source: branches/generator/Forms/UFormRuleItems.lfm

Last change on this file was 190, checked in by chronos, 5 years ago
  • Added: Missing .lrj files to generate complete language files.
File size: 3.4 KB
1object FormRuleItems: TFormRuleItems
2 Left = 539
3 Height = 700
4 Top = 316
5 Width = 954
6 Caption = 'Rule items'
7 ClientHeight = 700
8 ClientWidth = 954
9 DesignTimePPI = 144
10 OnCreate = FormCreate
11 OnShow = FormShow
12 LCLVersion = ''
13 object ListView1: TListView
14 Left = 12
15 Height = 576
16 Top = 72
17 Width = 936
18 Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom]
19 Columns = <
20 item
21 Caption = 'Name'
22 Width = 921
23 end>
24 MultiSelect = True
25 OwnerData = True
26 ParentFont = False
27 PopupMenu = PopupMenu1
28 ReadOnly = True
29 RowSelect = True
30 TabOrder = 0
31 ViewStyle = vsReport
32 OnData = ListView1Data
33 OnDblClick = ListView1DblClick
34 OnKeyPress = ListView1KeyPress
35 OnSelectItem = ListView1SelectItem
36 end
37 object ToolBar1: TToolBar
38 Left = 0
39 Height = 39
40 Top = 661
41 Width = 954
42 Align = alBottom
43 Images = Core.ImageList1
44 ParentFont = False
45 ParentShowHint = False
46 ShowHint = True
47 TabOrder = 1
48 object ToolButton1: TToolButton
49 Left = 1
50 Top = 2
51 Action = AAdd
52 end
53 object ToolButton2: TToolButton
54 Left = 36
55 Top = 2
56 Action = AModify
57 end
58 object ToolButton3: TToolButton
59 Left = 71
60 Top = 2
61 Action = ARemove
62 end
63 object ToolButton4: TToolButton
64 Left = 106
65 Top = 2
66 Action = AMoveUp
67 end
68 object ToolButton5: TToolButton
69 Left = 141
70 Top = 2
71 Action = AMoveDown
72 end
73 end
74 object Label1: TLabel
75 Left = 15
76 Height = 26
77 Top = 15
78 Width = 82
79 Caption = 'Operator:'
80 ParentColor = False
81 ParentFont = False
82 end
83 object ComboBoxOperator: TComboBox
84 Left = 230
85 Height = 38
86 Top = 14
87 Width = 346
88 ItemHeight = 0
89 Items.Strings = (
90 'And'
91 'Or'
92 )
93 OnChange = ComboBoxOperatorChange
94 ParentFont = False
95 Style = csDropDownList
96 TabOrder = 2
97 end
98 object CheckBoxWhiteSpace: TCheckBox
99 Left = 612
100 Height = 30
101 Top = 15
102 Width = 181
103 Caption = 'With white spaces'
104 ParentFont = False
105 TabOrder = 3
106 end
107 object PopupMenu1: TPopupMenu
108 Images = Core.ImageList1
109 left = 219
110 top = 323
111 object MenuItem1: TMenuItem
112 Action = AAdd
113 end
114 object MenuItem2: TMenuItem
115 Action = AModify
116 end
117 object MenuItem3: TMenuItem
118 Action = ARemove
119 end
120 object MenuItem4: TMenuItem
121 Action = AMoveUp
122 end
123 object MenuItem5: TMenuItem
124 Action = AMoveDown
125 end
126 end
127 object ActionList1: TActionList
128 Images = Core.ImageList1
129 left = 563
130 top = 323
131 object AAdd: TAction
132 Caption = 'Add'
133 ImageIndex = 0
134 OnExecute = AAddExecute
135 ShortCut = 45
136 end
137 object AModify: TAction
138 Caption = 'Modify'
139 ImageIndex = 3
140 OnExecute = AModifyExecute
141 end
142 object ARemove: TAction
143 Caption = 'Remove'
144 ImageIndex = 1
145 OnExecute = ARemoveExecute
146 ShortCut = 46
147 end
148 object AMoveUp: TAction
149 Caption = 'Move up'
150 ImageIndex = 7
151 OnExecute = AMoveUpExecute
152 ShortCut = 16422
153 end
154 object AMoveDown: TAction
155 Caption = 'Move down'
156 ImageIndex = 6
157 OnExecute = AMoveDownExecute
158 ShortCut = 16424
159 end
160 end
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