1 | {
2 | /**************************************************************************\
3 | bgrabitmaptypes.pas
4 | -------------------
5 | This unit defines basic types and it must be
6 | included in the 'uses' clause.
7 |
8 | --> Include BGRABitmap and BGRABitmapTypes in the 'uses' clause.
9 | If you are using LCL types, add also BGRAGraphics unit.
10 |
11 | ****************************************************************************
12 | * *
13 | * This file is part of BGRABitmap library which is distributed under the *
14 | * modified LGPL. *
15 | * *
16 | * See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL.txt, included in this distribution, *
17 | * for details about the copyright. *
18 | * *
19 | * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
20 | * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
22 | * *
23 | ****************************************************************************
24 | }
25 |
26 | unit BGRABitmapTypes;
27 |
28 | {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
29 | {$i bgrabitmap.inc}
30 |
31 | interface
32 |
33 | uses
34 | Classes, Types, BGRAGraphics,
35 | FPImage, FPImgCanv{$IFDEF BGRABITMAP_USE_LCL}, LCLType, GraphType, LResources{$ENDIF},
36 | BGRAMultiFileType;
37 |
38 | type
39 | TMultiFileContainer = BGRAMultiFileType.TMultiFileContainer;
40 | Int32or64 = {$IFDEF CPU64}Int64{$ELSE}LongInt{$ENDIF};
41 | UInt32or64 = {$IFDEF CPU64}UInt64{$ELSE}LongWord{$ENDIF};
43 |
44 | {=== Miscellaneous types ===}
45 |
46 | type
47 | {* Options when doing a floodfill (also called bucket fill) }
48 | TFloodfillMode = (
49 | {** Pixels that are filled are replaced }
50 | fmSet,
51 | {** Pixels that are filled are drawn upon with the fill color }
52 | fmDrawWithTransparency,
53 | {** Pixels that are filled are drawn upon to the extent that the color underneath is similar to
54 | the start color. The more different the different is, the less it is drawn upon }
55 | fmProgressive);
56 |
57 | {* Specifies how much smoothing is applied to the computation of the median }
58 | TMedianOption = (moNone, moLowSmooth, moMediumSmooth, moHighSmooth);
59 | {* Specifies the shape of a predefined blur }
60 | TRadialBlurType = (
61 | {** Gaussian-like, pixel importance decreases progressively }
62 | rbNormal,
63 | {** Disk blur, pixel importance does not decrease progressively }
64 | rbDisk,
65 | {** Pixel are considered when they are at a certain distance }
66 | rbCorona,
67 | {** Gaussian-like, but 10 times smaller than ''rbNormal'' }
68 | rbPrecise,
69 | {** Gaussian-like but simplified to be computed faster }
70 | rbFast,
71 | {** Box blur, pixel importance does not decrease progressively
72 | and the pixels are included when they are in a square.
73 | This is much faster than ''rbFast'' however you may get
74 | square shapes in the resulting image }
75 | rbBox);
76 |
77 | TEmbossOption = (eoTransparent, eoPreserveHue);
78 | TEmbossOptions = set of TEmbossOption;
79 |
80 | TTextLayout = BGRAGraphics.TTextLayout;
81 | TFontBidiMode = (fbmAuto, fbmLeftToRight, fbmRightToLeft);
82 | TBidiTextAlignment = (btaNatural, btaOpposite, btaLeftJustify, btaRightJustify, btaCenter);
83 |
84 | const
85 | RadialBlurTypeToStr: array[TRadialBlurType] of string =
86 | ('Normal','Disk','Corona','Precise','Fast','Box');
87 |
88 |
89 | tlTop = BGRAGraphics.tlTop;
90 | tlCenter = BGRAGraphics.tlCenter;
91 | tlBottom = BGRAGraphics.tlBottom;
92 |
93 | // checks the bounds of an image in the given clipping rectangle
94 | function CheckPutImageBounds(x, y, tx, ty: integer; out minxb, minyb, maxxb, maxyb, ignoreleft: integer; const cliprect: TRect): boolean;
95 |
96 | {==== Imported from GraphType ====}
97 | //if this unit is defined, otherwise
98 | //define here the types used by the library.
100 | type
101 | { Order of the lines in an image }
102 | TRawImageLineOrder = GraphType.TRawImageLineOrder;
103 | { Order of the bits in a byte containing pixel values }
104 | TRawImageBitOrder = GraphType.TRawImageBitOrder;
105 | { Order of the bytes in a group of byte containing pixel values }
106 | TRawImageByteOrder = GraphType.TRawImageByteOrder;
107 | { Definition of a single line 3D bevel }
108 | TGraphicsBevelCut = GraphType.TGraphicsBevelCut;
109 |
110 | const
111 | riloTopToBottom = GraphType.riloTopToBottom; // The first line (line 0) is the top line
112 | riloBottomToTop = GraphType.riloBottomToTop; // The first line (line 0) is the bottom line
113 |
114 | riboBitsInOrder = GraphType.riboBitsInOrder; // Bit 0 is pixel 0
115 | riboReversedBits = GraphType.riboReversedBits; // Bit 0 is pixel 7 (Bit 1 is pixel 6, ...)
116 |
117 | riboLSBFirst = GraphType.riboLSBFirst; // least significant byte first (little endian)
118 | riboMSBFirst = GraphType.riboMSBFirst; // most significant byte first (big endian)
119 |
120 | fsSurface = GraphType.fsSurface; //type is defined as Graphics.TFillStyle
121 | fsBorder = GraphType.fsBorder;
122 |
123 | bvNone = GraphType.bvNone;
124 | bvLowered = GraphType.bvLowered;
125 | bvRaised = GraphType.bvRaised;
126 | bvSpace = GraphType.bvSpace;
127 | {$ELSE}
128 | type
129 | {* Order of the lines in an image }
130 | TRawImageLineOrder = (
131 | {** The first line in memory (line 0) is the top line }
132 | riloTopToBottom,
133 | {** The first line in memory (line 0) is the bottom line }
134 | riloBottomToTop);
135 |
136 | {* Order of the bits in a byte containing pixel values }
137 | TRawImageBitOrder = (
138 | {** The lowest bit is on the left. So with a monochrome picture, bit 0 would be pixel 0 }
139 | riboBitsInOrder,
140 | {** The lowest bit is on the right. So with a momochrome picture, bit 0 would be pixel 7 (bit 1 would be pixel 6, ...) }
141 | riboReversedBits);
142 |
143 | {* Order of the bytes in a group of byte containing pixel values }
144 | TRawImageByteOrder = (
145 | {** Least significant byte first (little endian) }
146 | riboLSBFirst,
147 | {** most significant byte first (big endian) }
148 | riboMSBFirst);
149 |
150 | {* Definition of a single line 3D bevel }
151 | TGraphicsBevelCut =
152 | (
153 | {** No bevel }
154 | bvNone,
155 | {** Shape is lowered, light is on the bottom-right corner }
156 | bvLowered,
157 | {** Shape is raised, light is on the top-left corner }
158 | bvRaised,
159 | {** Shape is at the same level, there is no particular lighting }
160 | bvSpace);
161 | {$ENDIF}
162 |
164 | {$I bgrapixel.inc}
165 |
167 | {$I geometrytypes.inc}
168 |
170 | {$i csscolorconst.inc}
171 |
173 | {$I bgracustombitmap.inc}
174 |
175 | {==== Integer math ====}
176 |
177 | {* Computes the value modulo cycle, and if the ''value'' is negative, the result
178 | is still positive }
179 | function PositiveMod(value, cycle: Int32or64): Int32or64; inline; overload;
180 |
181 | { Sin65536 and Cos65536 are fast routines to compute sine and cosine as integer values.
