1 | unit BGRAGraphics;
2 | {=== Types imported from Graphics ===}
3 | {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
4 |
5 | interface
6 |
7 | {$I bgrabitmap.inc}
8 |
10 | uses Graphics, GraphType, FPImage;
11 |
12 | type
13 | PColor = Graphics.PColor;
14 | TColor = Graphics.TColor;
15 | TAntialiasingMode = Graphics.TAntialiasingMode;
16 | TGradientDirection = Graphics.TGradientDirection;
17 | TPenEndCap = Graphics.TPenEndCap;
18 | TPenJoinStyle = Graphics.TPenJoinStyle;
19 | TPenStyle = Graphics.TPenStyle;
20 |
21 | const
22 | amDontCare = Graphics.amDontCare;
23 | amOn = Graphics.amOn;
24 | amOff = Graphics.amOff;
25 |
26 | gdVertical = Graphics.gdVertical;
27 | gdHorizontal = Graphics.gdHorizontal;
28 |
29 | pecRound = Graphics.pecRound;
30 | pecSquare = Graphics.pecSquare;
31 | pecFlat = Graphics.pecFlat;
32 |
33 | pjsRound = Graphics.pjsRound;
34 | pjsBevel = Graphics.pjsBevel;
35 | pjsMiter = Graphics.pjsMiter;
36 |
37 | psSolid = Graphics.psSolid;
38 | psDash = Graphics.psDash;
39 | psDot = Graphics.psDot;
40 | psDashDot = Graphics.psDashDot;
41 | psDashDotDot = Graphics.psDashDotDot;
42 | psClear = Graphics.psClear;
43 | psInsideframe = Graphics.psInsideframe;
44 | psPattern = Graphics.psPattern;
45 |
46 | tmAuto = Graphics.tmAuto;
47 | tmFixed = Graphics.tmFixed;
48 |
49 | type
50 | TPen = Graphics.TPen;
51 | TTextLayout = Graphics.TTextLayout;
52 | TTextStyle = Graphics.TTextStyle;
53 |
54 | TFillStyle = Graphics.TFillStyle;
55 | TFillMode = Graphics.TFillMode;
56 | TBrushStyle = Graphics.TBrushStyle;
57 |
58 | const
59 | tlTop = Graphics.tlTop;
60 | tlCenter = Graphics.tlCenter;
61 | tlBottom = Graphics.tlBottom;
62 |
63 | fsSurface = GraphType.fsSurface;
64 | fsBorder = GraphType.fsBorder;
65 |
66 | fmAlternate = Graphics.fmAlternate;
67 | fmWinding = Graphics.fmWinding;
68 |
69 | bsSolid = Graphics.bsSolid;
70 | bsClear = Graphics.bsClear;
71 | bsHorizontal = Graphics.bsHorizontal;
72 | bsVertical = Graphics.bsVertical;
73 | bsFDiagonal = Graphics.bsFDiagonal;
74 | bsBDiagonal = Graphics.bsBDiagonal;
75 | bsCross = Graphics.bsCross;
76 | bsDiagCross = Graphics.bsDiagCross;
77 |
78 | type
79 | TBrush = Graphics.TBrush;
80 | TCanvas = Graphics.TCanvas;
81 | TGraphic = Graphics.TGraphic;
82 | TRawImage = GraphType.TRawImage;
83 | TBitmap = Graphics.TBitmap;
84 |
85 | TRasterImage = Graphics.TRasterImage;
86 |
87 | TFontStyle = Graphics.TFontStyle;
88 | TFontStyles = Graphics.TFontStyles;
89 | TFontQuality = Graphics.TFontQuality;
90 |
91 | type
92 | TFont = Graphics.TFont;
93 |
94 | const
95 | fsBold = Graphics.fsBold;
96 | fsItalic = Graphics.fsItalic;
97 | fsStrikeOut = Graphics.fsStrikeOut;
98 | fsUnderline = Graphics.fsUnderline;
99 |
100 | fqDefault = Graphics.fqDefault;
101 | fqDraft = Graphics.fqDraft;
102 | fqProof = Graphics.fqProof;
103 | fqNonAntialiased = Graphics.fqNonAntialiased;
104 | fqAntialiased = Graphics.fqAntialiased;
105 | fqCleartype = Graphics.fqCleartype;
106 | fqCleartypeNatural = Graphics.fqCleartypeNatural;
107 |
108 | clNone = Graphics.clNone;
109 |
110 | clBlack = Graphics.clBlack;
111 | clMaroon = Graphics.clMaroon;
112 | clGreen = Graphics.clGreen;
113 | clOlive = Graphics.clOlive;
114 | clNavy = Graphics.clNavy;
115 | clPurple = Graphics.clPurple;
116 | clTeal = Graphics.clTeal;
117 | clGray = Graphics.clGray;
118 | clSilver = Graphics.clSilver;
119 | clRed = Graphics.clRed;
120 | clLime = Graphics.clLime;
