 |
164 | { Get TBGRAPixel to store height [0..1] }
165 | function MapHeightToBGRA(Height: Single; Alpha: Byte): TBGRAPixel;
166 |
167 | type
168 | {* Possible modes when drawing a pixel over another one }
169 | TDrawMode = (
170 | {** The pixel is replaced }
171 | dmSet,
172 | {** The pixel is replaced if the pixel over has an alpha value of 255 }
173 | dmSetExceptTransparent,
174 | {** The pixel is blend over the other one according to alpha values,
175 | however no gamma correction is applied. In other words, the color
176 | space is assumed to be linear }
177 | dmLinearBlend,
178 | {** The pixel is blend over the other one according to alpha values,
179 | and a gamma correction is applied. In other word, the color
180 | space is assumed to be sRGB }
181 | dmDrawWithTransparency,
182 | {** Values of all channels are combined with Xor. This is useful to
183 | compute the binary difference, however it is not something that makes
184 | much sense to display on the screen }
185 | dmXor);
186 |
187 | const
188 | {** An alias for the linear blend, because it is faster than blending
189 | with gamma correction }
190 | dmFastBlend = dmLinearBlend;
191 |
192 | type
193 | {* Advanced blending modes. See [http://www.brighthub.com/multimedia/photography/articles/18301.aspx Paint.NET blend modes]
194 | and [http://www.pegtop.net/delphi/articles/blendmodes/ Formulas]. Blending layers has two steps. The first one is
195 | to apply the blend operations listed below, and the second is the actual merging of the colors }
196 | TBlendOperation = (
197 | {** Simple blend, except that it forces a linear merge so it is equivalent to ''dmLinearBlend'' }
198 | boLinearBlend,
199 | {** Simple blend. It is equivalent to ''dmLinearBlend'' or ''dmDrawWithTransparency'' }
200 | boTransparent,
201 | {** Lighting blend modes (tends to increase the luminosity) }
202 | boLighten, boScreen, boAdditive, boLinearAdd, boColorDodge, boDivide, boNiceGlow, boSoftLight, boHardLight,
203 | {** Masking blend modes (tends to decrease the luminosity) }
204 | boGlow, boReflect, boOverlay, boDarkOverlay, boDarken, boMultiply, boColorBurn,
205 | {** Difference blend modes }
206 | boDifference, boLinearDifference, boExclusion, boLinearExclusion, boSubtract, boLinearSubtract, boSubtractInverse, boLinearSubtractInverse,
207 | {** Negation blend modes }
208 | boNegation, boLinearNegation,
209 | {** Xor blend mode. It is sightly different from ''dmXor'' because the alpha value is used like in other blends modes }
210 | boXor,
211 | {** Additional blend modes **}
212 | boSvgSoftLight);
213 |
214 | const
215 | {** Alias to glow that express that this blend mode masks the part where the top layer is black }
216 | boGlowMask = boGlow;
217 | {** Alias because linear or non linear multiply modes are identical }
218 | boLinearMultiply = boMultiply;
219 | {** Alias to express that dark overlay is simply an overlay with gamma correction }
220 | boNonLinearOverlay = boDarkOverlay;
221 |
222 | const
223 | {** String constants for blend modes }
224 | BlendOperationStr : array[TBlendOperation] of string
225 | = ('LinearBlend', 'Transparent',