182 | They use a table to store already computed values. The return value is an integer
183 | ranging from 0 to 65536, so the mean value is 32768 and the half amplitude is
184 | 32768 instead of 1. The input has a period of 65536, so you can supply any integer
185 | without applying a modulo. }
186 |
187 | { Compute all values now }
188 | procedure PrecalcSin65536;
189 |
190 | {* Returns an integer approximation of the sine. Value ranges from 0 to 65535,
191 | where 65536 corresponds to the next cycle }
192 | function Sin65536(value: word): Int32or64; inline;
193 | {* Returns an integer approximation of the cosine. Value ranges from 0 to 65535,
194 | where 65536 corresponds to the next cycle }
195 | function Cos65536(value: word): Int32or64; inline;
196 |
197 | {* Returns the square root of the given byte, considering that
198 | 255 is equal to unity }
199 | function ByteSqrt(value: byte): byte; inline;
200 |
201 | {==== Types provided for fonts ====}
202 | type
203 | {* Quality to be used to render text }
204 | TBGRAFontQuality = (
205 | {** Use the system capabilities. It is rather fast however it may be
206 | not be smoothed. }
207 | fqSystem,
208 | {** Use the system capabilities to render with ClearType. This quality is
209 | of course better than fqSystem however it may not be perfect.}
210 | fqSystemClearType,
211 | {** Garanties a high quality antialiasing. }
212 | fqFineAntialiasing,
213 | {** Fine antialiasing with ClearType in assuming an LCD display in red/green/blue order }
214 | fqFineClearTypeRGB,
215 | {** Fine antialiasing with ClearType in assuming an LCD display in blue/green/red order }
216 | fqFineClearTypeBGR);
217 |
218 | {* Measurements of a font }
219 | TFontPixelMetric = record
220 | {** The values have been computed }
221 | Defined: boolean;
222 | {** Position of the baseline, where most letters lie }
223 | Baseline,
224 | {** Position of the top of the small letters (x being one of them) }
225 | xLine,
226 | {** Position of the top of the UPPERCASE letters }
227 | CapLine,
228 | {** Position of the bottom of letters like g and p }
229 | DescentLine,
230 | {** Total line height including line spacing defined by the font }
231 | Lineheight: integer;
232 | end;
233 |
234 | {* Vertical anchoring of the font. When text is drawn, a start coordinate
235 | is necessary. Text can be positioned in different ways. This enum
236 | defines what position it is regarding the font }
237 | TFontVerticalAnchor = (
238 | {** The top of the font. Everything will be drawn below the start coordinate. }
239 | fvaTop,
240 | {** The center of the font }
241 | fvaCenter,
242 | {** The top of capital letters }
243 | fvaCapLine,
244 | {** The center of capital letters }
245 | fvaCapCenter,
246 | {** The top of small letters }
247 | fvaXLine,
248 | {** The center of small letters }
249 | fvaXCenter,
250 | {** The baseline, the bottom of most letters }
251 | fvaBaseline,
252 | {** The bottom of letters that go below the baseline }
253 | fvaDescentLine,
254 | {** The bottom of the font. Everything will be drawn above the start coordinate }
255 | fvaBottom);
256 |
257 | {* Definition of a function that handles work-break }
258 | TWordBreakHandler = procedure(var ABeforeUTF8, AAfterUTF8: string) of object;
259 |
260 | {* Alignment for a typewriter, that does not have any more information
261 | than a square shape containing glyphs }
262 | TBGRATypeWriterAlignment = (twaTopLeft, twaTop, twaTopRight, twaLeft, twaMiddle, twaRight, twaBottomLeft, twaBottom, twaBottomRight);
263 | {* How a typewriter must render its content on a Canvas2d }
264 | TBGRATypeWriterOutlineMode = (twoPath, twoFill, twoStroke, twoFillOverStroke, twoStrokeOverFill, twoFillThenStroke, twoStrokeThenFill);
265 |
266 | { TBGRACustomFontRenderer }
267 | {* Abstract class for all font renderers }
268 | TBGRACustomFontRenderer = class
269 | {** Specifies the font to use. Unless the font renderer accept otherwise,
270 | the name is in human readable form, like 'Arial', 'Times New Roman', ... }
271 | FontName: string;
272 |
273 | {** Specifies the set of styles to be applied to the font.
274 | These can be fsBold, fsItalic, fsStrikeOut, fsUnderline.
275 | So the value [fsBold,fsItalic] means that the font must be bold and italic }
276 | FontStyle: TFontStyles;
277 |
278 | {** Specifies the quality of rendering. Default value is fqSystem }
279 | FontQuality : TBGRAFontQuality;
280 |
281 | {** Specifies the rotation of the text, for functions that support text rotation.
282 | It is expressed in tenth of degrees, positive values going counter-clockwise }
283 | FontOrientation: integer;
284 |
285 | {** Specifies the height of the font without taking into account additional line spacing.
286 | A negative value means that it is the full height instead }
287 | FontEmHeight: integer;
288 |
289 | {** Returns measurement for the current font in pixels }
290 | function GetFontPixelMetric: TFontPixelMetric; virtual; abstract;
291 |
292 | {** Returns the total size of the string provided using the current font.
293 | Orientation is not taken into account, so that the width is along the text }
294 | function TextSize(sUTF8: string): TSize; overload; virtual; abstract;
295 | function TextSize(sUTF8: string; AMaxWidth: integer; ARightToLeft: boolean): TSize; overload; virtual; abstract;
296 |
297 | function TextFitInfo(sUTF8: string; AMaxWidth: integer): integer; virtual; abstract;
298 | function TextSizeAngle(sUTF8: string; {%H-}orientationTenthDegCCW: integer): TSize; virtual;
299 |
300 | {** Draws the UTF8 encoded string, with color ''c''.
301 | If align is taLeftJustify, (''x'',''y'') is the top-left corner.
302 | If align is taCenter, (''x'',''y'') is at the top and middle of the text.
303 | If align is taRightJustify, (''x'',''y'') is the top-right corner.
304 | The value of ''FontOrientation'' is taken into account, so that the text may be rotated }
305 | procedure TextOut(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single; sUTF8: string; c: TBGRAPixel; align: TAlignment); overload; virtual; abstract;
306 | procedure TextOut(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single; sUTF8: string; c: TBGRAPixel; align: TAlignment; {%H-}ARightToLeft: boolean); overload; virtual;
307 |
308 | {** Same as above functions, except that the text is filled using texture.