121 | clYellow = Graphics.clYellow;
122 | clBlue = Graphics.clBlue;
123 | clFuchsia = Graphics.clFuchsia;
124 | clAqua = Graphics.clAqua;
125 | clLtGray = Graphics.clLtGray; // clSilver alias
126 | clDkGray = Graphics.clDkGray; // clGray alias
127 | clWhite = Graphics.clWhite;
128 |
129 | function FPColorToTColor(const FPColor: TFPColor): TColor; inline;
130 | function TColorToFPColor(const c: TColor): TFPColor; inline;
131 | function ColorToRGB(c: TColor): TColor; inline;
132 | function RGBToColor(R, G, B: Byte): TColor; inline;
133 | procedure RedGreenBlue(rgb: TColor; out Red, Green, Blue: Byte); inline;// does not work on system color
134 | function clRgbBtnHighlight: TColor;
135 | function clRgbBtnShadow: TColor;
136 |
137 | implementation
138 |
139 | function FPColorToTColor(const FPColor: TFPColor): TColor;
140 | begin
141 | result := Graphics.FPColorToTColor(FPColor);
142 | end;
143 |
144 | function TColorToFPColor(const c: TColor): TFPColor;
145 | begin
146 | result := Graphics.TColorToFPColor(c);
147 | end;
148 |
149 | function ColorToRGB(c: TColor): TColor;
150 | begin
151 | result := Graphics.ColorToRGB(c);
152 | end;
153 |
154 | function RGBToColor(R, G, B: Byte): TColor;
155 | begin
156 | result := Graphics.RGBToColor(R, G, B);
157 | end;
158 |
159 | procedure RedGreenBlue(rgb: TColor; out Red, Green, Blue: Byte);
160 | begin
161 | Graphics.RedGreenBlue(rgb, Red, Green, Blue);
162 | end;
163 |
164 | function clRgbBtnHighlight: TColor;
165 | begin
166 | result := Graphics.ColorToRGB(clBtnHighlight);
167 | end;
168 |
169 | function clRgbBtnShadow: TColor;
170 | begin
171 | result := Graphics.ColorToRGB(clBtnShadow);
172 | end;
173 |
174 | {$ELSE}
175 |
176 | uses
177 | Classes, FPCanvas, FPImage
180 | {$i bgrafpgui.inc}
181 | {$ELSE}
182 | {$i bgranogui.inc}
183 | {$ENDIF}
184 | ;
185 |
188 | {$i bgrafpgui.inc}
189 | {$ELSE}
190 | {$i bgranogui.inc}
191 | {$ENDIF}
192 |
193 | type
194 | {* Pointer to a ''TColor'' value }
195 | PColor = ^TColor;
196 | {* Contains a color stored as RGB. The red/green/blue values
197 | range from 0 to 255. The formula to get the color value is:
198 | * ''color'' = ''red'' + (''green'' '''shl''' 8) + (''blue'' '''shl''' 16)
199 | *except with fpGUI where it is:
200 | * ''color'' = (''red'' '''shl''' 16) + (''green'' '''shl''' 8) + ''blue'' }{import
201 | TColor = Int32;
202 | }
203 | {** Converts a ''TFPColor'' into a ''TColor'' value }
204 | function FPColorToTColor(const FPColor: TFPColor): TColor;
205 | {** Converts a ''TColor'' into a ''TFPColor'' value }
206 | function TColorToFPColor(const c: TColor): TFPColor;
207 |
208 | type
209 | {* Direction of change in a gradient }
210 | TGradientDirection = (
211 | {** Color changes vertically }
212 | gdVertical,
213 | {** Color changes horizontally }
214 | gdHorizontal);
215 |
216 | {* Antialiasing mode for a Canvas }
217 | TAntialiasingMode = (
218 | {** It does not matter if there is antialiasing or not }
219 | amDontCare,
220 | {** Antialiasing is required (BGRACanvas provide it) }
221 | amOn,
222 | {** Antialiasing is disabled }
223 | amOff);
224 |
225 | {* How to draw the end of line }
226 | TPenEndCap = TFPPenEndCap;
227 |
228 | const
229 | {** Draw a half-disk at the end of the line. The diameter of the disk is
230 | equal to the pen width. }
231 | pecRound = FPCanvas.pecRound;
232 | {** Draw a half-square. The size of the square is equal to the pen width.
