3 | ,FPImgCanv
4 | {$ENDIF}
5 |
8 | type
9 | TColor = type LongInt;
10 | {$warnings off}
11 | TRawImage = class(TFPMemoryImage)
12 | procedure BGRASetSizeAndTransparency(AWidth,AHeight: Integer; {%H-}ATransparent: boolean);
13 | constructor Create;
14 | end;
15 | {$warnings on}
16 | TGUICanvas = class(TFPImageCanvas)
17 | procedure DrawImage(x,y: integer; AImage: TFPCustomImage);
18 | end;
19 |
20 | const
21 | clNone = TColor($1FFFFFFF);
22 | clDefault = TColor($20000000);
23 | clBlack = TColor($000000);
24 | clMaroon = TColor($000080);
25 | clGreen = TColor($008000);
26 | clOlive = TColor($008080);
27 | clNavy = TColor($800000);
28 | clPurple = TColor($800080);
29 | clTeal = TColor($808000);
30 | clGray = TColor($808080);
31 | clSilver = TColor($C0C0C0);
32 | clRed = TColor($0000FF);
33 | clLime = TColor($00FF00);
34 | clYellow = TColor($00FFFF);
35 | clBlue = TColor($FF0000);
36 | clFuchsia = TColor($FF00FF);
37 | clAqua = TColor($FFFF00);
38 | clLtGray = TColor($C0C0C0); // clSilver alias
39 | clDkGray = TColor($808080); // clGray alias
40 | clWhite = TColor($FFFFFF);
41 |
42 | clRgbBtnHighlight = TColor($E0E0E0);
43 | clRgbBtnShadow = TColor($808080);
44 |
45 | function ColorToRGB(c: TColor): TColor; inline;
46 | function RGBToColor(R, G, B: Byte): TColor;
47 | procedure RedGreenBlue(rgb: TColor; out Red, Green, Blue: Byte); // does not work on system color
48 |
49 | function GetScreenDPIX: integer;
50 | function GetScreenDPIY: integer;
51 | {$ENDIF}
52 |
55 | procedure TRawImage.BGRASetSizeAndTransparency(AWidth,AHeight: Integer; ATransparent: boolean);
56 | begin
57 | SetSize(AWidth,AHeight);
58 | end;
59 |
60 | constructor TRawImage.Create;
61 | begin
62 | inherited Create(0,0);
63 | end;
64 |
65 | procedure TGUICanvas.DrawImage(x,y: integer; AImage: TFPCustomImage);
66 | begin
67 | Draw(x,y, AImage);
68 | end;
69 |
70 | function ColorToRGB(c: TColor): TColor; inline;
71 | begin
72 | result := c;
73 | end;
74 |
75 | function RGBToColor(R, G, B: Byte): TColor;
76 | begin
77 | Result := (B shl 16) or (G shl 8) or R;
78 | end;
79 |
80 | procedure RedGreenBlue(rgb: TColor; out Red, Green, Blue: Byte);
81 | begin
82 | Red := rgb and $000000ff;
83 | Green := (rgb shr 8) and $000000ff;
84 | Blue := (rgb shr 16) and $000000ff;
85 | end;
86 |
87 | function GetScreenDPIX: integer;
88 | begin
89 | result := 96;
90 | end;
91 |
92 | function GetScreenDPIY: integer;
93 | begin
94 | result := 96;
95 | end;
96 |
97 | {$ENDIF}