309 | The value of ''FontOrientation'' is taken into account, so that the text may be rotated }
310 | procedure TextOut(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single; sUTF8: string; texture: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment); overload; virtual; abstract;
311 | procedure TextOut(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single; sUTF8: string; texture: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment; {%H-}ARightToLeft: boolean); overload; virtual;
312 |
313 | {** Same as above, except that the orientation is specified, overriding the value of the property ''FontOrientation'' }
314 | procedure TextOutAngle(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single; orientationTenthDegCCW: integer; sUTF8: string; c: TBGRAPixel; align: TAlignment); overload; virtual; abstract;
315 | {** Same as above, except that the orientation is specified, overriding the value of the property ''FontOrientation'' }
316 | procedure TextOutAngle(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x, y: single; orientationTenthDegCCW: integer; sUTF8: string; texture: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment); overload; virtual; abstract;
317 |
318 | {** Draw the UTF8 encoded string at the coordinate (''x'',''y''), clipped inside the rectangle ''ARect''.
319 | Additional style information is provided by the style parameter.
320 | The color ''c'' is used to fill the text. No rotation is applied. }
321 | procedure TextRect(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; ARect: TRect; x, y: integer; sUTF8: string; style: TTextStyle; c: TBGRAPixel); overload; virtual; abstract;
322 |
323 | {** Same as above except a ''texture'' is used to fill the text }
324 | procedure TextRect(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; ARect: TRect; x, y: integer; sUTF8: string; style: TTextStyle; texture: IBGRAScanner); overload; virtual; abstract;
325 |
326 | {** Copy the path for the UTF8 encoded string into ''ADest''.
327 | If ''align'' is ''taLeftJustify'', (''x'',''y'') is the top-left corner.
328 | If ''align'' is ''taCenter'', (''x'',''y'') is at the top and middle of the text.
329 | If ''align'' is ''taRightJustify'', (''x'',''y'') is the top-right corner. }
330 | procedure CopyTextPathTo({%H-}ADest: IBGRAPath; {%H-}x, {%H-}y: single; {%H-}s: string; {%H-}align: TAlignment); virtual; //optional
331 | function HandlesTextPath: boolean; virtual;
332 | end;
333 |
334 | {* Output mode for the improved renderer for readability. This is used by the font renderer based on LCL in ''BGRAText'' }
335 | TBGRATextOutImproveReadabilityMode = (irMask, irNormal, irClearTypeRGB, irClearTypeBGR);
336 |
337 | {** Removes line ending and tab characters from a string (for a function
338 | like ''TextOut'' that does not handle this). this works with UTF8 strings
339 | as well }
340 | function CleanTextOutString(s: string): string;
341 | {** Remove the line ending at the specified position or return False.
342 | This works with UTF8 strings however the index is the byte index }
343 | function RemoveLineEnding(var s: string; indexByte: integer): boolean;
344 | {** Remove the line ending at the specified position or return False.
345 | The index is the character index, that may be different from the
346 | byte index }
347 | function RemoveLineEndingUTF8(var sUTF8: string; indexUTF8: integer): boolean;
348 | {** Default word break handler }
349 | procedure BGRADefaultWordBreakHandler(var ABefore, AAfter: string);
350 |
351 | {==== Images and resampling ====}
352 |
353 | type
354 | {* How the resample is to be computed }
355 | TResampleMode = (
356 | {** Low quality resample by repeating pixels, stretching them }
357 | rmSimpleStretch,
358 | {** Use resample filters. This gives high
359 | quality resampling however this the proportion changes slightly because
360 | the first and last pixel are considered to occupy only half a unit as
361 | they are considered as the border of the picture
362 | (pixel-centered coordinates) }
363 | rmFineResample);
364 |
365 | {* List of resample filter to be used with ''rmFineResample'' }
366 | TResampleFilter = (
367 | {** Equivalent of simple stretch with high quality and pixel-centered coordinates }
368 | rfBox,
369 | {** Linear interpolation giving slow transition between pixels }
370 | rfLinear,
371 | {** Mix of ''rfLinear'' and ''rfCosine'' giving medium speed stransition between pixels }
372 | rfHalfCosine,
373 | {** Cosine-like interpolation giving fast transition between pixels }
374 | rfCosine,
375 | {** Simple bi-cubic filter (blurry) }
376 | rfBicubic,
377 | {** Mitchell filter, good for downsizing interpolation }
378 | rfMitchell,
379 | {** Spline filter, good for upsizing interpolation, however slightly blurry }
380 | rfSpline,
381 | {** Lanczos with radius 2, blur is corrected }
382 | rfLanczos2,
383 | {** Lanczos with radius 3, high contrast }
384 | rfLanczos3,
385 | {** Lanczos with radius 4, high contrast }
386 | rfLanczos4,
387 | {** Best quality using rfMitchell or rfSpline }
388 | rfBestQuality);
389 |
390 | const
391 | {** List of strings to represent resample filters }
392 | ResampleFilterStr : array[TResampleFilter] of string =
393 | ('Box','Linear','HalfCosine','Cosine','Bicubic','Mitchell','Spline',
394 | 'Lanczos2','Lanczos3','Lanczos4','BestQuality');
395 |
396 | {** Gives the sample filter represented by a string }
397 | function StrToResampleFilter(str: string): TResampleFilter;
398 |
399 | type
400 | {* List of image formats }
401 | TBGRAImageFormat = (
402 | {** Unknown format }
403 | ifUnknown,
404 | {** JPEG format, opaque, lossy compression }
405 | ifJpeg,
406 | {** PNG format, transparency, lossless compression }
407 | ifPng,
408 | {** GIF format, single transparent color, lossless in theory but only low number of colors allowed }
409 | ifGif,
410 | {** BMP format, transparency, no compression. Note that transparency is