226 | 'Lighten', 'Screen', 'Additive', 'LinearAdd', 'ColorDodge', 'Divide', 'NiceGlow', 'SoftLight', 'HardLight',
227 | 'Glow', 'Reflect', 'Overlay', 'DarkOverlay', 'Darken', 'Multiply', 'ColorBurn',
228 | 'Difference', 'LinearDifference', 'Exclusion', 'LinearExclusion', 'Subtract', 'LinearSubtract', 'SubtractInverse', 'LinearSubtractInverse',
229 | 'Negation', 'LinearNegation', 'Xor', 'SvgSoftLight');
230 |
231 | {** Returns the blend mode expressed by the string }
232 | function StrToBlendOperation(str: string): TBlendOperation;
233 |
234 | type
235 | {* Specifies how a palette handles the alpha channel }
236 | TAlphaChannelPaletteOption = (
237 | {** The alpha channel is ignored. The alpha channel is considered to be stored elsewhere }
238 | acIgnore,
239 | {** One entry is allocated the fully transparent color }
240 | acTransparentEntry,
241 | {** The alpha channel is fully embedded in the palette so that a color is identified by its four RGBA channels }
242 | acFullChannelInPalette);
243 |
244 | {* Dithering algorithms that specifies how to handle colors that are not found in the palette }
245 | TDitheringAlgorithm = (
246 | {** The nearest color is to be used instead }
247 | daNearestNeighbor,
248 | {** The nearest color may be used however another color may be used to compensate for the error,
249 | following Floyd-Steinberg algorithm }
250 | daFloydSteinberg);
251 |
253 | {$i basiccolorspace.inc}
254 |
256 | {$i extendedcolorspace.inc}
257 |
258 | {$ENDIF}
259 |
262 |
264 | {$i basiccolorspace.inc}
265 |
267 | {$i extendedcolorspace.inc}
268 |
269 | function StrToBlendOperation(str: string): TBlendOperation;
270 | var op: TBlendOperation;
271 | begin
272 | result := boTransparent;
273 | str := LowerCase(str);
274 | for op := low(TBlendOperation) to high(TBlendOperation) do
275 | if str = LowerCase(BlendOperationStr[op]) then
276 | begin
277 | result := op;
278 | exit;
279 | end;
280 | end;
281 |
282 | {************************** Color functions **************************}
283 |
284 | procedure AllocateBGRAPixelBuffer(var ABuffer: TBGRAPixelBuffer; ASize: integer);
285 | begin
286 | if ASize > length(ABuffer) then
287 | setlength(ABuffer, max(length(ABuffer)*2,ASize));
288 | end;
289 |
290 | function BGRA(red, green, blue, alpha: byte): TBGRAPixel;
291 | begin
292 | DWord(result) := (red shl TBGRAPixel_RedShift) or
293 | (green shl TBGRAPixel_GreenShift) or
294 | (blue shl TBGRAPixel_BlueShift) or
295 | (alpha shl TBGRAPixel_AlphaShift);
296 | end;
297 |
298 | function BGRA(red, green, blue: byte): TBGRAPixel; overload;
299 | begin
300 | DWord(result) := (red shl TBGRAPixel_RedShift) or
301 | (green shl TBGRAPixel_GreenShift) or
302 | (blue shl TBGRAPixel_BlueShift) or
303 | (255 shl TBGRAPixel_AlphaShift);
304 | end;
305 |
306 | operator = (const c1, c2: TBGRAPixel): boolean;
307 | begin
308 | if (c1.alpha = 0) and (c2.alpha = 0) then
309 | Result := True
310 | else
311 | Result := (c1.alpha = c2.alpha) and (c1.red = c2.red) and
312 | (c1.green = c2.green) and (c1.blue = c2.blue);
313 | end;
314 |
315 | function GetIntensity(c: TBGRAPixel): word;
316 | begin
317 | Result := c.red;
318 | if c.green > Result then
319 | Result := c.green;