233 | This is visually equivalent to extend the line of half the pen width }
234 | pecSquare = FPCanvas.pecSquare;
235 | {** The line ends exactly at the end point }
236 | pecFlat = FPCanvas.pecFlat;
237 |
238 | type
239 | {* How to join segments. This makes sense only for geometric pens (that
240 | have a certain width) }
241 | TPenJoinStyle = TFPPenJoinStyle;
242 |
243 | const
244 | {** Segments are joined by filling the gap with an arc }
245 | pjsRound = FPCanvas.pjsRound;
246 | {** Segments are joind by filling the gap with an intermediary segment }
247 | pjsBevel = FPCanvas.pjsBevel;
248 | {** Segments are joined by extending them up to their intersection.
249 | There is a miter limit so that if the intersection is too far,
250 | an intermediary segment is used }
251 | pjsMiter = FPCanvas.pjsMiter;
252 |
253 | type
254 | {* Style to use for the pen. The unit for the pattern is the width of the
255 | line }
256 | TPenStyle = TFPPenStyle;
257 |
258 | const
259 | {** Pen is continuous }
260 | psSolid = FPCanvas.psSolid;
261 | {** Pen is dashed. The dash have a length of 3 unit and the gaps of 1 unit }
262 | psDash = FPCanvas.psDash;
263 | {** Pen is dotted. The dots have a length of 1 unit and the gaps of 1 unit }
264 | psDot = FPCanvas.psDot;
265 | {** Pattern is a dash of length 3 followed by a dot of length 1, separated by a gap of length 1 }
266 | psDashDot = FPCanvas.psDashDot;
267 | {** Dash of length 3, and two dots of length 1 }
268 | psDashDotDot = FPCanvas.psDashDotDot;
269 | {** Pen is not drawn }
270 | psClear = FPCanvas.psClear;
271 | {** Not used. Provided for compatibility }
272 | psInsideframe = FPCanvas.psInsideframe;
273 | {** Custom pattern used }
274 | psPattern = FPCanvas.psPattern;
275 |
276 | type
277 | TTransparentMode = (
278 | tmAuto,
279 | tmFixed
280 | );
281 |
282 | { TPen }
283 | {* A class containing a pen }
284 | TPen = class(TFPCustomPen)
285 | private
286 | FEndCap: TPenEndCap;
287 | FJoinStyle: TPenJoinStyle;
288 | function GetColor: TColor;
289 | procedure SetColor(AValue: TColor);
290 | public
291 | constructor Create; override;
292 | {** Color of the pen }
293 | property Color: TColor read GetColor write SetColor;
294 | {** End cap of the pen: how to draw the ends of the lines }
295 | property EndCap;
296 | {** Join style: how to join the segments of a polyline }
297 | property JoinStyle;
298 | {** Pen style: solid, dash, dot... }{inherited
299 | property Style : TPenStyle read write;
300 | }{** Pen width in pixels }{inherited
301 | property Width : Integer read write;
302 | }
303 | end;
304 |
305 | type
306 | {* Vertical position of a text }
307 | TTextLayout = (tlTop, tlCenter, tlBottom);
308 | {* Styles to describe how a text is drawn in a rectangle }
309 | TTextStyle = packed record
310 | {** Horizontal alignment }
311 | Alignment : TAlignment;
312 |
313 | {** Vertical alignment }
314 | Layout : TTextLayout;
315 |
316 | {** If WordBreak is false then process #13, #10 as
317 | standard chars and perform no Line breaking }
318 | SingleLine: boolean;
319 |
320 | {** Clip Text to passed Rectangle }
321 | Clipping : boolean;
322 |
323 | {** Replace #9 by apropriate amount of spaces (default is usually 8) }
324 | ExpandTabs: boolean;
325 |
326 | {** Process first single '&' per line as an underscore and draw '&&' as '&' }
327 | ShowPrefix: boolean;
328 |
329 | {** If line of text is too long too fit between left and right boundaries
330 | try to break into multiple lines between words. See also ''EndEllipsis'' }
331 | Wordbreak : boolean;
