1 | unit UTranslator;
2 |
3 | {$mode Delphi}{$H+}
4 |
5 | interface
6 |
7 | uses
8 | Classes, SysUtils, Forms, ExtCtrls, Controls, Contnrs, LazFileUtils, LazUTF8,
9 | Translations, TypInfo, Dialogs, FileUtil, LCLProc, ULanguages, LCLType,
10 | LCLVersion;
11 |
12 | type
13 | THandleStringEvent = function (AValue: string): string of object;
14 |
15 | { TComponentExcludes }
16 |
17 | TComponentExcludes = class
18 | ExcludedClassType: TClass;
19 | PropertyExcludes: TStringList;
20 | constructor Create;
21 | destructor Destroy; override;
22 | end;
23 |
24 | { TComponentExcludesList }
25 |
26 | TComponentExcludesList = class(TObjectList)
27 | function FindByClassType(AClassType: TClass): TComponentExcludes;
28 | procedure DumpToStrings(Strings: TStrings);
29 | end;
30 |
31 | { TTranslator }
32 |
33 | TTranslator = class(TComponent)
34 | private
35 | FLanguage: TLanguage;
36 | FOnAutomaticLanguage: THandleStringEvent;
37 | FOnTranslate: TNotifyEvent;
38 | FPOFilesFolder: string;
39 | FPOFiles: TObjectList; // TObjectList<TPOFile>;
40 | function GetLocale: string;
41 | function GetLocaleShort: string;
42 | function FindLocaleFileName(LCExt: string): string;
43 | function GetLocaleFileName(const LangID, LCExt: string): string;
44 | procedure ReloadFiles;
45 | procedure SetPOFilesFolder(const AValue: string);
46 | procedure SetLanguage(const AValue: TLanguage);
47 | procedure TranslateProperty(Component: TPersistent; PropInfo: PPropInfo);
48 | function IsExcluded(Component: TPersistent; PropertyName: string): Boolean;
49 | function GetLangFileDir: string;
50 | public
51 | ComponentExcludes: TComponentExcludesList;
52 | Languages: TLanguageList;
53 | procedure Translate;
54 | procedure LanguageListToStrings(Strings: TStrings);
55 | procedure TranslateResourceStrings(PoFileName: string);
56 | procedure TranslateUnitResourceStrings(UnitName: string; PoFileName: string);
57 | procedure TranslateComponent(Component: TPersistent);
58 | procedure TranslateComponentRecursive(Component: TComponent);
59 | function TranslateText(Identifier, Text: string): string;
60 | procedure AddExcludes(AClassType: TClass; PropertyName: string);
61 | procedure CheckLanguageFiles;
62 | constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
63 | destructor Destroy; override;
64 | published
65 | property POFilesFolder: string read FPOFilesFolder write SetPOFilesFolder;
66 | property Language: TLanguage read FLanguage write SetLanguage;
67 | property OnTranslate: TNotifyEvent read FOnTranslate write FOnTranslate;
68 | property OnAutomaticLanguage: THandleStringEvent read FOnAutomaticLanguage
69 | write FOnAutomaticLanguage;
70 | end;
71 |
72 | procedure Register;
73 |
74 | implementation
75 |
76 | procedure Register;
77 | begin
78 | RegisterComponents('Common', [TTranslator]);
79 | end;
80 |
81 | { TComponentExcludesList }
82 |
83 | function TComponentExcludesList.FindByClassType(AClassType: TClass
84 | ): TComponentExcludes;
85 | var
86 | I: Integer;
87 | begin
88 | I := 0;
89 | while (I < Count) and (TComponentExcludes(Items[I]).ExcludedClassType <> AClassType) do
90 | Inc(I);
91 | if I < Count then Result := TComponentExcludes(Items[I])
92 | else Result := nil;
