Changeset 895

Jan 12, 2021, 10:29:50 PM (4 years ago)
  • Modified: Setup is now AppModule and it is installed and stated as first module.
  • Modified: Improved modular system.
5 added
13 edited


  • trunk/Application/Core.php

    r887 r895  
    2222  public string $RootURLFolder;
    2323  public bool $ShowPage;
    24   public Setup $Setup;
    2524  public array $PageHeaders;
    2625  public BaseView $BaseView;
    7877  }
    80   function AddModule($Module): void
    81   {
    82     $this->ModuleManager->Modules[get_class($Module)] = $Module;
    83   }
    8579  function HumanDate(int $Time): string
    8680  {
    131125    $this->Config = &$Config;
    133     try {
     127    try
     128    {
    134129      $this->Database->Connect($this->Config['Database']['Host'], $this->Config['Database']['User'],
    135130        $this->Config['Database']['Password'], $this->Config['Database']['Database']);
    140135      if (isset($this->Config['Web']['LogSQLQuery']))
    141136        $this->Database->LogSQLQuery = $this->Config['Web']['LogSQLQuery'];
    142     } catch (Exception $E) {
     137    } catch (Exception $E)
     138    {
    143139      //$Output .= 'Nelze se připojit k databázi.';
    144140    }
    162158    RegisterFormClasses($this->FormManager);
    164     // Register and start existing modules
    165     $this->Setup = new Setup($this);
    166     $this->Setup->Start();
    167     if ($this->Setup->CheckState())
    168     {
    169       $this->ModuleManager->Start();
    170     }
     160    $this->ModuleManager->Start();
    171161  }
  • trunk/Modules/Network/Network.php

    r894 r895  
    184184        'API' => array('Type' => 'TDeviceAPIType', 'Caption' => 'API', 'Default' => '', 'Null' => true),
    185185        'Logs' => array('Type' => 'TDeviceLogList', 'Caption' => 'Záznamy', 'Default' => ''),
     186        'InboundNATPriority' => array('Type' => 'Integer', 'Caption' => 'Priorita příchozího NATu', 'Default' => '1'),
    186187      ),
    187188      'AfterInsert' => array($this, 'AfterInsertNetworkDevice'),
  • trunk/Modules/Network/NetworkModels.php

    r894 r895  
    3232    $Desc->AddString('LoginPassword');
    3333    $Desc->AddReference('API', DeviceAPIType::GetClassName());
     34    $Desc->AddInteger('InboundNATPriority');
    3435    return $Desc;
    3536  }
  • trunk/Modules/Portal/Portal.php

    r893 r895  
    1414    $this->Description = 'Community portal.';
    1515    $this->Dependencies = array('News', 'User');
     16  }
     18  function GetModels(): array
     19  {
     20    return array(Panel::GetClassName(), PanelColumn::GetClassName());
     21  }
     23  function DoInstall(): void
     24  {
     25   /* $this->Database->query("INSERT INTO `PanelColumn` (`Id`, `Width`) VALUES
     26    (1, ''),
     27    (2, ''),
     28    (3, '70%');");
     29    $this->Database->query("INSERT INTO `Panel` (`Id`, `Module`, `Parameters`, `Order`, `PanelColumn`) VALUES
     30    (1, 'ActionGroup', 1, 2, 1),
     31    (2, 'ActionGroup', 4, 1, 2),
     32    (3, 'ActionGroup', 5, 2, 2),
     33    (4, 'ActionGroup', 6, 3, 2),
     34    (5, 'ActionGroup', 2, 4, 2),
     35    (6, 'ActionGroup', 3, 5, 2),
     36    (7, 'NewsGroupList', '', 2, 3),
     37    (8, 'Webcam', '', 3, 1),
     38    (9, 'UserOptions', '', 1, 3),
     39    (10, 'ActionGroup', 9, 1, 1),
     40    (11, 'Meteo', '', 4, 1);");*/
    1641  }
    3560    ));
    3661    ModuleUser::Cast($this->System->GetModule('User'))->UserPanel[] = array('PagePortal', 'UserPanel');
     62  }
     65class PanelColumn extends Model
     67  static function GetDesc(): ModelDesc
     68  {
     69    $Desc = new ModelDesc(self::GetClassName());
     70    $Desc->AddString('Width');
     71    return $Desc;
     72  }
     75class Panel extends Model
     77  static function GetDesc(): ModelDesc
     78  {
     79    $Desc = new ModelDesc(self::GetClassName());
     80    $Desc->AddString('Module');
     81    $Desc->AddString('Parameters');
     82    $Desc->AddInteger('Order');
     83    $Desc->AddInteger('PanelColumn');
     84    return $Desc;
    3785  }
    217265        $User = &ModuleUser::Cast($this->System->GetModule('User'))->User;
    218         $DbResult = $this->Database->update('Member', 'Id='.$User->User['Member'],
     266        $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT `Customer` FROM `UserCustomerRel` '.
     267          'WHERE `User`='.ModuleUser::Cast($this->System->GetModule('User'))->User->User['Id']);
     268        $CustomerUserRel = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
     269        $CustomerId = $CustomerUserRel['Member'];
     271        $DbResult = $this->Database->update('Member', 'Id='.$CustomerId,
    219272           array('FamilyMemberCount' => $Form->Values['FamilyMemberCount']));
    220         $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT Subject FROM Member WHERE Id='.$User->User['Member']);
     273        $DbResult = $this->Database->query('SELECT Subject FROM Member WHERE Id='.$CustomerId);
    221274        $Member = $DbResult->fetch_assoc();
    222275        $DbResult = $this->Database->update('Subject', 'Id='.$Member['Subject'],
    231284          'Subject.Name, Subject.AddressStreet, Subject.AddressTown, Subject.AddressPSC, '.
    232285          'Subject.AddressCountry, Subject.IC, Subject.DIC FROM Member JOIN Subject '.
    233           'ON Subject.Id = Member.Subject WHERE Member.Id='.$User->User['Member']);
     286          'ON Subject.Id = Member.Subject WHERE Member.Id='.$CustomerId);
    234287        $DbRow = $DbResult->fetch_array();
    235288        foreach ($Form->Definition['Items'] as $Index => $Item)
  • trunk/Modules/Subject/Subject.php