332 |
333 | {** Fills background with current brush }
334 | Opaque : boolean;
335 |
336 | {** Use the system font instead of canvas font }
337 | SystemFont: Boolean;
338 |
339 | {** For RightToLeft text reading (Text Direction) }
340 | RightToLeft: Boolean;
341 |
342 | {** If line of text is too long to fit between left and right boundaries
343 | truncates the text and adds "...". If Wordbreak is set as well,
344 | Workbreak will dominate }
345 | EndEllipsis: Boolean;
346 | end;
347 |
348 | {* Option for floodfill (used in BGRACanvas) }
349 | TFillStyle =
350 | (
351 | {** Fill up to the color (it fills all except the specified color) }
352 | fsSurface,
353 | {** Fill the specified color (it fills only connected pixels of this color) }
354 | fsBorder
355 | );
356 | {* How to handle polygons that intersect with themselves and
357 | overlapping polygons }
358 | TFillMode = (
359 | {** Each time a boundary is found, it enters or exit the filling zone }
360 | fmAlternate,
361 | {** Adds or subtract 1 depending on the order of the points of the
362 | polygons (clockwise or counter clockwise) and fill when the
363 | result is non-zero. So, to draw a hole, you must specify the points
364 | of the hole in the opposite order }
365 | fmWinding);
366 |
367 | {* Pattern when filling with a brush. It is used in BGRACanvas but can
368 | also be created with TBGRABitmap.CreateBrushTexture function }
369 | TBrushStyle = TFPBrushStyle;
370 |
371 | const
372 | {** Fill with the current color }
373 | bsSolid = FPCanvas.bsSolid;
374 | {** Does not fill at all }
375 | bsClear = FPCanvas.bsClear;
376 | {** Draw horizontal lines }
377 | bsHorizontal = FPCanvas.bsHorizontal;
378 | {** Draw vertical lines }
379 | bsVertical = FPCanvas.bsVertical;
380 | {** Draw diagonal lines from top-left to bottom-right }
381 | bsFDiagonal = FPCanvas.bsFDiagonal;
382 | {** Draw diagonal lines from bottom-left to top-right }
383 | bsBDiagonal = FPCanvas.bsBDiagonal;
384 | {** Draw both horizontal and vertical lines }
385 | bsCross = FPCanvas.bsCross;
386 | {** Draw both diagonal lines }
387 | bsDiagCross = FPCanvas.bsDiagCross;
388 |
389 | type
390 |
391 | { TBrush }
392 | {* A class describing a brush }
393 | TBrush = class(TFPCustomBrush)
394 | private
395 | function GetColor: TColor;
396 | procedure SetColor(AValue: TColor);
397 | public
398 | constructor Create; override;
399 | {** Color of the brush }
400 | property Color: TColor read GetColor write SetColor;
401 | {** Style of the brush: solid, diagonal lines, horizontal lines... }{inherited
402 | property Style : TBrushStyle read write;
403 | }
404 | end;
405 |
406 | type
407 | TGraphic = class;
408 |
409 | { TCanvas }
410 | {* A surface on which to draw }
411 | TCanvas = class
412 | protected
413 | FCanvas: TGUICanvas;
414 | public
415 | constructor Create(ACanvas: TGUICanvas);
416 | {** Draw an image with top-left corner at (''x'',''y'') }
417 | procedure Draw(x,y: integer; AImage: TGraphic);
418 | {** Draw and stretch an image within the rectangle ''ARect'' }
419 | procedure StretchDraw(ARect: TRect; AImage: TGraphic);
420 | property GUICanvas: TGUICanvas read FCanvas;
421 | end;
422 |
423 | { TGraphic }
424 | {* A class containing any element that can be drawn within rectangular bounds }
425 | TGraphic = class(TPersistent)
426 | protected
427 | procedure Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; const Rect: TRect); virtual; abstract;
428 | function GetEmpty: Boolean; virtual; abstract;
429 | function GetHeight: Integer; virtual; abstract;