411 | not supported by all BMP readers so it is recommended to avoid
412 | storing images with transparency in this format }
413 | ifBmp,
414 | {** iGO BMP (16-bit, rudimentary lossless compression) }
415 | ifBmpMioMap,
416 | {** ICO format, contains different sizes of the same image }
417 | ifIco,
418 | {** CUR format, has hotspot, contains different sizes of the same image }
419 | ifCur,
420 | {** PCX format, opaque, rudimentary lossless compression }
421 | ifPcx,
422 | {** Paint.NET format, layers, lossless compression }
423 | ifPaintDotNet,
424 | {** LazPaint format, layers, lossless compression }
425 | ifLazPaint,
426 | {** OpenRaster format, layers, lossless compression }
427 | ifOpenRaster,
428 | {** Phoxo format, layers }
429 | ifPhoxo,
430 | {** Photoshop format, layers, rudimentary lossless compression }
431 | ifPsd,
432 | {** Targa format (TGA), transparency, rudimentary lossless compression }
433 | ifTarga,
434 | {** TIFF format, limited support }
435 | ifTiff,
436 | {** X-Window capture, limited support }
437 | ifXwd,
438 | {** X-Pixmap, text encoded image, limited support }
439 | ifXPixMap,
440 | {** Scalable Vector Graphic, vectorial, read-only as raster }
441 | ifSvg);
442 |
443 | {* Image information from superficial analysis }
444 | TQuickImageInfo = record
445 | {** Width in pixels }
446 | Width,
447 | {** Height in pixels }
448 | Height,
449 | {** Bitdepth for colors (1, 2, 4, 8 for images with palette/grayscale, 16, 24 or 48 if each channel is present) }
450 | ColorDepth,
451 | {** Bitdepth for alpha (0 if no alpha channel, 1 if bit mask, 8 or 16 if alpha channel) }
452 | AlphaDepth: integer;
453 | end;
454 |
455 | {* Bitmap reader with additional features }
456 | TBGRAImageReader = class(TFPCustomImageReader)
457 | {** Return bitmap information (size, bit depth) }
458 | function GetQuickInfo(AStream: TStream): TQuickImageInfo; virtual; abstract;
459 | {** Return a draft of the bitmap, the ratio may change compared to the original width and height (useful to make thumbnails) }
460 | function GetBitmapDraft(AStream: TStream; AMaxWidth, AMaxHeight: integer; out AOriginalWidth,AOriginalHeight: integer): TBGRACustomBitmap; virtual; abstract;
461 | end;
462 |
463 | {* Options when loading an image }
464 | TBGRALoadingOption = (
465 | {** Do not clear RGB channels when alpha is zero (not recommended) }
466 | loKeepTransparentRGB,
467 | {** Consider BMP to be opaque if no alpha value is provided (for compatibility) }
468 | loBmpAutoOpaque,
469 | {** Load JPEG quickly however with a lower quality }
470 | loJpegQuick);
471 | TBGRALoadingOptions = set of TBGRALoadingOption;
472 |
473 | var
474 | {** List of stream readers for images }
475 | DefaultBGRAImageReader: array[TBGRAImageFormat] of TFPCustomImageReaderClass;
476 | {** List of stream writers for images }
477 | DefaultBGRAImageWriter: array[TBGRAImageFormat] of TFPCustomImageWriterClass;
478 |
479 | {** Detect the file format of a given file }
480 | function DetectFileFormat(AFilenameUTF8: string): TBGRAImageFormat;
481 | {** Detect the file format of a given stream. ''ASuggestedExtensionUTF8'' can
482 | be provided to guess the format }
483 | function DetectFileFormat(AStream: TStream; ASuggestedExtensionUTF8: string = ''): TBGRAImageFormat;
484 | {** Returns the file format that is most likely to be stored in the
485 | given filename (according to its extension) }
486 | function SuggestImageFormat(AFilenameOrExtensionUTF8: string): TBGRAImageFormat;
487 | {** Returns a likely image extension for the format }
488 | function SuggestImageExtension(AFormat: TBGRAImageFormat): string;
489 | {** Create an image reader for the given format }
490 | function CreateBGRAImageReader(AFormat: TBGRAImageFormat): TFPCustomImageReader;
491 | {** Create an image writer for the given format. ''AHasTransparentPixels''
492 | specifies if alpha channel must be supported }
493 | function CreateBGRAImageWriter(AFormat: TBGRAImageFormat; AHasTransparentPixels: boolean): TFPCustomImageWriter;
494 |
496 | {$I bgracustombitmap.inc}
497 |
498 | operator =(const AGuid1, AGuid2: TGuid): boolean;
499 |
500 | type
501 | { TBGRAResourceManager }
502 |
503 | TBGRAResourceManager = class
504 | protected
505 | function GetWinResourceType(AExtension: string): pchar;
506 | public
507 | function GetResourceStream(AFilename: string): TStream; virtual;
508 | function IsWinResource(AFilename: string): boolean; virtual;
509 | end;
510 |
511 | var
512 | BGRAResource : TBGRAResourceManager;
513 |
514 | implementation
515 |
516 | uses Math, SysUtils, BGRAUTF8, BGRAUnicode,
517 | FPReadXwd, FPReadXPM,
518 | FPWriteTiff, FPWriteJPEG, BGRAWritePNG, FPWriteBMP, FPWritePCX,
519 | FPWriteTGA, FPWriteXPM;
520 |
522 | {$I geometrytypes.inc}
523 |
525 | {$I csscolorconst.inc}
526 |
528 | {$I bgracustombitmap.inc}
529 |
531 | {$I bgrapixel.inc}
532 |
533 | function CleanTextOutString(s: string): string;
534 | var idxIn, idxOut: integer;
535 | begin
536 | setlength(result, length(s));
537 | idxIn := 1;
538 | idxOut := 1;
539 | while IdxIn <= length(s) do
540 | begin
541 | if not (s[idxIn] in[#13,#10,#9]) then //those characters are always 1 byte long so it is the same with UTF8
542 | begin
543 | result[idxOut] := s[idxIn];
544 | inc(idxOut);
545 | end;
546 | inc(idxIn);
547 | end;
548 | setlength(result, idxOut-1);
549 | end;
550 |
551 | function RemoveLineEnding(var s: string; indexByte: integer): boolean;
552 | begin //we can ignore UTF8 character length because #13 and #10 are always 1 byte long
553 | //so this function can be applied to UTF8 strings as well
554 | result := false;
555 | if length(s) >= indexByte then
556 | begin
557 | if s[indexByte] in[#13,#10] then
558 | begin
559 | result := true;
560 | if length(s) >= indexByte+1 then
561 | begin
562 | if (s[indexByte+1] <> s[indexByte]) and (s[indexByte+1] in[#13,#10]) then
563 | delete(s,indexByte,2)
564 | else