320 | if c.blue > Result then
321 | Result := c.blue;
322 | result := GammaExpansionTab[Result];
323 | end;
324 |
325 | function SetIntensity(c: TBGRAPixel; intensity: word): TBGRAPixel;
326 | begin
327 | result := GammaCompression(SetIntensity(GammaExpansion(c),intensity));
328 | end;
329 |
330 | function GetLightness(c: TBGRAPixel): word;
331 | begin
332 | result := GetLightness(GammaExpansion(c));
333 | end;
334 |
335 | function SetLightness(c: TBGRAPixel; lightness: word): TBGRAPixel;
336 | begin
337 | result := GammaCompression(SetLightness(GammaExpansion(c),lightness));
338 | end;
339 |
340 | function ApplyLightnessFast(color: TBGRAPixel; lightness: word): TBGRAPixel;
341 | var
342 | r,g,b: word;
343 | lightness256: byte;
344 | begin
345 | if lightness <= 32768 then
346 | begin
347 | if lightness = 32768 then
348 | result := color else
349 | begin
350 | lightness256 := GammaCompressionTab[lightness shl 1];
351 | result := BGRA(color.red * lightness256 shr 8, color.green*lightness256 shr 8,
352 | color.blue * lightness256 shr 8, color.alpha);
353 | end;
354 | end else
355 | begin
356 | if lightness = 65535 then
357 | result := BGRA(255,255,255,color.alpha) else
358 | begin
359 | lightness -= 32767;
360 | r := GammaExpansionTab[color.red];
361 | g := GammaExpansionTab[color.green];
362 | b := GammaExpansionTab[color.blue];
363 | result := BGRA(GammaCompressionTab[ r + (not r)*lightness shr 15 ],
364 | GammaCompressionTab[ g + (not g)*lightness shr 15 ],
365 | GammaCompressionTab[ b + (not b)*lightness shr 15 ],
366 | color.alpha);
367 | end;
368 | end;
369 | end;
370 |
371 | function ApplyIntensityFast(color: TBGRAPixel; lightness: longword): TBGRAPixel;
372 | var
373 | maxValue,invMaxValue,r,g,b: longword;
374 | lightness256: byte;
375 | begin
376 | if lightness <= 32768 then
377 | begin
378 | if lightness = 32768 then
379 | result := color else
380 | begin
381 | lightness256 := GammaCompressionTab[lightness shl 1];
382 | result := BGRA(color.red * lightness256 shr 8, color.green*lightness256 shr 8,
383 | color.blue * lightness256 shr 8, color.alpha);
384 | end;
385 | end else
386 | begin
387 | r := CombineLightness(GammaExpansionTab[color.red], lightness);
388 | g := CombineLightness(GammaExpansionTab[color.green], lightness);
389 | b := CombineLightness(GammaExpansionTab[color.blue], lightness);
390 | maxValue := r;
391 | if g > maxValue then maxValue := g;
392 | if b > maxValue then maxValue := b;
393 | if maxValue <= 65535 then
394 | result := BGRA(GammaCompressionTab[r],
395 | GammaCompressionTab[g],
396 | GammaCompressionTab[b],
397 | color.alpha)
398 | else
399 | begin
400 | invMaxValue := (longword(2147483647)+longword(maxValue-1)) div maxValue;
401 | maxValue := (maxValue-65535) shr 1;
402 | r := r*invMaxValue shr 15 + maxValue;
403 | g := g*invMaxValue shr 15 + maxValue;
404 | b := b*invMaxValue shr 15 + maxValue;
405 | if r >= 65535 then result.red := 255 else
406 | result.red := GammaCompressionTab[r];
407 | if g >= 65535 then result.green := 255 else
408 | result.green := GammaCompressionTab[g];
409 | if b >= 65535 then result.blue := 255 else
410 | result.blue := GammaCompressionTab[b];