    r894 r895  
    133133  function GetModels(): array
    134134  {
    135     return array(Country::GetClassName(), Subject::GetClassName(), ContactCategory::GetClassName(),
     135    return array(Subject::GetClassName(), ContactCategory::GetClassName(),
    136136      Contact::GetClassName());
    137137  }
    168 class Country extends Model
    169 {
    170   static function GetDesc(): ModelDesc
    171   {
    172     $Desc = new ModelDesc(self::GetClassName());
    173     $Desc->AddString('Name');
    174     return $Desc;
    175   }
    176 }
    178168class Contact extends Model
  • trunk/Modules/System/System.php

    r894 r895  
    35class PageModules extends Page
    109111    $this->Description = 'Base system module';
    110112    $this->Dependencies = array();
     113    $this->SystemModule = true;
    111114  }
    115118    return array(UnitOfMeasure::GetClassName(), ActionIcon::GetClassName(), ActionGroup::GetClassName(),
    116119      ActionType::GetClassName(), Action::GetClassName(), Language::GetClassName(), Country::GetClassName());
     120  }
     122  function DoBeforeInstall(): void
     123  {
     124    $this->Manager->OnInstallModel = array($this, 'InstallModel');
     125    $this->Manager->OnUninstallModel = array($this, 'UninstallModel');
     126  }
     128  function DoAfterUninstall(): void
     129  {
     130    $this->Manager->OnInstallModel = null;
     131    $this->Manager->OnUninstallModel = null;
    117132  }
    184199  function DoStart(): void
    185200  {
     201    $this->Manager->OnInstallModel = array($this, 'InstallModel');
     202    $this->Manager->OnUninstallModel = array($this, 'UninstallModel');
    186204    $this->System->RegisterPage(['module'], 'PageModules');
    187205    $this->System->FormManager->RegisterClass('Action', array(
    404422    //$this->Manager->OnModuleChange = array($this, 'ModuleChange');
    405423    //$this->LoadFromDatabase();
     424  }
     426  function InstallModel(ModelDesc $ModelDesc)
     427  {
     428    $Query = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `".$ModelDesc->Name."` (\n";
     429    $Query .= '  `'.$ModelDesc->PrimaryKey.'` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,'."\n";
     430    foreach ($ModelDesc->Columns as $Column)
     431    {
     432      $Query .= "  `".$Column->Name."` ";
     433      if ($Column->Type == ModelColumnType::Integer) $Query .= 'int(11)';
     434      else if ($Column->Type == ModelColumnType::String) $Query .= 'varchar(255)';
     435      else if ($Column->Type == ModelColumnType::Float) $Query .= 'varchar(255)';
     436      else if ($Column->Type == ModelColumnType::Text) $Query .= 'text';
     437      else if ($Column->Type == ModelColumnType::DateTime) $Query .= 'datetime';
     438      else if ($Column->Type == ModelColumnType::Reference) $Query .= 'int(11)';
     439      else if ($Column->Type == ModelColumnType::Boolean) $Query .= 'tinyint(1)';
     440      else if ($Column->Type == ModelColumnType::Date) $Query .= 'date';
     441      else if ($Column->Type == ModelColumnType::BigInt) $Query .= 'bigint(20)';
     442      else if ($Column->Type == ModelColumnType::Enum)
     443      {
     444        $Query .= 'enum("'.implode('", "', $Column->States).'")';
     445      }
     447      if ($Column->Nullable) $Query .= '';
     448        else $Query .= ' NOT NULL';
     450      $Query .= ' COLLATE utf8_general_ci';
     452      if ($Column->HasDefault)
     453      {
     454        if ($Column->Default == null)
     455          $Query .= ' DEFAULT NULL';
     456        else $Query .= ' DEFAULT '.$Column->GetDefault();
     457      }
     458      $Query .= ",\n";
     459    }
     460    $Query .= '  PRIMARY KEY (`'.$ModelDesc->PrimaryKey.'`)';
     461    foreach ($ModelDesc->Columns as $Column)
     462    {
     463      if ($Column->Type == ModelColumnType::Reference)
     464        $Query .= ','."\n".'  KEY `'.$Column->Name.'` (`'.$Column->Name.'`)';
     465      else if ($Column->Unique)
     466        $Query .= ','."\n".'  UNIQUE KEY `'.$Column->Name.'` (`'.$Column->Name.'`)';
     467    }
     468    $Query .= "\n";
     470    if ($ModelDesc->Memory) $Engine = 'MEMORY';
     471      else $Engine = 'InnoDB';
     472    $Query .= ') ENGINE='.$Engine.' DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 AUTO_INCREMENT=1;';
     473    $I = 1;
     474    foreach ($ModelDesc->Columns as $Column)
     475    {
     476      if ($Column->Type == ModelColumnType::Reference)
     477        $Query .= "ALTER TABLE `".$ModelDesc->Name."` ".
     478        "ADD CONSTRAINT `".$ModelDesc->Name."_ibfk_".$I."` FOREIGN KEY (`".$Column->Name."`) REFERENCES `".$Column->RefTable."` (`Id`);";
     479      $I++;
     480    }
     481    $this->Database->query($Query);
     482  }
     484  function UninstallModel(ModelDesc $ModelDesc)
     485  {
     486    $this->Database->query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `'.$ModelDesc->Name.'`');
    406487  }
    544625  }
    547 class UnitOfMeasure extends Model
    548 {
    549   static function GetDesc(): ModelDesc
    550   {
    551     $Desc = new ModelDesc(self::GetClassName());
    552     $Desc->AddString('Name');
    553     $Desc->AddString('Unit');
    554     return $Desc;
    555   }
    556 }
    558 class Action extends Model
    559 {
    560   static function GetDesc(): ModelDesc
    561   {
    562     $Desc = new ModelDesc(self::GetClassName());
    563     $Desc->AddString('Title');
    564     $Desc->AddString('URL');
    565     $Desc->AddReference('Icon', ActionIcon::GetClassName());
    566     $Desc->AddReference('Type', ActionType::GetClassName());
    567     $Desc->AddReference('Group', ActionGroup::GetClassName());
    568     $Desc->AddReference('PermissionOperation', PermissionOperation::GetClassName());
    569     $Desc->AddBoolean('Enable');
    570     return $Desc;
    571   }
    572 }
    574 class ActionIcon extends Model
    575 {
    576   static function GetDesc(): ModelDesc
    577   {
    578     $Desc = new ModelDesc(self::GetClassName());
    579     $Desc->AddString('Name');
    580     return $Desc;
    581   }
    582 }
    584 class ActionGroup extends Model
    585 {
    586   static function GetDesc(): ModelDesc
    587   {
    588     $Desc = new ModelDesc(self::GetClassName());
    589     $Desc->AddString('Name');
    590     return $Desc;
    591   }
    592 }
    594 class ActionType extends Model
    595 {
    596   static function GetDesc(): ModelDesc
    597   {
    598     $Desc = new ModelDesc(self::GetClassName());
    599     $Desc->AddString('Name');
    600     return $Desc;
    601   }
    602 }
    604 class Language extends Model
    605 {
    606   static function GetDesc(): ModelDesc
    607   {
    608     $Desc = new ModelDesc(self::GetClassName());
    609     $Desc->AddString('Name');
    610     return $Desc;
    611   }
    612 }
    614 class Country extends Model
    615 {
    616   static function GetDesc(): ModelDesc
    617   {
    618     $Desc = new ModelDesc(self::GetClassName());
    619     $Desc->AddString('Name');
    620     return $Desc;
    621   }
    622 }
  • trunk/Modules/User/User.php