93 | end;
94 |
95 | procedure TComponentExcludesList.DumpToStrings(Strings: TStrings);
96 | var
97 | I, J: Integer;
98 | Text: string;
99 | begin
100 | Strings.Clear;
101 | for I := 0 to Count - 1 do
102 | with TComponentExcludes(Items[I]) do begin
103 | Text := ExcludedClassType.ClassName + ': ';
104 | for J := 0 to PropertyExcludes.Count - 1 do
105 | Text := Text + PropertyExcludes[J] + ', ';
106 | Strings.Add(Text);
107 | end;
108 | end;
109 |
110 | { TComponentExcludes }
111 |
112 | constructor TComponentExcludes.Create;
113 | begin
114 | PropertyExcludes := TStringList.Create;
115 | end;
116 |
117 | destructor TComponentExcludes.Destroy;
118 | begin
119 | PropertyExcludes.Free;
120 | inherited Destroy;
121 | end;
122 |
123 |
124 | { TTranslator }
125 |
126 | procedure TTranslator.Translate;
127 | var
128 | I, J: Integer;
129 | Po: TPoFile;
130 | Item: TPOFileItem;
131 | begin
132 | TranslateComponentRecursive(Application);
133 |
134 | // Merge files to single translation file
135 | try
136 | Po := TPOFile.Create;
137 | for I := 0 to FPOFiles.Count - 1 do
138 | with TPoFile(FPoFiles[I]) do
139 | for J := 0 to Items.Count - 1 do
140 | with TPoFileItem(Items[J]) do begin
141 | {$if (lcl_major<2)}
142 | Po.Add(IdentifierLow, Original, Translation, Comments, Context,
143 | Flags, PreviousID);
144 | {$else}
145 | Item := nil;
146 | Po.FillItem(Item, IdentifierLow, Original, Translation, Comments, Context,
147 | Flags, PreviousID);
148 | {$endif}
149 | end;
150 | Translations.TranslateResourceStrings(Po);
151 | finally
152 | Po.Free;
153 | end;
154 | end;
155 |
156 | procedure TTranslator.ReloadFiles;
157 | var
158 | FileName: string;
159 | FileList: TStringList;
160 | I: Integer;
161 | LocaleShort: string;
162 | SearchMask: string;
163 | begin
164 | FPOFiles.Clear;
165 | if Assigned(FLanguage) then
166 | try
167 | LocaleShort := GetLocaleShort;
168 | //ShowMessage(ExtractFileDir(Application.ExeName) +
169 | // DirectorySeparator + 'Languages' + ' ' + '*.' + LocaleShort + '.po');
170 | SearchMask := '*';
171 | if LocaleShort <> '' then SearchMask := SearchMask + '.' + LocaleShort;
172 | SearchMask := SearchMask + '.po';
173 | FileList := FindAllFiles(GetLangFileDir, SearchMask);
174 | for I := 0 to FileList.Count - 1 do begin
175 | FileName := FileList[I];
176 | //FileName := FindLocaleFileName('.po');
177 | if FileExists(FileName) and (
178 | ((LocaleShort = '') and (Pos('.', FileName) = Pos('.po', FileName))) or
179 | (LocaleShort <> '')) then FPOFiles.Add(TPOFile.Create(FileName));
180 | end;
181 | finally
182 | FileList.Free;
183 | end;
184 | end;
185 |
186 | procedure TTranslator.SetPOFilesFolder(const AValue: string);
187 | begin
188 | if FPoFilesFolder = AValue then Exit;
189 | FPoFilesFolder := AValue;
190 | ReloadFiles;
191 | CheckLanguageFiles;
192 | end;
193 |
194 | procedure TTranslator.SetLanguage(const AValue: TLanguage);
195 | begin
196 | if FLanguage = AValue then Exit;
197 | FLanguage := AValue;
198 | ReloadFiles;
199 | Translate;
200 | if Assigned(FOnTranslate) then FOnTranslate(Self);
201 | end;
202 |
203 | procedure TTranslator.TranslateComponent(Component: TPersistent);
204 | var
205 | I, Count: Integer;