411 | result.alpha := color.alpha;
412 | end;
413 | end;
414 | end;
415 |
416 | function CombineLightness(lightness1,lightness2: Int32or64): Int32or64;
417 | {$ifdef CPUI386} {$asmmode intel} assembler;
418 | asm
419 | imul edx
420 | shl edx, 17
421 | shr eax, 15
422 | or edx, eax
423 | mov result, edx
424 | end;
425 | {$ELSE}
426 | begin
427 | if (lightness1 < 0) xor (lightness2 < 0) then
428 | result := -(int64(-lightness1)*lightness2 shr 15)
429 | else
430 | result := int64(lightness1)*lightness2 shr 15;
431 | end;
432 | {$ENDIF}
433 |
434 | // Conversion to grayscale by taking into account
435 | // different color weights
436 | function BGRAToGrayscale(c: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
437 | var
438 | ec: TExpandedPixel;
439 | gray: word;
440 | cgray: byte;
441 | begin
442 | if c.alpha = 0 then
443 | begin
444 | result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
445 | exit;
446 | end;
447 | //gamma expansion
448 | ec := GammaExpansion(c);
449 | //gray composition
450 | gray := (ec.red * redWeightShl10 + ec.green * greenWeightShl10 +
451 | ec.blue * blueWeightShl10 + 512) shr 10;
452 | //gamma compression
453 | cgray := GammaCompressionTab[gray];
454 | Result.red := cgray;
455 | Result.green := cgray;
456 | Result.blue := cgray;
457 | Result.alpha := c.alpha;
458 | end;
459 |
460 | function BGRAToGrayscaleLinear(c: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
461 | var
462 | gray: byte;
463 | begin
464 | if c.alpha = 0 then
465 | begin
466 | result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
467 | exit;
468 | end;
469 | //gray composition
470 | gray := (c.red * redWeightShl10 + c.green * greenWeightShl10 +
471 | c.blue * blueWeightShl10 + 512) shr 10;
472 | //gamma compression
473 | Result.red := gray;
474 | Result.green := gray;
475 | Result.blue := gray;
476 | Result.alpha := c.alpha;
477 | end;
478 |
479 | function GrayscaleToBGRA(lightness: word): TBGRAPixel;
480 | begin
481 | result.red := GammaCompressionTab[lightness];
482 | result.green := result.red;
483 | result.blue := result.red;
484 | result.alpha := $ff;
485 | end;
486 |
487 | { Merge linearly two colors of same importance }
488 | function MergeBGRA(c1, c2: TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
489 | var c12: cardinal;
490 | begin
491 | if (c1.alpha = 0) then
492 | Result := c2
493 | else
494 | if (c2.alpha = 0) then
495 | Result := c1
496 | else
497 | begin
498 | c12 := c1.alpha + c2.alpha;
499 | Result.red := (c1.red * c1.alpha + c2.red * c2.alpha + c12 shr 1) div c12;
500 | Result.green := (c1.green * c1.alpha + c2.green * c2.alpha + c12 shr 1) div c12;
501 | Result.blue := (c1.blue * c1.alpha + c2.blue * c2.alpha + c12 shr 1) div c12;
502 | Result.alpha := (c12 + 1) shr 1;
503 | end;
504 | end;
505 |
506 | function MergeBGRA(c1: TBGRAPixel; weight1: integer; c2: TBGRAPixel;
507 | weight2: integer): TBGRAPixel;
508 | var
509 | f1,f2,f12: int64;
510 | begin
511 | if (weight1 = 0) then
512 | begin
513 | if (weight2 = 0) then
514 | result := BGRAPixelTransparent
515 | else
516 | Result := c2
517 | end
518 | else
519 | if (weight2 = 0) then
520 | Result := c1
521 | else