565 | delete(s,indexByte,1);
566 | end
567 | else
568 | delete(s,indexByte,1);
569 | end;
570 | end;
571 | end;
572 |
573 | function RemoveLineEndingUTF8(var sUTF8: string; indexUTF8: integer): boolean;
574 | var indexByte: integer;
575 | pIndex: PChar;
576 | begin
577 | pIndex := UTF8CharStart(@sUTF8[1],length(sUTF8),indexUTF8);
578 | if pIndex = nil then
579 | begin
580 | result := false;
581 | exit;
582 | end;
583 | indexByte := pIndex - @sUTF8[1];
584 | result := RemoveLineEnding(sUTF8, indexByte);
585 | end;
586 |
587 | procedure BGRADefaultWordBreakHandler(var ABefore, AAfter: string);
588 | const spacingChars = [' '];
589 | wordBreakChars = [' ',#9,'-','?','!'];
590 | var p, charLen: integer;
591 | u: Cardinal;
592 | begin
593 | if (AAfter <> '') and (ABefore <> '') and not (AAfter[1] in spacingChars) and not (ABefore[length(ABefore)] in wordBreakChars) then
594 | begin
595 | p := length(ABefore);
596 | while (p > 1) and not (ABefore[p-1] in wordBreakChars) do dec(p);
597 | while (p < length(ABefore)+1) and (ABefore[p] in [#$80..#$BF]) do inc(p); //do not split UTF8 char
598 | //keep non-spacing mark together
599 | while p <= length(ABefore) do
600 | begin
601 | charLen := UTF8CharacterLength(@ABefore[p]);
602 | if p+charLen > length(ABefore)+1 then charLen := length(ABefore)+1-p;
603 | u := UTF8CodepointToUnicode(@ABefore[p],charLen);
604 | if GetUnicodeBidiClass(u) = ubcNonSpacingMark then
605 | inc(p,charLen)
606 | else
607 | break;
608 | end;
609 |
610 | if p = 1 then
611 | begin
612 | //keep ideographic punctuation together
613 | charLen := UTF8CharacterLength(@AAfter[p]);
614 | if charLen > length(AAfter) then charLen := length(AAfter);
615 | u := UTF8CodepointToUnicode(@AAfter[p],charLen);
616 | case u of
621 | begin
622 | p := length(ABefore)+1;
623 | while p > 1 do
624 | begin
625 | charLen := 1;
626 | dec(p);
627 | while (p > 0) and (ABefore[p] in [#$80..#$BF]) do
628 | begin
629 | dec(p); //do not split UTF8 char
630 | inc(charLen);
631 | end;
632 | if charLen <= 4 then
633 | u := UTF8CodepointToUnicode(@ABefore[p],charLen)
634 | else
635 | u := ord('A');
636 | case GetUnicodeBidiClass(u) of
637 | ubcNonSpacingMark: ; // include NSM
638 | ubcOtherNeutrals, ubcWhiteSpace, ubcCommonSeparator, ubcEuropeanNumberSeparator:
639 | begin
640 | p := 1;
641 | break;
642 | end
643 | else
644 | break;
645 | end;
646 | end;
647 | end;
648 | end;
649 | end;
650 |
651 | if p > 1 then //can put the word after
652 | begin
653 | AAfter := copy(ABefore,p,length(ABefore)-p+1)+AAfter;
654 | ABefore := copy(ABefore,1,p-1);
655 | end else
656 | begin //cannot put the word after, so before
657 |
658 | end;
659 | end;
660 | while (ABefore <> '') and (ABefore[length(ABefore)] in spacingChars) do delete(ABefore,length(ABefore),1);
661 | while (AAfter <> '') and (AAfter[1] in spacingChars) do delete(AAfter,1,1);
662 | end;
663 |
664 |
665 | function StrToResampleFilter(str: string): TResampleFilter;
666 | var f: TResampleFilter;
667 | begin
668 | result := rfLinear;
669 | str := LowerCase(str);
670 | for f := low(TResampleFilter) to high(TResampleFilter) do
671 | if CompareText(str,ResampleFilterStr[f])=0 then
672 | begin
673 | result := f;
674 | exit;
675 | end;
676 | end;
677 |
678 | { TBGRACustomFontRenderer }
679 |
680 | function TBGRACustomFontRenderer.TextSizeAngle(sUTF8: string;
681 | orientationTenthDegCCW: integer): TSize;
682 | begin
683 | result := TextSize(sUTF8); //ignore orientation by default
684 | end;
685 |
686 | procedure TBGRACustomFontRenderer.TextOut(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x,
687 | y: single; sUTF8: string; c: TBGRAPixel; align: TAlignment;
688 | ARightToLeft: boolean);
689 | begin
690 | //if RightToLeft is not handled
691 | TextOut(ADest,x,y,sUTF8,c,align);
692 | end;
693 |
694 | procedure TBGRACustomFontRenderer.TextOut(ADest: TBGRACustomBitmap; x,
695 | y: single; sUTF8: string; texture: IBGRAScanner; align: TAlignment;
696 | ARightToLeft: boolean);
697 | begin
698 | //if RightToLeft is not handled
699 | TextOut(ADest,x,y,sUTF8,texture,align);
700 | end;
701 |
702 | procedure TBGRACustomFontRenderer.CopyTextPathTo(ADest: IBGRAPath; x, y: single; s: string; align: TAlignment);
703 | begin {optional implementation} end;
704 |
705 | function TBGRACustomFontRenderer.HandlesTextPath: boolean;
706 | begin
707 | result := false;
708 | end;
709 |
710 |
711 | function CheckPutImageBounds(x, y, tx, ty: integer; out minxb, minyb, maxxb,
712 | maxyb, ignoreleft: integer; const cliprect: TRect): boolean;
713 | var x2,y2: integer;
714 | begin
715 | if (x >= cliprect.Right) or (y >= cliprect.Bottom) or (x <= cliprect.Left-tx) or
716 | (y <= cliprect.Top-ty) or (ty <= 0) or (tx <= 0) then
717 | begin
718 | result := false;
719 | exit;
720 | end;
721 |
722 | x2 := x + tx - 1;
723 | y2 := y + ty - 1;
724 |
725 | if y < cliprect.Top then
726 | minyb := cliprect.Top
727 | else
728 | minyb := y;
729 | if y2 >= cliprect.Bottom then
730 | maxyb := cliprect.Bottom - 1
731 | else
732 | maxyb := y2;
733 |
734 | if x < cliprect.Left then
735 | begin
736 | ignoreleft := cliprect.Left-x;
737 | minxb := cliprect.Left;
738 | end
739 | else
740 | begin
741 | ignoreleft := 0;
742 | minxb := x;
743 | end;
744 | if x2 >= cliprect.Right then
745 | maxxb := cliprect.Right - 1
746 | else
747 | maxxb := x2;
748 |
749 | result := true;
750 | end;
751 |
752 | {************************** Cyclic functions *******************}
753 |
754 | // Get the cyclic value in the range [0..cycle-1]
755 | function PositiveMod(value, cycle: Int32or64): Int32or64; inline;
756 | begin
757 | result := value mod cycle;
758 | if result < 0 then //modulo can be negative
759 | Inc(result, cycle);
760 | end;
761 |
762 | { Table of precalc values. Note : the value is stored for
763 | the first half of the cycle, and values are stored 'minus 1'
764 | in order to stay in the range 0..65535 }
765 | var
766 | sinTab65536: packed array of word;