    r894 r895  
    2929  }
     31  function DoInstall(): void
     32  {
     33    $this->Database->insert('PermissionGroup', array('Id' => 1, 'Description' => 'Ostatní'));
     34    $this->Database->insert('PermissionGroup', array('Id' => 2, 'Description' => 'Registrovaní uživatelé'));
     35    $this->Database->insert('PermissionGroup', array('Id' => 3, 'Description' => 'Zákazníci'));
     36    $this->Database->insert('PermissionGroup', array('Id' => 4, 'Description' => 'Správci sítě'));
     37    $this->Database->insert('PermissionGroup', array('Id' => 5, 'Description' => 'Systémoví správci'));
     38  }
    3140  function DoStart(): void
    3241  {
    181190    $Output = 'Uživatelů: '.$DbRow['0'].'<br/>';
    182191    return $Output;
    183   }
    185   function DoStop(): void
    186   {
    187192  }
  • trunk/Modules/User/UserModel.php

    r894 r895  
    7575    $Desc->AddString('Salt');
    7676    $Desc->AddString('Email');
    77     $Desc->AddString('LastIpAddress');
    78     $Desc->AddString('LastLoginTime');
     77    $Column = $Desc->AddString('LastIpAddress');
     78    $Column->HasDefault = true;
     79    $Column->Nullable = true;
     80    $Column = $Desc->AddDateTime('LastLoginTime');
     81    $Column->Nullable = true;
     82    $Column->HasDefault = true;
    7983    $Desc->AddDateTime('RegistrationTime');
    8084    $Desc->AddBoolean('Locked');
    81     $Desc->AddString('InitPassword');
     85    $Column = $Desc->AddString('InitPassword');
     86    $Column->Nullable = true;
     87    $Column->HasDefault = true;
    8288    return $Desc;
    8389  }
    118124    if ($Row['User'] != '')
    119125    {
    120       $Query = $this->Database->query('SELECT `User`.*, `UserCustomerRel`.`Customer` AS `Member` FROM `User` '.
    121         ' LEFT JOIN `UserCustomerRel` ON `UserCustomerRel`.`User`=`User`.`Id` WHERE `User`.`Id`='.$Row['User']);
     126      $Query = $this->Database->query('SELECT `User`.* FROM `User` WHERE `User`.`Id`='.$Row['User']);
    122127      $this->User = $Query->fetch_assoc();
    123128      $Result = USER_LOGGED;
    500505  {
    501506    $Desc = new ModelDesc(self::GetClassName());
    502     $Desc->AddReference('Module', Module::GetClassName());
     507    //$Desc->AddReference('Module', Module::GetClassName());
    503508    $Desc->AddString('Operation');
    504509    $Desc->AddString('Item');
  • trunk/Modules/User/UserPage.php

    r887 r895  
    2121  function ShowContacts(): string
    2222  {
     23    if (!$this->System->ModuleManager->ModuleRunning('Subject')) return '';
    2325    $Query = 'SELECT `Contact`.`Value`, `Contact`.`Description`, (SELECT `Name` FROM `ContactCategory` WHERE `ContactCategory`.`Id` = `Contact`.`Category`) AS `Category` '.
    2426      'FROM `Contact` WHERE `User` = '.
    3941    $Order = GetOrderTableHeader('Contacts', $TableColumns, 'Value', 0);
    4042    $Output .= $Order['Output'];
    4243    $Query = $Query.' '.$Order['SQL'].$PageList['SQLLimit'];
    4444    $DbResult = $this->Database->query($Query);
    4545    while ($Contact = $DbResult->fetch_assoc())
    4949      '<td>'.$Contact['Value'].'</td>'.
    5050      '<td>'.$Contact['Description'].'</td>'.
    51       '</tr>';
     51        '</tr>';
    5252    }
    5353    $Output .= '</table>';
  • trunk/Modules/Wiki/Wiki.php

    r894 r895  
    4646  static function GetDesc(): ModelDesc
    4747  {
    48     $Desc = new ModelDesc('WikiPage');
     48    $Desc = new ModelDesc(self::GetClassName());
    4949    $Desc->AddString('Name');
    5050    $Desc->AddString('NormalizedName');
  • trunk/Packages/Common/AppModule.php

