object FormCheck: TFormCheck Left = 483 Height = 762 Top = 257 Width = 1069 Caption = 'Check document' ClientHeight = 762 ClientWidth = 1069 DesignTimePPI = 144 OnCreate = FormCreate OnDestroy = FormDestroy OnShow = FormShow LCLVersion = '' object Panel1: TPanel Left = 0 Height = 762 Top = 0 Width = 269 Align = alLeft BevelOuter = bvNone ClientHeight = 762 ClientWidth = 269 TabOrder = 0 object ButtonCheck: TButton Left = 13 Height = 38 Top = 16 Width = 113 Caption = 'Check' TabOrder = 0 OnClick = ButtonCheckClick end object GroupBox1: TGroupBox Left = 13 Height = 260 Top = 239 Width = 248 Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight] Caption = 'Summary section' ClientHeight = 233 ClientWidth = 246 TabOrder = 1 object ButtonAcronymsSummary: TButton Left = 7 Height = 38 Top = 10 Width = 180 Caption = 'Acronyms' TabOrder = 0 OnClick = ButtonAcronymsSummaryClick end object LabelAcronymCountSummary: TLabel Left = 7 Height = 26 Top = 58 Width = 134 Caption = 'Acronym count:' ParentColor = False end object Label1: TLabel Left = 10 Height = 26 Top = 86 Width = 98 Caption = 'Start string:' ParentColor = False end object EditSummaryStart: TEdit Left = 10 Height = 43 Top = 115 Width = 224 Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight] TabOrder = 1 end object Label2: TLabel Left = 10 Height = 26 Top = 154 Width = 91 Caption = 'End string:' ParentColor = False end object EditSummaryEnd: TEdit Left = 10 Height = 43 Top = 182 Width = 224 Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight] TabOrder = 2 end end object GroupBox2: TGroupBox Left = 13 Height = 119 Top = 115 Width = 249 Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight] Caption = 'Content' ClientHeight = 92 ClientWidth = 247 TabOrder = 2 object ButtonAcronymsContent: TButton Left = 10 Height = 38 Top = 0 Width = 180 Caption = 'Acronyms' TabOrder = 0 OnClick = ButtonAcronymsContentClick end object LabelAcronymCountContent: TLabel Left = 10 Height = 26 Top = 48 Width = 134 Caption = 'Acronym count:' ParentColor = False end end object ButtonLoadFromFile: TButton Left = 13 Height = 38 Top = 58 Width = 161 Caption = 'Load from file' TabOrder = 3 OnClick = ButtonLoadFromFileClick end object CheckBoxCaseSensitive: TCheckBox Left = 13 Height = 30 Top = 509 Width = 251 Caption = 'Case sensitive comparison' TabOrder = 4 end end object Splitter1: TSplitter Left = 269 Height = 762 Top = 0 Width = 7 end object Panel2: TPanel Left = 276 Height = 762 Top = 0 Width = 793 Align = alClient BevelOuter = bvNone ClientHeight = 762 ClientWidth = 793 TabOrder = 2 object PageControl1: TPageControl Left = 10 Height = 742 Top = 10 Width = 773 ActivePage = TabSheetReport Align = alClient BorderSpacing.Around = 10 TabIndex = 1 TabOrder = 0 object TabSheetSource: TTabSheet Caption = 'Source' ClientHeight = 702 ClientWidth = 763 object MemoDocument: TMemo Left = 10 Height = 682 Top = 10 Width = 742 Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom] ScrollBars = ssAutoBoth TabOrder = 0 WordWrap = False end end object TabSheetReport: TTabSheet Caption = 'Report' ClientHeight = 702 ClientWidth = 763 object ListViewReport: TListView Left = 8 Height = 675 Top = 16 Width = 749 Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom] Columns = < item Caption = 'Position' Width = 96 end item Caption = 'Type' Width = 120 end item Caption = 'Message' Width = 960 end> OwnerData = True PopupMenu = PopupMenuReport ReadOnly = True RowSelect = True TabOrder = 0 ViewStyle = vsReport OnData = ListViewReportData end end end end object OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog DefaultExt = '.txt' Filter = 'Text files (.txt)|*.txt|Any file|*.*' Left = 653 Top = 346 end object PopupMenuReport: TPopupMenu Left = 451 Top = 242 object MenuItemGoTo: TMenuItem Action = AGoToLocation end object MenuItem1: TMenuItem Action = ASaveToCsv end end object ActionList1: TActionList Left = 655 Top = 244 object ASaveToCsv: TAction Caption = 'Save to CSV...' OnExecute = ASaveToCsvExecute end object AGoToLocation: TAction Caption = 'Go to location' OnExecute = AGoToLocationExecute end end object SaveDialog1: TSaveDialog Left = 454 Top = 346 end end