767 | byteSqrtTab: packed array of word;
768 |
769 | function Sin65536(value: word): Int32or64;
770 | var b: integer;
771 | begin
772 | //allocate array
773 | if sinTab65536 = nil then
774 | setlength(sinTab65536,32768);
775 |
776 | if value >= 32768 then //function is upside down after half-period
777 | begin
778 | b := value xor 32768;
779 | if sinTab65536[b] = 0 then //precalc
780 | sinTab65536[b] := round((sin(b*2*Pi/65536)+1)*65536/2)-1;
781 | result := not sinTab65536[b];
782 | end else
783 | begin
784 | b := value;
785 | if sinTab65536[b] = 0 then //precalc
786 | sinTab65536[b] := round((sin(b*2*Pi/65536)+1)*65536/2)-1;
787 | {$hints off}
788 | result := sinTab65536[b]+1;
789 | {$hints on}
790 | end;
791 | end;
792 |
793 | function Cos65536(value: word): Int32or64;
794 | begin
795 | {$PUSH}{$R-}
796 | result := Sin65536(value+16384); //cosine is translated
797 | {$POP}
798 | end;
799 |
800 | procedure PrecalcSin65536;
801 | var
802 | i: Integer;
803 | begin
804 | for i := 0 to 32767 do Sin65536(i);
805 | end;
806 |
807 | procedure PrecalcByteSqrt;
808 | var i: integer;
809 | begin
810 | if byteSqrtTab = nil then
811 | begin
812 | setlength(byteSqrtTab,256);
813 | for i := 0 to 255 do
814 | byteSqrtTab[i] := round(sqrt(i/255)*255);
815 | end;
816 | end;
817 |
818 | function ByteSqrt(value: byte): byte; inline;
819 | begin
820 | if byteSqrtTab = nil then PrecalcByteSqrt;
821 | result := ByteSqrtTab[value];
822 | end;
823 |
824 | function DetectFileFormat(AFilenameUTF8: string): TBGRAImageFormat;
825 | var stream: TFileStreamUTF8;
826 | begin
827 | try
828 | stream := TFileStreamUTF8.Create(AFilenameUTF8,fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);
829 | except
830 | result := ifUnknown;
831 | exit;
832 | end;
833 | try
834 | result := DetectFileFormat(stream, ExtractFileExt(AFilenameUTF8));
835 | finally
836 | stream.Free;
837 | end;
838 | end;
839 |
840 | function DetectFileFormat(AStream: TStream; ASuggestedExtensionUTF8: string
841 | ): TBGRAImageFormat;
842 | var
843 | scores: array[TBGRAImageFormat] of integer;
844 | imageFormat,bestImageFormat: TBGRAImageFormat;
845 | bestScore: integer;
846 |
847 | procedure DetectFromStream;
848 | var
849 | {%H-}magic: packed array[0..7] of byte;
850 | {%H-}dwords: packed array[0..9] of DWORD;
851 | magicAsText: string;
852 |
853 | streamStartPos, maxFileSize: Int64;
854 | expectedFileSize: DWord;
855 |
856 | procedure DetectTarga;
857 | var
858 | paletteCount: integer;
859 | {%H-}targaPixelFormat: packed record pixelDepth: byte; imgDescriptor: byte; end;
860 | begin
861 | if (magic[1] in[$00,$01]) and (magic[2] in[0,1,2,3,9,10,11]) and (maxFileSize >= 18) then
862 | begin
863 | paletteCount:= magic[5] + magic[6] shl 8;
864 | if ((paletteCount = 0) and (magic[7] = 0)) or
865 | (magic[7] in [16,24,32]) then //check palette bit count
866 | begin
867 | AStream.Position:= streamStartPos+16;
868 | if AStream.Read({%H-}targaPixelFormat,2) = 2 then
869 | begin
870 | if (targaPixelFormat.pixelDepth in [8,16,24,32]) and
871 | (targaPixelFormat.imgDescriptor and 15 < targaPixelFormat.pixelDepth) then
872 | inc(scores[ifTarga],2);
873 | end;
874 | end;
875 | end;
876 | end;
877 |
878 | procedure DetectLazPaint;
879 | var
880 | w,h: dword;
881 | i: integer;
882 | begin
883 | if (copy(magicAsText,1,8) = 'LazPaint') then //with header
884 | begin
885 | AStream.Position:= streamStartPos+8;
886 | if AStream.Read(dwords,10*4) = 10*4 then
887 | begin
888 | for i := 0 to 6 do dwords[i] := LEtoN(dwords[i]);
889 | if (dwords[0] = 0) and (dwords[1] <= maxFileSize) and (dwords[5] <= maxFileSize) and
890 | (dwords[9] <= maxFileSize) and
891 | (dwords[6] = 0) then inc(scores[ifLazPaint],2);
892 | end;
893 | end else //without header
894 | if ((magic[0] <> 0) or (magic[1] <> 0)) and (magic[2] = 0) and (magic[3] = 0) and
895 | ((magic[4] <> 0) or (magic[5] <> 0)) and (magic[6] = 0) and (magic[7] = 0) then
896 | begin
897 | w := magic[0] + (magic[1] shl 8);
898 | h := magic[4] + (magic[5] shl 8);
899 | AStream.Position:= streamStartPos+8;
900 | if AStream.Read(dwords,4) = 4 then
901 | begin
902 | dwords[0] := LEtoN(dwords[0]);
903 | if (dwords[0] > 0) and (dwords[0] < 65536) then
904 | begin
905 | if 12+dwords[0] < expectedFileSize then
906 | begin
907 | AStream.Position:= streamStartPos+12+dwords[0];
908 | if AStream.Read(dwords,6*4) = 6*4 then
909 | begin
910 | for i := 0 to 5 do dwords[i] := LEtoN(dwords[i]);
911 | if (dwords[0] <= w) and (dwords[1] <= h) and
912 | (dwords[2] <= w) and (dwords[3] <= h) and
913 | (dwords[2] >= dwords[0]) and (dwords[3] >= dwords[1]) and
914 | ((dwords[4] = 0) or (dwords[4] = 1)) and
915 | (dwords[5] > 0) then inc(scores[ifLazPaint],1);
916 | end;
917 | end;
918 | end;
919 | end;
920 | end;
921 | end;
922 |
923 | begin
924 | fillchar({%H-}magic, sizeof(magic), 0);
925 | fillchar({%H-}dwords, sizeof(dwords), 0);
926 |
927 | streamStartPos:= AStream.Position;
928 | maxFileSize:= AStream.Size - streamStartPos;
929 | if maxFileSize < 8 then exit;
930 | if AStream.Read(magic,sizeof(magic)) <> sizeof(magic) then
931 | begin
932 | fillchar(scores,sizeof(scores),0);
933 | exit;
934 | end;
935 | setlength(magicAsText,sizeof(magic));
936 | move(magic[0],magicAsText[1],sizeof(magic));
937 |
938 | if (magic[0] = $ff) and (magic[1] = $d8) then
939 | begin
940 | inc(scores[ifJpeg]);
941 | if (magic[2] = $ff) and (magic[3] >= $c0) then inc(scores[ifJpeg]);
942 | end;
943 |
944 | if (magic[0] = $89) and (magic[1] = $50) and (magic[2] = $4e) and
945 | (magic[3] = $47) and (magic[4] = $0d) and (magic[5] = $0a) and
946 | (magic[6] = $1a) and (magic[7] = $0a) then inc(scores[ifPng],2);
947 |
948 | if (copy(magicAsText,1,6)='GIF87a') or (copy(magicAsText,1,6)='GIF89a') then inc(scores[ifGif],2);
949 |
950 | if (magic[0] = $0a) and (magic[1] in [0,2,3,4,5]) and (magic[2] in[0,1]) and (magic[3] in[1,2,4,8]) then
951 | inc(scores[ifPcx],2);
952 |
953 | if (copy(magicAsText,1,2)='BM') then