    r894 r895  
    3232  const Running = 5;
    3333  const NotRunning = 6;
     34  const System = 7;
     35  const User = 8;
    5557  public $OnChange;
    5658  public array $Models;
     59  public bool $SystemModule;
    5861  function __construct(Application $System)
    7174    $this->Type = ModuleType::Normal;
    7275    $this->Models = array();
     76    $this->SystemModule = false;
    7377  }
    8488    $this->Manager->EnumDependenciesCascade($this, $List, array(ModuleCondition::NotInstalled));
    8589    $this->Manager->Perform($List, array(ModuleAction::Install), array(ModuleCondition::NotInstalled));
     90    $this->DoBeforeInstall();
    8691    $this->InstallModels();
    8792    $this->DoInstall();
    8893    $this->Installed = true;
     94    $this->Enabled = true; // Automatically enable installed module
    8995    $this->InstalledVersion = $this->Version;
    9096    $this->Manager->Modules[$this->Name] = $this;
    101107    $this->DoUninstall();
    102108    $this->UninstallModels();
     109    $this->DoAfterUninstall();
    103110  }
    175182  }
     184  protected function DoBeforeInstall(): void
     185  {
     186  }
    177188  protected function DoInstall(): void
    178189  {
    183194  }
    185   protected function DoUpgrade(): void
    186   {
     196  protected function DoAfterUninstall(): void
     197  {
     198  }
     200  protected function DoUpgrade(): string
     201  {
     202    return '';
    187203  }
    194210  function InstallModels(): void
    195211  {
    196     foreach ($this->GetModels() as $Model)
    197     {
    198       $this->InstallModel($Model::GetDesc());
     212    if ($this->Manager->OnInstallModel != null)
     213    {
     214      foreach ($this->GetModels() as $Model)
     215      {
     216        call_user_func($this->Manager->OnInstallModel, $Model::GetDesc());
     217      }
    199218    }
    200219  }
    202221  function UninstallModels(): void
    203222  {
    204     foreach (array_reverse($this->GetModels()) as $Model)
    205     {
    206       $this->UninstallModel($Model::GetDesc());
    207     }
    208   }
    210   function InstallModel(ModelDesc $ModelDesc)
    211   {
    212     $Query = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `".$ModelDesc->Name."` (\n";
    213     $Query .= '  `'.$ModelDesc->PrimaryKey.'` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,'."\n";
    214     foreach ($ModelDesc->Columns as $Column)
    215     {
    216       $Query .= "  `".$Column->Name."` ";
    217       if ($Column->Type == ModelColumnType::Integer) $Query .= 'int(11)';
    218       else if ($Column->Type == ModelColumnType::String) $Query .= 'varchar(255)';
    219       else if ($Column->Type == ModelColumnType::Float) $Query .= 'varchar(255)';
    220       else if ($Column->Type == ModelColumnType::Text) $Query .= 'text';
    221       else if ($Column->Type == ModelColumnType::DateTime) $Query .= 'datetime';
    222       else if ($Column->Type == ModelColumnType::Reference) $Query .= 'int(11)';
    223       else if ($Column->Type == ModelColumnType::Boolean) $Query .= 'tinyint(1)';
    224       else if ($Column->Type == ModelColumnType::Date) $Query .= 'date';
    225       else if ($Column->Type == ModelColumnType::BigInt) $Query .= 'bigint(20)';
    226       else if ($Column->Type == ModelColumnType::Enum)
    227       {
    228         $Query .= 'enum("'.implode('", "', $Column->States).'")';
    229       }
    231       if ($Column->Nullable) $Query .= '';
    232         else $Query .= ' NOT NULL';
    234       $Query .= ' COLLATE utf8_general_ci';
    236       if ($Column->HasDefault)
    237       {
    238         if ($Column->Default == null)
    239           $Query .= ' DEFAULT NULL';
    240         $Query .= ' DEFAULT '.$Column->GetDefault();
    241       }
    242       $Query .= ",\n";
    243     }
    244     $Query .= '  PRIMARY KEY (`'.$ModelDesc->PrimaryKey.'`)';
    245     foreach ($ModelDesc->Columns as $Column)
    246     {
    247       if ($Column->Type == ModelColumnType::Reference)
    248         $Query .= ','."\n".'  KEY `'.$Column->Name.'` (`'.$Column->Name.'`)';
    249       else if ($Column->Unique)
    250         $Query .= ','."\n".'  UNIQUE KEY `'.$Column->Name.'` (`'.$Column->Name.'`)';
    251     }
    252     $Query .= "\n";
    254     if ($ModelDesc->Memory) $Engine = 'MEMORY';
    255       else $Engine = 'InnoDB';
    256     $Query .= ') ENGINE='.$Engine.' DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 AUTO_INCREMENT=1;';
    257     $I = 1;
    258     foreach ($ModelDesc->Columns as $Column)
    259     {
    260       if ($Column->Type == ModelColumnType::Reference)
    261         $Query .= "ALTER TABLE `".$ModelDesc->Name."` ".
    262         "ADD CONSTRAINT `".$ModelDesc->Name."_ibfk_".$I."` FOREIGN KEY (`".$Column->Name."`) REFERENCES `".$Column->RefTable."` (`Id`);";
    263       $I++;
    264     }
    265     $this->Database->query($Query);
    266   }
    268   function UninstallModel(ModelDesc $ModelDesc)
    269   {
    270     $this->Database->query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `'.$ModelDesc->Name.'`');
     223    if ($this->Manager->OnUninstallModel != null)
     224    {
     225      foreach (array_reverse($this->GetModels()) as $Model)
     226      {
     227        call_user_func($this->Manager->OnUninstallModel, $Model::GetDesc());
     228      }
     229    }
    271230  }
    280239  public string $ModulesDir;
    281240  public $OnLoadModules;
     241  public $OnInstallModel;
     242  public $OnUninstsallModel;
    283244  function __construct(System $System)