430 | function GetWidth: Integer; virtual; abstract;
431 | function GetTransparent: Boolean; virtual; abstract;
432 | procedure SetTransparent(Value: Boolean); virtual; abstract;
433 | procedure SetHeight(Value: Integer); virtual; abstract;
434 | procedure SetWidth(Value: Integer); virtual; abstract;
435 | function GetMimeType: string; virtual;
436 | public
437 | constructor Create; virtual;
438 | {** Load the content from a given file }
439 | procedure LoadFromFile({%H-}const Filename: string); virtual;
440 | {** Load the content from a given stream }
441 | procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream); virtual; abstract;
442 | {** Saves the content to a file }
443 | procedure SaveToFile({%H-}const Filename: string); virtual;
444 | {** Saves the content into a given stream }
445 | procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); virtual; abstract;
446 | {** Returns the list of possible file extensions }
447 | class function GetFileExtensions: string; virtual;
448 | {** Clears the content }
449 | procedure Clear; virtual;
450 | public
451 | {** Returns if the content is completely empty }
452 | property Empty: Boolean read GetEmpty;
453 | {** Returns the height of the bounding rectangle }
454 | property Height: Integer read GetHeight write SetHeight;
455 | {** Returns the width of the bounding rectangle }
456 | property Width: Integer read GetWidth write SetWidth;
457 | {** Gets or sets if it is drawn with transparency }
458 | property Transparent: Boolean read GetTransparent write SetTransparent;
459 | end;
460 |
461 | { TBitmap }
462 | {* Contains a bitmap }
463 | TBitmap = class(TGraphic)
464 | private
465 | FHeight: integer;
466 | FWidth: integer;
467 | FInDraw: boolean;
468 | FTransparent: boolean;
469 | FTransparentColor: TColor;
470 | FTransparentMode: TTransparentMode;
471 | function GetCanvas: TCanvas;
472 | function GetRawImage: TRawImage;
473 | procedure SetTransparentColor(AValue: TColor);
474 | procedure SetTransparentMode(AValue: TTransparentMode);
475 | protected
476 | FRawImage: TRawImage;
477 | procedure Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; const Rect: TRect); override;
478 | procedure Changed(Sender: TObject); virtual;
479 | function GetHeight: Integer; override;
480 | function GetWidth: Integer; override;
481 | procedure SetHeight(Value: Integer); override;
482 | procedure SetWidth(Value: Integer); override;
483 | function GetEmpty: Boolean; override;
484 | function GetTransparent: Boolean; override;
485 | procedure SetTransparent({%H-}Value: Boolean); override;
486 | function GetMimeType: string; override;
487 | public
488 | constructor Create; override;
489 | destructor Destroy; override;
490 | procedure LoadFromStream({%H-}Stream: TStream); override;
491 | procedure SaveToStream({%H-}Stream: TStream); override;
492 | {** Width of the bitmap in pixels }
493 | property Width: integer read GetWidth write SetWidth;
494 | {** Height of the bitmap in pixels }
495 | property Height: integer read GetHeight write SetHeight;
496 | property RawImage: TRawImage read GetRawImage;
497 | property Canvas: TCanvas read GetCanvas;
498 | property TransparentColor: TColor read FTransparentColor
499 | write SetTransparentColor default clDefault;
500 | property TransparentMode: TTransparentMode read FTransparentMode
501 | write SetTransparentMode default tmAuto;
502 | end;
503 |
504 | TRasterImage = TBitmap;
505 |
506 | {* Available font styles }
507 | TFontStyle = (
508 | {** Font is bold }
509 | fsBold,
510 | {** Font is italic }