522 | if (weight1+weight2 = 0) then
523 | Result := BGRAPixelTransparent
524 | else
525 | begin
526 | f1 := int64(c1.alpha)*weight1;
527 | f2 := int64(c2.alpha)*weight2;
528 | f12 := f1+f2;
529 | if f12 = 0 then
530 | result := BGRAPixelTransparent
531 | else
532 | begin
533 | Result.red := (c1.red * f1 + c2.red * f2 + f12 shr 1) div f12;
534 | Result.green := (c1.green * f1 + c2.green * f2 + f12 shr 1) div f12;
535 | Result.blue := (c1.blue * f1 + c2.blue * f2 + f12 shr 1) div f12;
536 | {$hints off}
537 | Result.alpha := (f12 + ((weight1+weight2) shr 1)) div (weight1+weight2);
538 | {$hints on}
539 | end;
540 | end;
541 | end;
542 |
543 | function MergeBGRAWithGammaCorrection(c1: TBGRAPixel; weight1: byte; c2: TBGRAPixel;
544 | weight2: byte): TBGRAPixel;
545 | var
546 | w1,w2,f1,f2,f12,a: UInt32or64;
547 | begin
548 | w1 := weight1;
549 | w2 := weight2;
550 | if (w1 = 0) then
551 | begin
552 | if (w2 = 0) then
553 | result := BGRAPixelTransparent
554 | else
555 | Result := c2
556 | end
557 | else
558 | if (w2 = 0) then
559 | Result := c1
560 | else
561 | begin
562 | f1 := c1.alpha*w1;
563 | f2 := c2.alpha*w2;
564 | a := (f1+f2 + ((w1+w2) shr 1)) div (w1+w2);
565 | if a = 0 then
566 | begin
567 | result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
568 | exit;
569 | end else
570 | Result.alpha := a;
571 | {$IFNDEF CPU64}
572 | if (f1 >= 32768) or (f2 >= 32768) then
573 | begin
574 | f1 := f1 shr 1;
575 | f2 := f2 shr 1;
576 | end;
577 | {$ENDIF}
578 | f12 := f1+f2;
579 | Result.red := GammaCompressionTab[(GammaExpansionTab[c1.red] * f1 + GammaExpansionTab[c2.red] * f2) div f12];
580 | Result.green := GammaCompressionTab[(GammaExpansionTab[c1.green] * f1 + GammaExpansionTab[c2.green] * f2) div f12];
581 | Result.blue := GammaCompressionTab[(GammaExpansionTab[c1.blue] * f1 + GammaExpansionTab[c2.blue] * f2) div f12];
582 | end;
583 | end;
584 |
585 | { Convert a TColor value to a TBGRAPixel value }
586 | {$PUSH}{$R-}
587 | function ColorToBGRA(color: TColor): TBGRAPixel; overload;
588 | begin
589 | if (color < 0) or (color > $ffffff) then color := ColorToRGB(color);
590 | RedGreenBlue(color, Result.red,Result.green,Result.blue);
591 | Result.alpha := 255;
592 | end;
593 |
594 | function ColorToBGRA(color: TColor; opacity: byte): TBGRAPixel; overload;
595 | begin
596 | if (color < 0) or (color > $ffffff) then color := ColorToRGB(color);
597 | RedGreenBlue(color, Result.red,Result.green,Result.blue);
598 | Result.alpha := opacity;
599 | end;
600 | {$POP}
601 |
602 | function BGRAToColor(c: TBGRAPixel): TColor;
603 | begin
604 | Result := RGBToColor(c.red, c.green, c.blue);
605 | end;
606 |
607 | { Conversion from TFPColor to TBGRAPixel assuming TFPColor
608 | is already gamma compressed }
609 | function FPColorToBGRA(AValue: TFPColor): TBGRAPixel;
610 | begin
611 | with AValue do
612 | Result := BGRA(red shr 8, green shr 8, blue shr 8, alpha shr 8);
613 | end;
614 |
615 | function BGRAToFPColor(AValue: TBGRAPixel): TFPColor; inline;
616 | begin
617 | result.red := AValue.red shl 8 + AValue.red;
618 | result.green := AValue.green shl 8 + AValue.green;
619 | result.blue := AValue.blue shl 8 + AValue.blue;