    287248    $this->FileName = dirname(__FILE__).'/../../Config/ModulesConfig.php';
    288249    $this->ModulesDir = dirname(__FILE__).'/../../Modules';
     250    $this->OnInstallModel = null;
     251    $this->OnUninstallModel = null;
    289252  }
    291254  function Perform(array $List, array $Actions, array $Conditions = array(ModuleCondition::All)): void
    292255  {
    293     foreach ($List as $Index => $Module)
     256    foreach ($List as $Module)
    294257    {
    295258      if (in_array(ModuleCondition::All, $Conditions) or
    299262        (!$Module->Installed and in_array(ModuleCondition::NotInstalled, $Conditions)) or
    300263        ($Module->Enabled and in_array(ModuleCondition::Enabled, $Conditions)) or
    301         (!$Module->Enabled and in_array(ModuleCondition::NotEnabled, $Conditions)))
     264        (!$Module->Enabled and in_array(ModuleCondition::NotEnabled, $Conditions)) or
     265        ($Module->SystemModule and in_array(ModuleCondition::System, $Conditions)) or
     266        (!$Module->SystemModule and in_array(ModuleCondition::User, $Conditions)))
    302267      {
    303268        foreach ($Actions as $Action)
    328293        (!$DepModule->Enabled and in_array(ModuleCondition::NotEnabled, $Conditions)) or
    329294        ($DepModule->Installed and in_array(ModuleCondition::Installed, $Conditions)) or
    330         (!$DepModule->Installed and in_array(ModuleCondition::NotInstalled, $Conditions)))
     295        (!$DepModule->Installed and in_array(ModuleCondition::NotInstalled, $Conditions)) or
     296        ($DepModule->SystemModule and in_array(ModuleCondition::System, $Conditions)) or
     297        (!$DepModule->SystemModule and in_array(ModuleCondition::User, $Conditions)))
    331298      {
    332299        array_push($List, $DepModule);
    347314          (!$RefModule->Enabled and in_array(ModuleCondition::NotEnabled, $Conditions)) or
    348315          ($RefModule->Installed and in_array(ModuleCondition::Installed, $Conditions)) or
    349           (!$RefModule->Installed and in_array(ModuleCondition::NotInstalled, $Conditions))))
    350       {
     316          (!$RefModule->Installed and in_array(ModuleCondition::NotInstalled, $Conditions)) or
     317          ($RefModule->SystemModule and in_array(ModuleCondition::System, $Conditions)) or
     318          (!$RefModule->SystemModule and in_array(ModuleCondition::User, $Conditions))))
     319        {
    351320        array_push($List, $RefModule);
    352321        $this->EnumSuperiorDependenciesCascade($RefModule, $List, $Conditions);
    357326  function Start(): void
    358327  {
    359     $this->LoadModules();
    360     if (file_exists($this->FileName)) $this->LoadState();
    361     $this->StartEnabled();
     328    $ModuleSetup = $this->LoadModule(dirname(__FILE__).'/Setup.php');
     329    $this->LoadState();
     330    if (!$ModuleSetup->Installed)
     331    {
     332      $ModuleSetup->Install();
     333      $this->SaveState();
     334    }
     335    $ModuleSetup->Start();
     336    if (ModuleSetup::Cast($ModuleSetup)->CheckState())
     337    {
     338      $this->LoadModules();
     339      if (file_exists($this->FileName)) $this->LoadState();
     340      $this->InstallSystem();
     341      $this->StartSystem();
     342      $this->StartEnabled();
     343    }
    362344  }
    370352  {
    371353    $this->Perform($this->Modules, array(ModuleAction::Start), array(ModuleCondition::Enabled));
     354  }
     356  function StartSystem(): void
     357  {
     358    $this->Perform($this->Modules, array(ModuleAction::Start), array(ModuleCondition::System));
    372359  }
    383370  }
     372  function InstallSystem(): void
     373  {
     374    $this->Perform($this->Modules, array(ModuleAction::Install), array(ModuleCondition::System));
     375    $this->SaveState();
     376  }
    385378  function UninstallAll(): void
    386379  {
    425418    foreach ($this->Modules as $Module)
    426419    {
    427       //DebugLog($Module->Name.' '.$Module->Id);
    428420      if ($Module->Id == $Id) return $Module->Name;
    429421    }
    452444    foreach ($this->Modules as $Module)
    453445    {
    454       $Data[] = array('Name' => $Module->Name, 'Enabled' => $Module->Enabled,
    455         'Version' => $Module->Version, 'Installed' => $Module->Installed);
     446      $Data[] = array(
     447        'Name' => $Module->Name,
     448        'Enabled' => $Module->Enabled,
     449        'Version' => $Module->Version,
     450        'Installed' => $Module->Installed
     451      );
    456452    }
    457453    if (file_put_contents($this->FileName, "<?php \n\n\$ConfigModules = ".var_export($Data, true).";\n") === FALSE)
    473469  }
     471  function LoadModule(string $FileName): AppModule
     472  {
     473    include_once($FileName);
     474    $ModuleName = 'Module'.pathinfo($FileName, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
     475    $Module = new $ModuleName($this->System);
     476    $this->RegisterModule($Module);
     477    return $Module;
     478  }
    475480  function LoadModulesFromDir(string $Directory): void
    476481  {
    480485      if (is_dir($Directory.'/'.$Item) and ($Item != '.') and ($Item != '..') and ($Item != '.svn'))
    481486      {
    482         include_once($Directory.'/'.$Item.'/'.$Item.'.php');
    483         $ModuleName = 'Module'.$Item;
    484         $this->RegisterModule(new $ModuleName($this->System));
     487        $this->LoadModule($Directory.'/'.$Item.'/'.$Item.'.php');
    485488      }
    486489    }
  • trunk/Packages/Common/Application.php

