1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <CONFIG>
3 | <Package Version="4">
4 | <PathDelim Value="\"/>
5 | <Name Value="BGLControls"/>
6 | <Type Value="RunAndDesignTime"/>
7 | <Author Value="Circular"/>
8 | <CompilerOptions>
9 | <Version Value="11"/>
10 | <PathDelim Value="\"/>
11 | <SearchPaths>
12 | <UnitOutputDirectory Value="lib\$(TargetCPU)-$(TargetOS)\$(FPCVer)"/>
13 | </SearchPaths>
14 | <Parsing>
15 | <SyntaxOptions>
16 | <UseAnsiStrings Value="False"/>
17 | </SyntaxOptions>
18 | </Parsing>
19 | <CodeGeneration>
20 | <Optimizations>
21 | <OptimizationLevel Value="3"/>
22 | <VariablesInRegisters Value="True"/>
23 | </Optimizations>
24 | </CodeGeneration>
25 | <Linking>
26 | <Debugging>
27 | <GenerateDebugInfo Value="False"/>
28 | </Debugging>
29 | </Linking>
30 | </CompilerOptions>
31 | <Description Value="Drawing routines with alpha blending and antialiasing"/>
32 | <License Value="modified LGPL"/>
33 | <Version Major="1" Minor="2"/>
34 | <Files Count="2">
35 | <Item1>
36 | <Filename Value="bglvirtualscreen_icon.lrs"/>
37 | <Type Value="LRS"/>
38 | </Item1>
39 | <Item2>
40 | <Filename Value="bglvirtualscreen.pas"/>
41 | <HasRegisterProc Value="True"/>
42 | <UnitName Value="BGLVirtualScreen"/>
43 | </Item2>
44 | </Files>
45 | <RequiredPkgs Count="4">
46 | <Item1>
47 | <PackageName Value="BGRABitmapPack"/>
48 | </Item1>
49 | <Item2>
50 | <PackageName Value="lazopenglcontext"/>
51 | </Item2>
52 | <Item3>
53 | <PackageName Value="LCL"/>
54 | </Item3>
55 | <Item4>
56 | <PackageName Value="FCL"/>
57 | <MinVersion Major="1" Valid="True"/>
58 | </Item4>
59 | </RequiredPkgs>
60 | <UsageOptions>
61 | <UnitPath Value="$(PkgOutDir)"/>
62 | </UsageOptions>
63 | <PublishOptions>
64 | <Version Value="2"/>
65 | <IgnoreBinaries Value="False"/>
66 | </PublishOptions>
67 | <CustomOptions Items="ExternHelp" Version="2">
68 | <_ExternHelp Items="Count"/>
69 | </CustomOptions>
70 | </Package>
71 | </CONFIG>