206 | PropInfo: PPropInfo;
207 | PropList: PPropList;
208 | begin
209 | Count := GetTypeData(Component.ClassInfo)^.PropCount;
210 | if Count > 0 then begin
211 | GetMem(PropList, Count * SizeOf(Pointer));
212 | try
213 | GetPropInfos(Component.ClassInfo, PropList);
214 | for I := 0 to Count - 1 do
215 | begin
216 | PropInfo := PropList^[I];
217 | if PropInfo = nil then
218 | Break;
219 | TranslateProperty(Component, PropInfo);
220 | end;
221 | finally
222 | FreeMem(PropList, Count * SizeOf(Pointer));
223 | end;
224 | end;
225 | end;
226 |
227 | procedure TTranslator.TranslateComponentRecursive(Component: TComponent);
228 | var
229 | I: Integer;
230 | begin
231 | TranslateComponent(Component);
232 | for I := 0 to Component.ComponentCount - 1 do
233 | TranslateComponentRecursive(Component.Components[I]);
234 | end;
235 |
236 | procedure TTranslator.TranslateProperty(Component: TPersistent;
237 | PropInfo: PPropInfo);
238 | var
239 | PropType: PTypeInfo;
240 | Obj: TObject;
241 | I: Integer;
242 | begin
243 |
244 | // PropInfo^.Name;
245 | // Using IsDefaultPropertyValue will tell us if we should write out
246 | // a given property because it was different from the default or
247 | // different from the Ancestor (if applicable).
248 | if (PropInfo^.GetProc <> nil) and
249 | ((PropInfo^.SetProc <> nil) or
250 | ((PropInfo^.PropType^.Kind = tkClass) and
251 | (TObject(GetOrdProp(Component, PropInfo)) is TComponent) and
252 | (csSubComponent in TComponent(GetOrdProp(Component, PropInfo)).ComponentStyle))) then
253 | begin
254 | begin
255 | PropType := PropInfo^.PropType;
256 | case PropType^.Kind of
257 | tkString, tkLString, tkWString, tkAString: begin
258 | if (UpperCase(PropType.Name) = 'TTRANSLATESTRING') then
259 | //if not IsExcluded(Component, PropInfo^.Name) then
260 | SetStrProp(Component, PropInfo, TranslateText(PropInfo^.Name, string(GetWideStrProp(Component, PropInfo))));
261 | end;
262 | tkClass: begin
263 | Obj := TObject(GetOrdProp(Component, PropInfo));
264 | if Obj is TCollection then
265 | for I := 0 to TCollection(Obj).Count - 1 do
266 | with TCollection(Obj).Items[I] do
267 | TranslateComponent(TCollection(Obj).Items[I]);
268 | (*if Obj is TStrings then
269 | for I := 0 to TStrings(Obj).Count - 1 do
270 | with TStrings(Obj) do
271 | Strings[I] := TranslateText(Strings[I], Strings[I]);
272 | *)
273 | end;
274 | end;
275 | end;
276 | end;
277 | end;
278 |
279 | function TTranslator.IsExcluded(Component: TPersistent; PropertyName: string
280 | ): Boolean;
281 | var
282 | Item: TClass;
283 |
284 | Excludes: TComponentExcludes;
285 | begin
286 | Result := False;
287 | Item := Component.ClassType;
288 | while Assigned(Item) do begin
289 | //ShowMessage(Component.Name + ', ' + Component.ClassName + ', ' + Item.ClassName + ', ' + PropertyName);
290 | Excludes := ComponentExcludes.FindByClassType(Item.ClassType);
291 | if Assigned(Excludes) then begin
292 | if Excludes.PropertyExcludes.IndexOf(PropertyName) <> -1 then begin
293 | Result := True;
294 | Exit;
295 | end;
296 | end;
297 | Item := Item.ClassParent;
298 | end;
299 | end;
300 |
301 | function TTranslator.GetLangFileDir: string;
302 | begin
303 | Result := FPOFilesFolder;