    r887 r895  
    6565  function GetModule(string $Name): AppModule
    6666  {
    67     return $this->ModuleManager->Modules[$Name];
     67    if (array_key_exists($Name, $this->ModuleManager->Modules))
     68      return $this->ModuleManager->Modules[$Name];
     69      else return null;
    6870  }
  • trunk/Packages/Common/Setup.php

    r891 r895  
    3 class PageSetup extends Page
     3class PageSetupModules extends Page
    5   public UpdateManager $UpdateManager;
    6   public array $ConfigDefinition;
    7   public array $Config;
    8   public int $DatabaseRevision;
    9   public int $Revision;
    10   public string $ConfigDir;
    115  public array $YesNo;
    148  {
    159    parent::__construct($System);
    16     $this->FullTitle = T('Application setup');
    17     $this->ShortTitle = T('Application setup');
    18     //$this->ParentClass = 'PagePortal';
    19     $this->ConfigDir = dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))).'/Config';
     10    $this->FullTitle = T('Modules');
     11    $this->ShortTitle = T('Modules');
     12    $this->ParentClass = 'PageSetup';
    2013    $this->YesNo = array(false => T('No'), true => T('Yes'));
    2114  }
    23   function LoginPanel(): string
    24   {
    25     $Output = '<h3>Přihlášení k instalaci</h3>'.
    26       '<form action="?" method="post">'.
    27       '<table>'.
    28       '<tr><td>Systémové heslo:</td><td> <input type="password" name="SystemPassword" value=""/></td></tr>'.
    29       '</table>'.
    30       '<input type="submit" name="login" value="'.T('Login').'"/>'.
    31       '</form>';
    32     return $Output;
    33   }
    35   function ControlPanel(): string
    36   {
    37     $Output = '<h3>'.T('Instance management').'</h3>';
    39     $Output .= 'Je připojení k databázi: '.$this->YesNo[$this->UpdateManager->Database->Connected()].'<br/>';
    40     if ($this->UpdateManager->Database->Connected())
    41     {
    42       $Output .= 'Je instalováno: '.$this->YesNo[$this->UpdateManager->IsInstalled()].'<br/>';
    43       if ($this->UpdateManager->IsInstalled())
    44         $Output .= 'Je aktuální: '.$this->YesNo[$this->UpdateManager->IsUpToDate()].'<br/>'.
    45         'Verze databáze: '.$this->UpdateManager->GetDbVersion().'<br/>';
    46       $Output .= 'Verze databáze kódu: '.$this->UpdateManager->Revision.'<br/>';
    47       if ($this->UpdateManager->IsInstalled())
    48       {
    49         if (!$this->UpdateManager->IsUpToDate())
    50           $Output .= '<a href="?action=upgrade">'.T('Upgrade').'</a> ';
    51         $Output .= '<a href="?action=insert_sample_data">Vložit vzorová data</a> ';
    52         $Output .= '<a href="?action=reload_modules">Obnovit seznam modulů</a> ';
    53         $Output .= '<a href="?action=uninstall">Odinstalovat</a> ';
    54         $Output .= '<a href="?action=modules">Správa modulů</a> ';
    55         $Output .= '<a href="?action=models">Přegenerovat modely</a> ';
    56       } else $Output .= '<a href="?action=install">Instalovat</a> ';
    57     }
    58     $Output .= '<a href="?action=configure">Nastavit</a> ';
    59     $Output .= '<a href="?action=logout">Odhlásit</a> ';
    60     $Output .= '<a href="'.$this->System->Link('/').'">'.T('Go to main page').'</a> ';
    61     $Output .= '';
    62     return $Output;
    63   }
    6516  function Show(): string
    66   {
    67     global $ConfigDefinition, $DatabaseRevision, $Config, $Updates;
    69     $this->UpdateManager = $this->System->Setup->UpdateManager;
    70     $DefaultConfig = new DefaultConfig();
    71     $this->ConfigDefinition = $DefaultConfig->Get();
    72     $this->DatabaseRevision = $DatabaseRevision;
    73     $this->Config = &$Config;
    75     $Output = '';
    76     if (isset($this->Config))
    77     {
    78       if (!array_key_exists('SystemPassword', $_SESSION)) $_SESSION['SystemPassword'] = '';
    79       if (array_key_exists('login', $_POST)) $_SESSION['SystemPassword'] = $_POST['SystemPassword'];
    80       if (sha1($_SESSION['SystemPassword']) != $this->Config['SystemPassword'])
    81       {
    82         $Output .= $this->LoginPanel();
    83       } else
    84       {
    85         if (array_key_exists('action', $_GET)) $Action = $_GET['action'];
    86           else $Action = '';
    87         if ($Action == 'logout')
    88         {
    89           $_SESSION['SystemPassword'] = '';
    90           $Output .= 'Odhlášen';
    91           $Output .= $this->LoginPanel();
    92         } else
    93         if ($Action == 'models')
    94         {
    95           $this->System->FormManager->UpdateSQLMeta();
    96         } else
    97         if ($Action == 'upgrade')
    98         {
    99           $Output .= '<h3>Povýšení</h3>';
    100           try {
    101             $Output .= $this->System->Setup->Upgrade();
    102           } catch (Exception $E) {
    103             $Output .= $this->SystemMessage('Chyba aktualizace',
    104               'Došlo k chybě v SQL dotazu při aktualizaci: <br/>'.$E->getMessage());
    105           }
    106           $Output .= $this->ControlPanel();
    107         } else
    108         if ($Action == 'install')
    109         {
    110           $Output .= '<h3>Instalace</h3>';
    111           $this->System->Setup->Install();
    112           $this->System->ModuleManager->LoadModules();
    113           $this->System->ModuleManager->SaveState();
    114           //$Output .= $this->System->Setup->Upgrade();
    115           $Output .= $this->ControlPanel();
    116         } else
    117         if ($Action == 'uninstall')
    118         {
    119           $Output .= '<h3>Odinstalace</h3>';
    120           $this->System->Setup->Uninstall();
    121           $Output .= $this->ControlPanel();
    122         } else
    123         if ($Action == 'reload_modules')
    124         {
    125           $Output .= '<h3>Znovunačtení seznamu modulů</h3>';
    126           $this->System->ModuleManager->LoadModules();
    127           $this->System->ModuleManager->SaveState();
    128           $Output .= $this->ControlPanel();
    129         } else
    130         if ($Action == 'insert_sample_data')
    131         {
    132           $Output .= '<h3>Vložení vzorových dat</h3>';
    133           $this->System->Setup->InsertSampleData();