620 | result.alpha := AValue.alpha shl 8 + AValue.alpha;
621 | end;
622 |
623 | function Color16BitToBGRA(AColor: Word): TBGRAPixel;
624 | begin
625 | result := BGRA( ((AColor and $F800) shr 11)*255 div 31,
626 | ((AColor and $07e0) shr 5)*255 div 63,
627 | (AColor and $001f)*255 div 31 );
628 | end;
629 |
630 | function BGRAToColor16Bit(const AColor: TBGRAPixel): Word;
631 | begin
632 | result := (((AColor.Red * 31 + 64) div 255) shl 11) +
633 | (((AColor.green * 63 + 64) div 255) shl 5) +
634 | ((AColor.blue * 31 + 64) div 255);
635 | end;
636 |
637 | function BGRAWordDiff(c1, c2: TBGRAPixel): word;
638 | begin
639 | result := ExpandedDiff(GammaExpansion(c1),GammaExpansion(c2));
640 | end;
641 |
642 | function BGRADiff(c1,c2: TBGRAPixel): byte;
643 | begin
644 | result := ExpandedDiff(GammaExpansion(c1),GammaExpansion(c2)) shr 8;
645 | end;
646 |
647 | function FastBGRALinearDiff(c1, c2: TBGRAPixel): byte;
648 | begin
649 | result := max(min((abs(c1.red-c2.red)+(abs(c1.green-c2.green) shl 1)+abs(c1.blue-c2.blue)) shr 2,
650 | min(c1.alpha,c2.alpha)), abs(c1.alpha-c2.alpha));
651 | end;
652 |
653 | function FastBGRAExpandedDiff(c1, c2: TBGRAPixel): word;
654 | var wa1,wa2: word;
655 | begin
656 | wa1 := c1.alpha shl 8 + c1.alpha;
657 | wa2 := (c2.alpha shl 8) + c2.alpha;
658 | result := max(min((abs(GammaExpansionTab[c1.red]-GammaExpansionTab[c2.red])+
659 | (abs(GammaExpansionTab[c1.green]-GammaExpansionTab[c2.green]) shl 1)+
660 | abs(GammaExpansionTab[c1.blue]-GammaExpansionTab[c2.blue])) shr 2,
661 | min(wa1,wa2)),
662 | abs(wa1-wa2));
663 | end;
664 |
665 | function MergeBGRA(const colors: array of TBGRAPixel): TBGRAPixel;
666 | var
667 | sumR,sumG,sumB,sumA: NativeUInt;
668 | i: integer;
669 | begin
670 | if length(colors)<=0 then
671 | begin
672 | result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
673 | exit;
674 | end;
675 | sumR := 0;
676 | sumG := 0;
677 | sumB := 0;
678 | sumA := 0;
679 | for i := 0 to high(colors) do
680 | with colors[i] do
681 | begin
682 | sumR += red*alpha;
683 | sumG += green*alpha;
684 | sumB += blue*alpha;
685 | sumA += alpha;
686 | end;
687 | if sumA > 0 then
688 | begin
689 | result.red := (sumR + sumA shr 1) div sumA;
690 | result.green := (sumG + sumA shr 1) div sumA;
691 | result.blue := (sumB + sumA shr 1) div sumA;
692 | result.alpha := sumA div longword(length(colors));
693 | end
694 | else
695 | result := BGRAPixelTransparent;
696 | end;
697 |
698 | function MapHeight(Color: TBGRAPixel): Single;
699 | var intval: integer;
700 | begin
701 | intval := color.Green shl 16 + color.red shl 8 + color.blue;
702 | result := intval*5.960464832810452e-8;
703 | end;
704 |
705 | function MapHeightToBGRA(Height: Single; Alpha: Byte): TBGRAPixel;
706 | var intval: integer;
707 | begin
708 | if Height >= 1 then result := BGRA(255,255,255,alpha) else
709 | if Height <= 0 then result := BGRA(0,0,0,alpha) else
710 | begin
711 | intval := round(Height*16777215);
712 | {$PUSH}{$R-}
713 | result := BGRA(intval shr 8,intval shr 16,intval,alpha);
714 | {$POP}
715 | end;
716 | end;
717 | {$ENDIF}
718 |
721 | BGRASetGamma();
722 |
724 | {$i extendedcolorspace.inc}
725 | {$ENDIF}