511 | fsItalic,
512 | {** An horizontal line is drawn in the middle of the text }
513 | fsStrikeOut,
514 | {** Text is underlined }
515 | fsUnderline);
516 | {** A combination of font styles }
517 | TFontStyles = set of TFontStyle;
518 | {* Quality to use when font is rendered by the system }
519 | TFontQuality = (fqDefault, fqDraft, fqProof, fqNonAntialiased, fqAntialiased, fqCleartype, fqCleartypeNatural);
520 |
521 | { TFont }
522 | {* Contains the description of a font }
523 | TFont = class(TFPCustomFont)
524 | private
525 | FPixelsPerInch, FHeight: Integer;
526 | FQuality: TFontQuality;
527 | FStyle: TFontStyles;
528 | function GetColor: TColor;
529 | function GetHeight: Integer;
530 | function GetSize: Integer;
531 | function GetStyle: TFontStyles;
532 | procedure SetColor(AValue: TColor);
533 | procedure SetHeight(AValue: Integer);
534 | procedure SetQuality(AValue: TFontQuality);
535 | procedure SetStyle(AValue: TFontStyles);
536 | protected
537 | procedure SetSize(AValue: Integer); override;
538 | public
539 | constructor Create; override;
540 | {** Pixels per inches }
541 | property PixelsPerInch: Integer read FPixelsPerInch write FPixelsPerInch;
542 | {** Color of the font }
543 | property Color: TColor read GetColor write SetColor;
544 | {** Height of the font in pixels. When the number is negative, it indicates a size in pixels }
545 | property Height: Integer read GetHeight write SetHeight;
546 | {** Size of the font in inches. When the number is negative, it indicates a height in inches }
547 | property Size: Integer read GetSize write SetSize;
548 | {** Quality of the font rendering }
549 | property Quality: TFontQuality read FQuality write SetQuality;
550 | {** Style to apply to the text }
551 | property Style: TFontStyles read GetStyle write SetStyle;
552 | end;
553 |
554 | {* Multiply and divide the number allowing big intermediate number and rounding the result }
555 | function MulDiv(nNumber, nNumerator, nDenominator: Integer): Integer;
556 | {* Round the number using math convention }
557 | function MathRound(AValue: ValReal): Int64; inline;
558 |
559 | implementation
560 |
561 | uses sysutils, BGRAUTF8;
562 |
565 | {$i bgrafpgui.inc}
566 | {$ELSE}
567 | {$i bgranogui.inc}
568 | {$ENDIF}
569 |
570 | function MathRound(AValue: ValReal): Int64; inline;
571 | begin
572 | if AValue >= 0 then
573 | Result := Trunc(AValue + 0.5)
574 | else
575 | Result := Trunc(AValue - 0.5);
576 | end;
577 |
578 | function MulDiv(nNumber, nNumerator, nDenominator: Integer): Integer;
579 | begin
580 | if nDenominator = 0 then
581 | Result := -1
582 | else
583 | Result := MathRound(int64(nNumber) * int64(nNumerator) / nDenominator);
584 | end;
585 |
586 | function FPColorToTColor(const FPColor: TFPColor): TColor;
587 | begin
589 | Result:=((FPColor.Blue shr 8) and $ff)
590 | or (FPColor.Green and $ff00)
591 | or ((FPColor.Red shl 8) and $ff0000);
592 | {$ELSE}
593 | Result:=((FPColor.Red shr 8) and $ff)
594 | or (FPColor.Green and $ff00)
595 | or ((FPColor.Blue shl 8) and $ff0000);
596 | {$ENDIF}
597 | end;
598 |
599 | function TColorToFPColor(const c: TColor): TFPColor;
600 | begin
602 | Result.Blue:=(c and $ff);
603 | Result.Blue:=Result.Blue+(Result.Blue shl 8);
604 | Result.Green:=(c and $ff00);
605 | Result.Green:=Result.Green+(Result.Green shr 8);
606 | Result.Red:=(c and $ff0000) shr 8;
607 | Result.Red:=Result.Red+(Result.Red shr 8);
608 | {$ELSE}
609 | Result.Red:=(c and $ff);
610 | Result.Red:=Result.Red+(Result.Red shl 8);
611 | Result.Green:=(c and $ff00);