    134           $Output .= $this->ControlPanel();
    135         } else
    136         if ($Action == 'modules')
    137         {
    138           $Output .= $this->ShowModules();
    139         } else
    140         if ($Action == 'configure_save')
    141         {
    142            $Output .= $this->ConfigSave($this->Config);
    143            $Output .= $this->ControlPanel();
    144         } else
    145         if ($Action == 'configure')
    146         {
    147           $Output .= $this->PrepareConfig($this->Config);
    148         } else
    149         {
    150           $Output .= $this->ControlPanel();
    151         }
    152       }
    153     } else
    154     {
    155       if (array_key_exists('configure_save', $_POST))
    156       {
    157         $Output .= $this->ConfigSave(array());
    158         $Output .= 'Pokračujte k přihlášení <a href="">zde</a>';
    159       } else {
    160         $Output .= $this->PrepareConfig(array());
    161       }
    162     }
    163     return $Output;
    164   }
    166   function ShowModules(): string
    16717  {
    16818    $Output = '';
    23787      $Table->Table->Cells[] = array($Module->Name,
    23888        $Module->Creator, $Module->Version,
    239         $Module->License, $this->YesNo[$Module->Installed],
     89        $Module->License,  $this->YesNo[$Module->Installed],
    24090        $this->YesNo[$Module->Enabled], $Module->Description,
    24191        $Dependencies, $Actions);
    24595    $Output .= $Pageing->Show();
    24696    //$Output .= '<p><a href="?A=SaveToDb">Uložit do databáze</a></p>';
     97    return $Output;
     98  }
     101class PageSetup extends Page
     103  public UpdateManager $UpdateManager;
     104  public array $ConfigDefinition;
     105  public array $Config;
     106  public int $DatabaseRevision;
     107  public int $Revision;
     108  public string $ConfigDir;
     109  public array $YesNo;
     111  function __construct(System $System)
     112  {
     113    parent::__construct($System);
     114    $this->FullTitle = T('Application setup');
     115    $this->ShortTitle = T('Application setup');
     116    //$this->ParentClass = 'PagePortal';
     117    $this->ConfigDir = dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))).'/Config';
     118    $this->YesNo = array(false => T('No'), true => T('Yes'));
     119  }
     121  function LoginPanel(): string
     122  {
     123    $Output = '<h3>Přihlášení k instalaci</h3>'.
     124      '<form action="?" method="post">'.
     125      '<table>'.
     126      '<tr><td>Systémové heslo:</td><td> <input type="password" name="SystemPassword" value=""/></td></tr>'.
     127      '</table>'.
     128      '<input type="submit" name="login" value="'.T('Login').'"/>'.
     129      '</form>';
     130    return $Output;
     131  }
     133  function ControlPanel(): string
     134  {
     135    $Output = '<h3>'.T('Instance management').'</h3>';
     137    $Output .= 'Je připojení k databázi: '.$this->YesNo[$this->UpdateManager->Database->Connected()].'<br/>';
     138    if ($this->UpdateManager->Database->Connected())
     139    {
     140      $Output .= 'Je instalováno: '.$this->YesNo[$this->UpdateManager->IsInstalled()].'<br/>';
     141      if ($this->UpdateManager->IsInstalled())
     142        $Output .= 'Je aktuální: '.$this->YesNo[$this->UpdateManager->IsUpToDate()].'<br/>'.
     143        'Verze databáze: '.$this->UpdateManager->GetDbVersion().'<br/>';
     144      $Output .= 'Verze databáze kódu: '.$this->UpdateManager->Revision.'<br/>';
     145      if ($this->UpdateManager->IsInstalled())
     146      {
     147        if (!$this->UpdateManager->IsUpToDate())
     148          $Output .= '<a href="?action=upgrade">'.T('Upgrade').'</a> ';
     149        $Output .= '<a href="?action=insert_sample_data">Vložit vzorová data</a> ';
     150        $Output .= '<a href="?action=reload_modules">Obnovit seznam modulů</a> ';
     151        $Output .= '<a href="?action=uninstall">Odinstalovat</a> ';
     152        $Output .= '<a href="'.$this->System->Link('/setup/modules/').'">Správa modulů</a> ';
     153        $Output .= '<a href="?action=models">Přegenerovat modely</a> ';
     154      } else $Output .= '<a href="?action=install">Instalovat</a> ';
     155    }
     156    $Output .= '<a href="?action=configure">Nastavit</a> ';
     157    $Output .= '<a href="?action=logout">Odhlásit</a> ';
     158    $Output .= '<a href="'.$this->System->Link('/').'">'.T('Go to main page').'</a> ';
     159    $Output .= '';
     160    return $Output;
     161  }
     163  function Show(): string
     164  {
     165    global $ConfigDefinition, $DatabaseRevision, $Config, $Updates;
     167    $this->UpdateManager = ModuleSetup::Cast($this->System->GetModule('Setup'))->UpdateManager;
     168    $DefaultConfig = new DefaultConfig();
     169    $this->ConfigDefinition = $DefaultConfig->Get();
     170    $this->DatabaseRevision = $DatabaseRevision;
     171    $this->Config = &$Config;
     173    $Output = '';
     174    if (isset($this->Config))
     175    {
     176      if (!array_key_exists('SystemPassword', $_SESSION)) $_SESSION['SystemPassword'] = '';
     177      if (array_key_exists('login', $_POST)) $_SESSION['SystemPassword'] = $_POST['SystemPassword'];
     178      if (sha1($_SESSION['SystemPassword']) != $this->Config['SystemPassword'])
     179      {
     180        $Output .= $this->LoginPanel();
     181      } else
     182      {
     183        if (array_key_exists('action', $_GET)) $Action = $_GET['action'];
     184          else $Action = '';
     185        if ($Action == 'logout')
     186        {
     187          $_SESSION['SystemPassword'] = '';
     188          $Output .= 'Odhlášen';
     189          $Output .= $this->LoginPanel();
     190        }
     191        else if ($Action == 'models')
     192        {
     193          $this->System->FormManager->UpdateSQLMeta();
     194        }
     195        else if ($Action == 'upgrade')
     196        {
     197          $Output .= '<h3>Povýšení</h3>';
     198          try
     199          {
     200            $Output .= ModuleSetup::Cast($this->System->GetModule('Setup'))->Upgrade();
     201          } catch (Exception $E)
     202          {