304 | if Copy(Result, 1, 1) <> DirectorySeparator then
305 | Result := ExtractFileDir(Application.ExeName) +
306 | DirectorySeparator + Result;
307 | end;
308 |
309 | procedure TTranslator.LanguageListToStrings(Strings: TStrings);
310 | var
311 | I: Integer;
312 | ItemName: string;
313 | begin
314 | with Strings do begin
315 | Clear;
316 | for I := 0 to Languages.Count - 1 do
317 | with TLanguage(Languages[I]) do
318 | if Available then begin
319 | ItemName := Name;
320 | if Code <> '' then ItemName := ItemName + ' (' + Code + ')';
321 | AddObject(ItemName, Languages[I]);
322 | end;
323 | end;
324 | end;
325 |
326 | procedure TTranslator.TranslateResourceStrings(PoFileName: string);
327 | begin
328 | Translations.TranslateResourceStrings(PoFileName);
329 | end;
330 |
331 | procedure TTranslator.TranslateUnitResourceStrings(UnitName: string;
332 | PoFileName: string);
333 | begin
334 | Translations.TranslateUnitResourceStrings(UnitName, PoFileName);
335 | end;
336 |
337 | function TTranslator.TranslateText(Identifier, Text: string): string;
338 | var
339 | I: Integer;
340 | begin
341 | Result := '';
342 | if Text <> '' then begin
343 | for I := 0 to FPoFiles.Count - 1 do begin
344 | Result := TPoFile(FPOFiles[I]).Translate(Identifier, Text);
345 | if Result <> Text then Break;
346 | end;
347 | if Result = '' then Result := Text;
348 | end else Result := '';
349 | end;
350 |
351 | procedure TTranslator.AddExcludes(AClassType: TClass; PropertyName: string
352 | );
353 | var
354 | NewItem: TComponentExcludes;
355 | begin
356 | NewItem := ComponentExcludes.FindByClassType(AClassType);
357 | if not Assigned(NewItem) then begin
358 | NewItem := TComponentExcludes.Create;
359 | NewItem.ExcludedClassType := AClassType;
360 | ComponentExcludes.Add(NewItem);
361 | end;
362 | NewItem.PropertyExcludes.Add(PropertyName);
363 | end;
364 |
365 | procedure TTranslator.CheckLanguageFiles;
366 | var
367 | I: Integer;
368 | LangDir: string;
369 | begin
370 | LangDir := GetLangFileDir;
371 | TLanguage(Languages[0]).Available := True; // Automatic
372 |
373 | for I := 1 to Languages.Count - 1 do
374 | with TLanguage(Languages[I]) do begin
375 | Available := FileExists(LangDir + DirectorySeparator + ExtractFileNameOnly(Application.ExeName) +
376 | '.' + Code + ExtensionSeparator + 'po') or (Code = 'en');
377 | end;
378 | end;
379 |
380 | constructor TTranslator.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
381 | begin
382 | inherited;
383 | FPOFiles := TObjectList.Create;
384 | ComponentExcludes := TComponentExcludesList.Create;
385 | Languages := TLanguageList.Create;
386 | POFilesFolder := 'Languages';
387 | CheckLanguageFiles;
388 |
389 | // LCL
390 | AddExcludes(TComponent, 'Name');
391 | //AddExcludes(TAction, 'Category');
392 | AddExcludes(TControl, 'HelpKeyword');
393 | end;
394 |
395 | destructor TTranslator.Destroy;
396 | begin
397 | FPOFiles.Free;
398 | Languages.Free;
399 | ComponentExcludes.Free;
400 | inherited Destroy;
401 | end;
402 |
403 | function TTranslator.GetLocale: string;
404 | var
405 | Lang: string;
406 | I: Integer;
407 | T: string;
408 | begin
409 | // Win32 user may decide to override locale with LANG variable.