612 | Result.Green:=Result.Green+(Result.Green shr 8);
613 | Result.Blue:=(c and $ff0000) shr 8;
614 | Result.Blue:=Result.Blue+(Result.Blue shr 8);
615 | {$ENDIF}
616 | Result.Alpha:=FPImage.alphaOpaque;
617 | end;
618 |
619 | { TGraphic }
620 |
621 | function TGraphic.GetMimeType: string;
622 | begin
623 | result := '';
624 | end;
625 |
626 | constructor TGraphic.Create;
627 | begin
628 | //nothing
629 | end;
630 |
631 | procedure TGraphic.LoadFromFile(const Filename: string);
632 | var
633 | Stream: TStream;
634 | begin
635 | Stream := TFileStreamUTF8.Create(Filename, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);
636 | try
637 | LoadFromStream(Stream);
638 | finally
639 | Stream.Free;
640 | end;
641 | end;
642 |
643 | procedure TGraphic.SaveToFile(const Filename: string);
644 | var
645 | Stream: TStream;
646 | begin
647 | Stream := TFileStreamUTF8.Create(Filename, fmCreate);
648 | try
649 | SaveToStream(Stream);
650 | finally
651 | Stream.Free;
652 | end;
653 | end;
654 |
655 | class function TGraphic.GetFileExtensions: string;
656 | begin
657 | result := '';
658 | end;
659 |
660 | procedure TGraphic.Clear;
661 | begin
662 | //nothing
663 | end;
664 |
665 | { TCanvas }
666 |
667 | constructor TCanvas.Create(ACanvas: TGUICanvas);
668 | begin
669 | FCanvas := ACanvas;
670 | end;
671 |
672 | procedure TCanvas.Draw(x, y: integer; AImage: TGraphic);
673 | begin
674 | if AImage is TBitmap then
675 | FCanvas.DrawImage(x,y, TBitmap(AImage).RawImage)
676 | else
677 | AImage.Draw(self, rect(x,y,x+AImage.Width,y+AImage.Height));
678 | end;
679 |
680 | procedure TCanvas.StretchDraw(ARect: TRect; AImage: TGraphic);
681 | begin
682 | if AImage is TBitmap then
683 | FCanvas.StretchDraw(ARect.Left,ARect.Top,ARect.Right-ARect.Left,ARect.Bottom-ARect.Top, TBitmap(AImage).RawImage)
684 | else
685 | AImage.Draw(self, ARect);
686 | end;
687 |
688 | { TPen }
689 |
690 | procedure TPen.SetColor(AValue: TColor);
691 | begin
692 | FPColor := TColorToFPColor(AValue);
693 | end;
694 |
695 | function TPen.GetColor: TColor;
696 | begin
697 | result := FPColorToTColor(FPColor);
698 | end;
699 |
700 | constructor TPen.Create;
701 | begin
702 | inherited Create;
703 | Mode := pmCopy;
704 | Style := psSolid;
705 | Width := 1;
706 | FPColor := colBlack;
707 | FEndCap:= pecRound;
708 | FJoinStyle:= pjsRound;
709 | end;
710 |
711 | { TBrush }
712 |
713 | function TBrush.GetColor: TColor;
714 | begin
715 | result := FPColorToTColor(FPColor);
716 | end;
717 |
718 | procedure TBrush.SetColor(AValue: TColor);
719 | begin
720 | FPColor := TColorToFPColor(AValue);
721 | end;
722 |
723 | constructor TBrush.Create;
724 | begin
725 | inherited Create;
726 | FPColor := colWhite;
727 | end;
728 |
729 | { TFont }
730 |
731 | function TFont.GetColor: TColor;
732 | begin
733 | result := FPColorToTColor(FPColor);
734 | end;
735 |
736 | function TFont.GetHeight: Integer;
737 | begin
738 | result := FHeight;
739 | end;
740 |
741 | function TFont.GetSize: Integer;
742 | begin
743 | Result := inherited Size;
744 | end;
745 |
746 | function TFont.GetStyle: TFontStyles;
747 | begin
748 | result := FStyle;
749 | end;
750 |
751 | procedure TFont.SetColor(AValue: TColor);
752 | begin
753 | FPColor := TColorToFPColor(AValue);
754 | end;
755 |
756 | procedure TFont.SetHeight(AValue: Integer);
757 | begin
758 | if Height <> AValue then
759 | begin
760 | FHeight := AValue;
761 | inherited SetSize(-MulDiv(AValue, 72, FPixelsPerInch));
762 | end;
763 | end;
764 |
765 | procedure TFont.SetQuality(AValue: TFontQuality);
766 | begin
767 | if FQuality=AValue then Exit;