954 | begin
955 | inc(scores[ifBmp]);
956 | expectedFileSize:= magic[2] + (magic[3] shl 8) + (magic[4] shl 16) + (magic[5] shl 24);
957 | if expectedFileSize = maxFileSize then inc(scores[ifBmp]);
958 | end else
959 | if (copy(magicAsText,1,2)='RL') then
960 | begin
961 | inc(scores[ifBmpMioMap]);
962 | if (magic[2] in[0,1]) and (magic[3] = 0) then inc(scores[ifBmpMioMap]);
963 | end;
964 |
965 | if (magic[0] = $00) and (magic[1] = $00) and (magic[3] = $00) and
966 | (magic[4] + (magic[5] shl 8) > 0) then
967 | begin
968 | if magic[2] = $01 then
969 | inc(scores[ifIco])
970 | else if magic[2] = $02 then
971 | inc(scores[ifCur]);
972 | end;
973 |
974 | if (copy(magicAsText,1,4) = 'PDN3') then
975 | begin
976 | expectedFileSize:= 6 + (magic[4] + (magic[5] shl 8) + (magic[6] shl 16)) + 2;
977 | if expectedFileSize <= maxFileSize then
978 | begin
979 | inc(scores[ifPaintDotNet]);
980 | if magic[7] = $3c then inc(scores[ifPaintDotNet]);
981 | end;
982 | end;
983 |
984 | if (copy(magicAsText,1,4) = 'oXo ') then
985 | begin
986 | inc(scores[ifPhoxo],1);
987 | if (magic[4] = 1) and (magic[5] = 0) and (magic[6] = 0) and (magic[7] = 0) then
988 | inc(scores[ifPhoxo],1);
989 | end;
990 |
991 | DetectLazPaint;
992 |
993 | if (magic[0] = $50) and (magic[1] = $4b) and (magic[2] = $03) and (magic[3] = $04) then
994 | begin
995 | if DefaultBGRAImageReader[ifOpenRaster] = nil then inc(scores[ifOpenRaster]) else
996 | with CreateBGRAImageReader(ifOpenRaster) do
997 | try
998 | AStream.Position := streamStartPos;
999 | if CheckContents(AStream) then inc(scores[ifOpenRaster],2);
1000 | finally
1001 | Free;
1002 | end;
1003 | end;
1004 |
1005 | if (copy(magicAsText,1,4) = '8BPS') and (magic[4] = $00) and (magic[5] = $01) then inc(scores[ifPsd],2);
1006 |
1007 | DetectTarga;
1008 |
1009 | if (copy(magicAsText,1,2)='II') and (magic[2] = 42) and (magic[3]=0) then inc(scores[ifTiff]) else
1010 | if (copy(magicAsText,1,2)='MM') and (magic[2] = 0) and (magic[3]=42) then inc(scores[ifTiff]);
1011 |
1012 | if (copy(magicAsText,1,8) = '/* XPM *') or (copy(magicAsText,1,6) = '! XPM2') then inc(scores[ifXPixMap]);
1013 |
1014 | if (copy(magicAsText,1,6) = '<?xml ') then inc(scores[ifSvg]);
1015 |
1016 | AStream.Position := streamStartPos;
1017 | end;
1018 |
1019 | var
1020 | extFormat: TBGRAImageFormat;
1021 |
1022 | begin
1023 | result := ifUnknown;
1024 | for imageFormat:= low(TBGRAImageFormat) to high(TBGRAImageFormat) do
1025 | scores[imageFormat] := 0;
1026 |
1027 | ASuggestedExtensionUTF8:= UTF8LowerCase(ASuggestedExtensionUTF8);
1028 | if (ASuggestedExtensionUTF8 <> '') and (ASuggestedExtensionUTF8[1] <> '.') then //first UTF8 char is in first pos
1029 | ASuggestedExtensionUTF8 := '.'+ASuggestedExtensionUTF8;
1030 |
1031 | extFormat:= SuggestImageFormat(ASuggestedExtensionUTF8);
1032 | if extFormat <> ifUnknown then inc(scores[extFormat]);
1033 |
1034 | If AStream <> nil then DetectFromStream;
1035 |
1036 | bestScore := 0;
1037 | bestImageFormat:= ifUnknown;
1038 | for imageFormat:=low(TBGRAImageFormat) to high(TBGRAImageFormat) do
1039 | if scores[imageFormat] > bestScore then
1040 | begin
1041 | bestScore:= scores[imageFormat];
1042 | bestImageFormat:= imageFormat;
1043 | end;
1044 | result := bestImageFormat;
1045 | end;
1046 |
1047 | function SuggestImageFormat(AFilenameOrExtensionUTF8: string): TBGRAImageFormat;
1048 | var ext: string;
1049 | posDot: integer;
1050 | begin
1051 | result := ifUnknown;
1052 |
1053 | ext := ExtractFileName(AFilenameOrExtensionUTF8);
1054 | posDot := LastDelimiter('.', ext);
1055 | if posDot <> 0 then ext := copy(ext,posDot,length(ext)-posDot+1)
1056 | else ext := '.'+ext;
1057 | ext := UTF8LowerCase(ext);
1058 |
1059 | if (ext = '.jpg') or (ext = '.jpeg') then result := ifJpeg else
1060 | if (ext = '.png') then result := ifPng else
1061 | if (ext = '.gif') then result := ifGif else
1062 | if (ext = '.pcx') then result := ifPcx else
1063 | if (ext = '.bmp') then result := ifBmp else
1064 | if (ext = '.ico') then result := ifIco else
1065 | if (ext = '.cur') then result := ifCur else
1066 | if (ext = '.pdn') then result := ifPaintDotNet else
1067 | if (ext = '.lzp') then result := ifLazPaint else
1068 | if (ext = '.ora') then result := ifOpenRaster else
1069 | if (ext = '.psd') then result := ifPsd else
1070 | if (ext = '.tga') then result := ifTarga else
1071 | if (ext = '.tif') or (ext = '.tiff') then result := ifTiff else
1072 | if (ext = '.xwd') then result := ifXwd else
1073 | if (ext = '.xpm') then result := ifXPixMap else
1074 | if (ext = '.oxo') then result := ifPhoxo else
1075 | if (ext = '.svg') then result := ifSvg;
1076 | end;
1077 |
1078 | function SuggestImageExtension(AFormat: TBGRAImageFormat): string;
1079 | begin
1080 | case AFormat of
1081 | ifJpeg: result := 'jpg';
1082 | ifPng: result := 'png';
1083 | ifGif: result := 'gif';
1084 | ifBmp: result := 'bmp';
1085 | ifBmpMioMap: result := 'bmp';
1086 | ifIco: result := 'ico';
1087 | ifCur: result := 'ico';
1088 | ifPcx: result := 'pcx';
1089 | ifPaintDotNet: result := 'pdn';
1090 | ifLazPaint: result := 'lzp';
1091 | ifOpenRaster: result := 'ora';
1092 | ifPhoxo: result := 'oXo';
1093 | ifPsd: result := 'psd';
1094 | ifTarga: result := 'tga';
1095 | ifTiff: result := 'tif';
1096 | ifXwd: result := 'xwd';
1097 | ifXPixMap: result := 'xpm';
1098 | ifSvg: result := 'svg';
1099 | else result := '?';
1100 | end;
1101 | end;
1102 |
1103 | function CreateBGRAImageReader(AFormat: TBGRAImageFormat): TFPCustomImageReader;
1104 | begin
1105 | if DefaultBGRAImageReader[AFormat] = nil then
1106 | begin
1107 | case AFormat of
1108 | ifUnknown: raise exception.Create('The image format is unknown.');
1109 | ifOpenRaster: raise exception.Create('You need to call BGRAOpenRaster.RegisterOpenRasterFormat to read this image.');
1110 | ifPaintDotNet: raise exception.Create('You need to call BGRAPaintNet.RegisterPaintNetFormat to read this image.');