     203            $Output .= $this->SystemMessage('Chyba aktualizace',
     204              'Došlo k chybě v SQL dotazu při aktualizaci: <br/>'.$E->getMessage());
     205          }
     206          $Output .= $this->ControlPanel();
     207        }
     208        else if ($Action == 'install')
     209        {
     210          $Output .= '<h3>Instalace</h3>';
     211          ModuleSetup::Cast($this->System->GetModule('Setup'))->Install();
     212          $this->System->ModuleManager->LoadModules();
     213          $this->System->ModuleManager->SaveState();
     214          //$Output .= ModuleSetup::Cast($this->System->GetModule('Setup'))->Upgrade();
     215          $Output .= $this->ControlPanel();
     216        }
     217        else if ($Action == 'uninstall')
     218        {
     219          $Output .= '<h3>Odinstalace</h3>';
     220          ModuleSetup::Cast($this->System->GetModule('Setup'))->Uninstall();
     221          $Output .= $this->ControlPanel();
     222        }
     223        else if ($Action == 'reload_modules')
     224        {
     225          $Output .= '<h3>Znovunačtení seznamu modulů</h3>';
     226          $this->System->ModuleManager->LoadModules();
     227          $this->System->ModuleManager->SaveState();
     228          $Output .= $this->ControlPanel();
     229        }
     230        else if ($Action == 'insert_sample_data')
     231        {
     232          $Output .= '<h3>Vložení vzorových dat</h3>';
     233          ModuleSetup::Cast($this->System->GetModule('Setup'))->InsertSampleData();
     234          $Output .= $this->ControlPanel();
     235        }
     236        else if ($Action == 'configure_save')
     237        {
     238           $Output .= $this->ConfigSave($this->Config);
     239           $Output .= $this->ControlPanel();
     240        }
     241        else if ($Action == 'configure')
     242        {
     243          $Output .= $this->PrepareConfig($this->Config);
     244        }
     245        else
     246        {
     247          $Output .= $this->ControlPanel();
     248        }
     249      }
     250    } else
     251    {
     252      if (array_key_exists('configure_save', $_POST))
     253      {
     254        $Output .= $this->ConfigSave(array());
     255        $Output .= 'Pokračujte k přihlášení <a href="">zde</a>';
     256      } else {
     257        $Output .= $this->PrepareConfig(array());
     258      }
     259    }
    247260    return $Output;
    248261  }
    256269      $Output .= 'Varování: Konfigurační soubor nebude možné zapsat, protože soubor "'.$this->ConfigDir.'/Config.php" není povolen pro zápis!';
    257270    $Output .= '<h3>Nastavení systému</h3>'.
    258         '<form action="?action=configure_save" method="post">'.
    259         '<table>';
     271      '<form action="?action=configure_save" method="post">'.
     272      '<table>';
    260273    foreach ($this->ConfigDefinition as $Def)
    261274    {
    279292    }
    280293    $Output .= '</td></tr>'.
    281         '<tr><td colspan="2"><input type="submit" name="configure_save" value="'.T('Save').'"/></td></tr>'.
    282         '</table>'.
    283         '</form>';
     294      '<tr><td colspan="2"><input type="submit" name="configure_save" value="'.T('Save').'"/></td></tr>'.
     295      '</table>'.
     296      '</form>';
    284297    return $Output;
    285298  }
    365378    if (!$this->Database->Connected()) $Output .= T('Can\'t connect to database').'<br>';
    366379    else {
    367       if (!$this->System->Setup->UpdateManager->IsInstalled())
     380      if (!ModuleSetup::Cast($this->System->GetModule('Setup'))->UpdateManager->IsInstalled())
    368381        $Output .= T('System requires database initialization').'<br>';
    369382      else
    370       if (!$this->System->Setup->UpdateManager->IsUpToDate())
     383      if (!ModuleSetup::Cast($this->System->GetModule('Setup'))->UpdateManager->IsUpToDate())
    371384        $Output .= T('System requires database upgrade').'<br>';
    372385    }
    378 class Setup extends Model
     391class ModuleSetup extends AppModule
    380393  public UpdateManager $UpdateManager;
    382   function Start()
     395  function __construct(System $System)
    383396  {
    384397    global $DatabaseRevision;
    386     $this->System->RegisterPage([''], 'PageSetupRedirect');
    387     $this->System->RegisterPage(['setup'], 'PageSetup');
     399    parent::__construct($System);
     400    $this->Name = 'Setup';
     401    $this->Version = '1.0';
     402    $this->Creator = 'Chronos';
     403    $this->License = 'GNU/GPLv3';
     404    $this->Description = 'Base setup module';
     405    $this->Dependencies = array();
     406    $this->Revision = 1;
     407    $this->SystemModule = true;
    389409    // Check database persistence structure
    394414  }
    396   function Stop()
     416  static function Cast(AppModule $AppModule): ModuleSetup
     417  {
     418    if ($AppModule instanceof ModuleSetup)
     419    {
     420      return $AppModule;
     421    }
     422    throw new Exception('Expected ModuleSetup type but '.gettype($AppModule));
     423  }
     425  function DoStart(): void
     426  {
     427    $this->System->RegisterPage([''], 'PageSetupRedirect');
     428    $this->System->RegisterPage(['setup'], 'PageSetup');
     429    $this->System->RegisterPage(['setup', 'modules'], 'PageSetupModules');
     430  }
     432  function DoStop(): void
    397433  {
    398434    unset($this->UpdateManager);
    399435    $this->System->UnregisterPage(['']);
    400436    $this->System->UnregisterPage(['setup']);
     437    $this->System->UnregisterPage(['setup', 'modules']);
    401438  }
    407444  }
    409   function Install()
     446  function DoInstall(): void
    410447  {
    411448    global $DatabaseRevision;
    444481  }
    446   function Uninstall()
     483  function DoUninstall(): void
    447484  {
    448485    $this->System->ModuleManager->UninstallAll();
    459496  }
    461   function Upgrade(): string
     498  function DoUpgrade(): string
    462499  {
    463500    $Updates = new Updates();
    466503    return $Output;
    467504  }
     506  function InsertSampleData(): void
     507  {
     508  }
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.