410 | Lang := GetEnvironmentVariable('LANG');
411 |
412 | // Use user selected language
413 | if Assigned(Language) and (Language.Code <> '') then
414 | Lang := Language.Code;
415 |
416 | if Lang = '' then begin
417 | for i := 1 to Paramcount - 1 do
418 | if (ParamStr(i) = '--LANG') or (ParamStr(i) = '-l') or
419 | (ParamStr(i) = '--lang') then
420 | Lang := ParamStr(i + 1);
421 | end;
422 | if Lang = '' then begin
423 | T := '';
424 | LazGetLanguageIDs(Lang, T);
425 | end;
426 |
427 | if Assigned(Language) and (Language.Code = '') and Assigned(FOnAutomaticLanguage) then begin
428 | Lang := FOnAutomaticLanguage(Lang);
429 | end;
430 |
431 | Result := Lang;
432 | end;
433 |
434 | function TTranslator.GetLocaleShort: string;
435 | begin
436 | Result := Copy(GetLocale, 1, 2);
437 | end;
438 |
439 | function TTranslator.FindLocaleFileName(LCExt: string): string;
440 | var
441 | Lang: string;
442 | begin
443 | Result := '';
444 | Lang := GetLocale;
445 |
446 | Result := GetLocaleFileName(Lang, LCExt);
447 | if Result <> '' then
448 | Exit;
449 |
450 | Result := ChangeFileExt(ParamStr(0), LCExt);
451 | if FileExistsUTF8(Result) then
452 | Exit;
453 |
454 | Result := '';
455 | end;
456 |
457 | function TTranslator.GetLocaleFileName(const LangID, LCExt: string): string;
458 | var
459 | LangShortID: string;
460 | FormatLang: string;
461 | begin
462 | if LangID <> '' then FormatLang := '.%s' else FormatLang := '';
463 |
464 | begin
465 |
466 | // ParamStrUTF8(0) is said not to work properly in linux, but I've tested it
467 | Result := ExtractFilePath(ParamStrUTF8(0)) + LangID +
468 | DirectorySeparator + ChangeFileExt(ExtractFileName(ParamStrUTF8(0)), LCExt);
469 | if FileExistsUTF8(Result) then
470 | exit;
471 |
472 | Result := ExtractFilePath(ParamStrUTF8(0)) + 'languages' + DirectorySeparator + LangID +
473 | DirectorySeparator + ChangeFileExt(ExtractFileName(ParamStrUTF8(0)), LCExt);
474 | if FileExistsUTF8(Result) then
475 | exit;
476 |
477 | Result := ExtractFilePath(ParamStrUTF8(0)) + 'locale' + DirectorySeparator
478 | + LangID + DirectorySeparator + ChangeFileExt(ExtractFileName(ParamStrUTF8(0)), LCExt);
479 | if FileExistsUTF8(Result) then
480 | exit;
481 |
482 | Result := ExtractFilePath(ParamStrUTF8(0)) + 'locale' + DirectorySeparator
483 | + LangID + DirectorySeparator + 'LC_MESSAGES' + DirectorySeparator +
484 | ChangeFileExt(ExtractFileName(ParamStrUTF8(0)), LCExt);
485 | if FileExistsUTF8(Result) then
486 | exit;
487 |
488 | {$IFDEF UNIX}
489 | // In unix-like systems we can try to search for global locale
490 | Result := '/usr/share/locale/' + LangID + '/LC_MESSAGES/' +
491 | ChangeFileExt(ExtractFileName(ParamStrUTF8(0)), LCExt);
492 | if FileExistsUTF8(Result) then
493 | exit;
494 | {$ENDIF}
495 | // Let us search for reducted files
496 | LangShortID := copy(LangID, 1, 2);
497 | // At first, check all was checked