1111 | ifSvg: raise exception.Create('You need to call BGRA.RegisterSvgFormat to read this image.');
1112 | else
1113 | raise exception.Create('The image reader is not registered for this image format.');
1114 | end;
1115 | end;
1116 | result := DefaultBGRAImageReader[AFormat].Create;
1117 | end;
1118 |
1119 | function CreateBGRAImageWriter(AFormat: TBGRAImageFormat; AHasTransparentPixels: boolean): TFPCustomImageWriter;
1120 | begin
1121 | if DefaultBGRAImageWriter[AFormat] = nil then
1122 | begin
1123 | case AFormat of
1124 | ifUnknown: raise exception.Create('The image format is unknown');
1125 | ifOpenRaster: raise exception.Create('You need to call BGRAOpenRaster.RegisterOpenRasterFormat to write with this image format.');
1126 | ifPhoxo: raise exception.Create('You need to call BGRAPhoxo.RegisterPhoxoFormat to write with this image format.');
1127 | else
1128 | raise exception.Create('The image writer is not registered for this image format.');
1129 | end;
1130 | end;
1131 |
1132 | if AFormat = ifPng then
1133 | begin
1134 | result := TBGRAWriterPNG.Create;
1135 | TBGRAWriterPNG(result).UseAlpha := AHasTransparentPixels;
1136 | end else
1137 | if AFormat = ifBmp then
1138 | begin
1139 | result := TFPWriterBMP.Create;
1140 | if AHasTransparentPixels then
1141 | TFPWriterBMP(result).BitsPerPixel := 32 else
1142 | TFPWriterBMP(result).BitsPerPixel := 24;
1143 | end else
1144 | if AFormat = ifXPixMap then
1145 | begin
1146 | result := TFPWriterXPM.Create;
1147 | TFPWriterXPM(result).ColorCharSize := 2;
1148 | end else
1149 | result := DefaultBGRAImageWriter[AFormat].Create;
1150 | end;
1151 |
1152 | operator =(const AGuid1, AGuid2: TGuid): boolean;
1153 | begin
1154 | result := CompareMem(@AGuid1, @AGuid2, sizeof(TGuid));
1155 | end;
1156 |
1157 | type
1158 | TResourceType = record
1159 | ext: string;
1160 | code: pchar;
1161 | end;
1162 |
1163 | const
1164 | ResourceTypes: array[1..7] of TResourceType =
1165 | ((ext: 'CUR'; code: RT_GROUP_CURSOR),
1166 | (ext: 'BMP'; code: RT_BITMAP),
1167 | (ext: 'ICO'; code: RT_GROUP_ICON),
1168 | (ext: 'DAT'; code: RT_RCDATA),
1169 | (ext: 'DATA'; code: RT_RCDATA),
1170 | (ext: 'HTM'; code: RT_HTML),
1171 | (ext: 'HTML'; code: RT_HTML));
1172 |
1173 | { TBGRAResourceManager }
1174 |
1175 | function TBGRAResourceManager.GetWinResourceType(AExtension: string): pchar;
1176 | var
1177 | i: Integer;
1178 | begin
1179 | if (AExtension <> '') and (AExtension[1]='.') then delete(AExtension,1,1);
1180 | for i := low(ResourceTypes) to high(ResourceTypes) do
1181 | if AExtension = ResourceTypes[i].ext then
1182 | exit(ResourceTypes[i].code);
1183 |
1184 | exit(RT_RCDATA);
1185 | end;
1186 |
1187 | function TBGRAResourceManager.GetResourceStream(AFilename: string): TStream;
1188 | var
1189 | name,ext: RawByteString;
1190 | rt: PChar;
1191 | begin
1192 | ext := UpperCase(ExtractFileExt(AFilename));
1193 | name := ChangeFileExt(AFilename,'');
1194 | rt := GetWinResourceType(ext);
1195 |
1196 | if (rt = RT_GROUP_CURSOR) or (rt = RT_GROUP_ICON) then
1197 | raise exception.Create('Not implemented');
1198 |
1199 | result := TResourceStream.Create(HINSTANCE, name, rt);
1200 | end;
1201 |
1202 | function TBGRAResourceManager.IsWinResource(AFilename: string): boolean;
1203 | var
1204 | name,ext: RawByteString;
1205 | rt: PChar;
1206 | begin
1207 | ext := UpperCase(ExtractFileExt(AFilename));
1208 | name := ChangeFileExt(AFilename,'');
1209 | rt := GetWinResourceType(ext);
1210 | result := FindResource(HINSTANCE, pchar(name), rt)<>0;
1211 | end;
1212 |
1214 | type
1215 |
1216 | { TLCLResourceManager }
1217 |
1218 | TLCLResourceManager = class(TBGRAResourceManager)
1219 | protected
1220 | function FindLazarusResource(AFilename: string): TLResource;
1221 | public
1222 | function GetResourceStream(AFilename: string): TStream; override;
1223 | function IsWinResource(AFilename: string): boolean; override;
1224 | end;
1225 |
1226 | function TLCLResourceManager.FindLazarusResource(AFilename: string): TLResource;
1227 | var
1228 | name,ext: RawByteString;
1229 | begin
1230 | ext := UpperCase(ExtractFileExt(AFilename));
1231 | if (ext<>'') and (ext[1]='.') then Delete(ext,1,1);
1232 | name := ChangeFileExt(AFilename,'');
1233 | if ext<>'' then
1234 | result := LazarusResources.Find(name,ext)
1235 | else
1236 | result := LazarusResources.Find(name);
1237 | end;
1238 |
1239 | function TLCLResourceManager.GetResourceStream(AFilename: string): TStream;
1240 | var
1241 | res: TLResource;
1242 | begin
1243 | res := FindLazarusResource(AFilename);
1244 | if Assigned(res) then
1245 | result := TLazarusResourceStream.CreateFromHandle(res)
1246 | else
1247 | result := inherited GetResourceStream(AFilename);
1248 | end;
1249 |
1250 | function TLCLResourceManager.IsWinResource(AFilename: string): boolean;
1251 | begin
1252 | if FindLazarusResource(AFilename)<>nil then
1253 | result := false
1254 | else
1255 | Result:=inherited IsWinResource(AFilename);
1256 | end;
1257 |
1258 | {$ENDIF}
1259 |
1260 | initialization
1261 |
1263 | {$I bgrapixel.inc}
1264 |
1266 | {$I csscolorconst.inc}
1267 |
1268 | DefaultBGRAImageWriter[ifJpeg] := TFPWriterJPEG;
1269 | DefaultBGRAImageWriter[ifPng] := TBGRAWriterPNG;
1270 | DefaultBGRAImageWriter[ifBmp] := TFPWriterBMP;
1271 | DefaultBGRAImageWriter[ifPcx] := TFPWriterPCX;
1272 | DefaultBGRAImageWriter[ifTarga] := TFPWriterTarga;
1273 | DefaultBGRAImageWriter[ifXPixMap] := TFPWriterXPM;
1274 | DefaultBGRAImageWriter[ifTiff] := TFPWriterTiff;
1275 | //writing XWD not implemented
1276 |
1277 | DefaultBGRAImageReader[ifXwd] := TFPReaderXWD;
1278 | //the other readers are registered by their unit
1279 |
1281 | BGRAResource := TLCLResourceManager.Create;
1282 | {$ELSE}
1283 | BGRAResource := TBGRAResourceManager.Create;
1284 | {$ENDIF}
1285 |
1286 | finalization
1287 |
1289 | {$I csscolorconst.inc}
1290 |
1292 | {$I bgrapixel.inc}
1293 |
1294 | BGRAResource.Free;
1295 | end.