768 | FQuality:=AValue;
769 | end;
770 |
771 | procedure TFont.SetSize(AValue: Integer);
772 | begin
773 | if Size <> AValue then
774 | begin
775 | inherited SetSize(AValue);
776 | FHeight := -MulDiv(AValue, FPixelsPerInch, 72);
777 | end;
778 | end;
779 |
780 | procedure TFont.SetStyle(AValue: TFontStyles);
781 | begin
782 | if FStyle <> AValue then
783 | begin
784 | FStyle := AValue;
785 | inherited SetFlags(5, fsBold in FStyle);
786 | inherited SetFlags(6, fsItalic in FStyle);
787 | inherited SetFlags(7, fsUnderline in FStyle);
788 | inherited SetFlags(8, fsStrikeOut in FStyle);
789 | end;
790 | end;
791 |
792 | constructor TFont.Create;
793 | begin
794 | FPixelsPerInch := GetScreenDPIY;
795 | FQuality := fqDefault;
796 | FPColor := colBlack;
797 | end;
798 |
799 | { TBitmap }
800 |
801 | procedure TBitmap.SetWidth(Value: Integer);
802 | begin
803 | if FWidth=Value then Exit;
804 | FWidth:=Value;
805 | end;
806 |
807 | function TBitmap.GetEmpty: Boolean;
808 | begin
809 | result := (Width = 0) or (Height = 0);
810 | end;
811 |
812 | function TBitmap.GetTransparent: Boolean;
813 | begin
814 | result := FTransparent;
815 | end;
816 |
817 | procedure TBitmap.SetTransparent(Value: Boolean);
818 | begin
819 | if Value = FTransparent then exit;
820 | FTransparent:= Value;
821 | end;
822 |
823 | procedure TBitmap.SetTransparentColor(AValue: TColor);
824 | begin
825 | if FTransparentColor = AValue then exit;
826 | FTransparentColor := AValue;
827 |
828 | if AValue = clDefault
829 | then FTransparentMode := tmAuto
830 | else FTransparentMode := tmFixed;
831 | end;
832 |
833 | procedure TBitmap.SetTransparentMode(AValue: TTransparentMode);
834 | begin
835 | if AValue = TransparentMode then exit;
836 | FTransparentMode := AValue;
837 |
838 | if AValue = tmAuto
839 | then TransparentColor := clDefault
840 | end;
841 |
842 | function TBitmap.GetMimeType: string;
843 | begin
844 | Result:= 'image/bmp';
845 | end;
846 |
847 | procedure TBitmap.Changed(Sender: TObject);
848 | begin
849 | //nothing
850 | end;
851 |
852 | procedure TBitmap.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream);
853 | begin
854 | raise exception.Create('Not implemented');
855 | end;
856 |
857 | procedure TBitmap.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
858 | begin
859 | raise exception.Create('Not implemented');
860 | end;
861 |
862 | procedure TBitmap.SetHeight(Value: Integer);
863 | begin
864 | if FHeight=Value then Exit;
865 | FHeight:=Value;
866 | end;
867 |
868 | function TBitmap.GetRawImage: TRawImage;
869 | begin
870 | FRawImage.BGRASetSizeAndTransparency(FWidth, FHeight, FTransparent);
871 | result := FRawImage;
872 | end;
873 |
874 | procedure TBitmap.Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; const Rect: TRect);
875 | begin
876 | if FInDraw then exit;
877 | FInDraw := true;
878 | ACanvas.StretchDraw(Rect, self);
879 | FInDraw := false;
880 | end;
881 |
882 | function TBitmap.GetHeight: Integer;
883 | begin
884 | result := FHeight;
885 | end;
886 |
887 | function TBitmap.GetWidth: Integer;
888 | begin
889 | result := FWidth;
890 | end;
891 |
892 | function TBitmap.GetCanvas: TCanvas;
893 | begin
894 | result := nil;
895 | raise exception.Create('Canvas not available');
896 | end;
897 |
898 | constructor TBitmap.Create;
899 | begin
900 | FRawImage := TRawImage.Create;
901 | FTransparent:= false;
902 | end;
903 |
904 | destructor TBitmap.Destroy;
905 | begin
906 | FRawImage.Free;
907 | inherited Destroy;
908 | end;
909 |
910 | {$ENDIF}
911 |
912 | end.
913 |