498 | Result := ExtractFilePath(ParamStrUTF8(0)) + LangShortID +
499 | DirectorySeparator + ChangeFileExt(ExtractFileName(ParamStrUTF8(0)), LCExt);
500 | if FileExistsUTF8(Result) then
501 | exit;
502 |
503 | Result := ExtractFilePath(ParamStrUTF8(0)) + 'languages' + DirectorySeparator +
504 | LangShortID + DirectorySeparator + ChangeFileExt(
505 | ExtractFileName(ParamStrUTF8(0)), LCExt);
506 | if FileExistsUTF8(Result) then
507 | exit;
508 |
509 | Result := ExtractFilePath(ParamStrUTF8(0)) + 'locale' + DirectorySeparator
510 | + LangShortID + DirectorySeparator + ChangeFileExt(
511 | ExtractFileName(ParamStrUTF8(0)), LCExt);
512 | if FileExistsUTF8(Result) then
513 | exit;
514 |
515 | Result := ExtractFilePath(ParamStrUTF8(0)) + 'locale' + DirectorySeparator
516 | + LangShortID + DirectorySeparator + 'LC_MESSAGES' + DirectorySeparator +
517 | ChangeFileExt(ExtractFileName(ParamStrUTF8(0)), LCExt);
518 | if FileExistsUTF8(Result) then
519 | exit;
520 |
521 | // Full language in file name - this will be default for the project
522 | // We need more careful handling, as it MAY result in incorrect filename
523 | try
524 | Result := ExtractFilePath(ParamStrUTF8(0)) + ChangeFileExt(ExtractFileName(ParamStrUTF8(0)), Format(FormatLang, [LangID])) + LCExt;
525 | if FileExistsUTF8(Result) then
526 | exit;
527 | // Common location (like in Lazarus)
528 | Result := ExtractFilePath(ParamStrUTF8(0)) + 'locale' + DirectorySeparator +
529 | ChangeFileExt(ExtractFileName(ParamStrUTF8(0)), Format(FormatLang, [LangID])) + LCExt;
530 | if FileExistsUTF8(Result) then
531 | exit;
532 |
533 | Result := ExtractFilePath(ParamStrUTF8(0)) + 'languages' +
534 | DirectorySeparator + ChangeFileExt(ExtractFileName(ParamStrUTF8(0)), Format(FormatLang, [LangID])) + LCExt;
535 | if FileExistsUTF8(Result) then
536 | exit;
537 | except
538 | Result := ''; // Or do something else (useless)
539 | end;
540 |
541 | {$IFDEF UNIX}
542 | Result := '/usr/share/locale/' + LangShortID + '/LC_MESSAGES/' +
543 | ChangeFileExt(ExtractFileName(ParamStrUTF8(0)), LCExt);
544 | if FileExistsUTF8(Result) then
545 | exit;
546 | {$ENDIF}
547 | Result := ExtractFilePath(ParamStrUTF8(0)) + ChangeFileExt(
548 | ExtractFileName(ParamStrUTF8(0)), Format(FormatLang, [LangShortID])) + LCExt;
549 | if FileExistsUTF8(Result) then
550 | exit;
551 |
552 | Result := ExtractFilePath(ParamStrUTF8(0)) + 'locale' + DirectorySeparator +
553 | ChangeFileExt(ExtractFileName(ParamStrUTF8(0)), Format(FormatLang, [LangShortID])) + LCExt;
554 | if FileExistsUTF8(Result) then
555 | exit;
556 |
557 | Result := ExtractFilePath(ParamStrUTF8(0)) + 'languages' + DirectorySeparator +
558 | ChangeFileExt(ExtractFileName(ParamStrUTF8(0)), Format(FormatLang, [LangShortID])) + LCExt;
559 | if FileExistsUTF8(Result) then
560 | exit;
561 | end;
562 |
563 | Result := '';
564 | end;
565 |
566 |
567 | end.
568 |