source: branches/Delphi/ULoaderForm.dfm

Last change on this file was 2, checked in by george, 15 years ago
  • Added: Test telnet connection with custom class TRouterOS.
File size: 4.4 KB
1object LoaderForm: TLoaderForm
2 Left = 0
3 Top = 0
4 BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu, biMinimize]
5 Caption = 'OpenWinBox Loader'
6 ClientHeight = 246
7 ClientWidth = 328
8 Color = clBtnFace
9 Constraints.MinHeight = 273
10 Constraints.MinWidth = 336
11 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
12 Font.Color = clWindowText
13 Font.Height = -11
14 Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
15 Font.Style = []
16 OldCreateOrder = False
17 OnCreate = FormCreate
18 OnDestroy = FormDestroy
19 DesignSize = (
20 328
21 246)
22 PixelsPerInch = 96
23 TextHeight = 13
24 object Label1: TLabel
25 Left = 23
26 Top = 12
27 Width = 59
28 Height = 13
29 Caption = '&Connect To:'
30 end
31 object Label2: TLabel
32 Left = 53
33 Top = 36
34 Width = 29
35 Height = 13
36 Caption = '&Login:'
37 end
38 object Label3: TLabel
39 Left = 32
40 Top = 60
41 Width = 50
42 Height = 13
43 Caption = '&Password:'
44 end
45 object Label4: TLabel
46 Left = 55
47 Top = 148
48 Width = 27
49 Height = 13
50 Caption = '&Note:'
51 end
52 object Edit1: TEdit
53 Left = 88
54 Top = 8
55 Width = 156
56 Height = 21
57 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight]
58 TabOrder = 0
59 Text = 'Edit1'
60 end
61 object Edit2: TEdit
62 Left = 88
63 Top = 32
64 Width = 156
65 Height = 21
66 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight]
67 TabOrder = 1
68 Text = 'Edit2'
69 end
70 object ButtonConnect: TButton
71 Left = 251
72 Top = 8
73 Width = 75
74 Height = 25
75 Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
76 Caption = 'Connect'
77 Default = True
78 TabOrder = 2
79 OnClick = ButtonConnectClick
80 end
81 object CheckBox1: TCheckBox
82 Left = 88
83 Top = 83
84 Width = 97
85 Height = 17
86 Caption = '&Keep Password'
87 TabOrder = 3
88 end
89 object CheckBox2: TCheckBox
90 Left = 88
91 Top = 102
92 Width = 97
93 Height = 17
94 Caption = 'Secure &Mode'
95 TabOrder = 4
96 end
97 object CheckBox3: TCheckBox
98 Left = 88
99 Top = 121
100 Width = 137
101 Height = 17
102 Caption = 'Load Previous Session'
103 TabOrder = 5
104 end
105 object Edit4: TEdit
106 Left = 88
107 Top = 144
108 Width = 156
109 Height = 21
110 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight]
111 TabOrder = 6
112 Text = 'Edit4'
113 end
114 object Edit3: TEdit
115 Left = 88
116 Top = 56
117 Width = 156
118 Height = 21
119 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight]
120 PasswordChar = '*'
121 TabOrder = 7
122 Text = 'Edit3'
123 end
124 object ListView1: TListView
125 Left = 0
126 Top = 172
127 Width = 326
128 Height = 71
129 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom]
130 Columns = <
131 item
132 Caption = 'Address'
133 Width = 80
134 end
135 item
136 Caption = 'User'
137 Width = 80
138 end
139 item
140 Caption = 'Note'
141 Width = 140
142 end>
143 OwnerData = True
144 ReadOnly = True
145 RowSelect = True
146 TabOrder = 8
147 ViewStyle = vsReport
148 OnData = ListView1Data
149 OnSelectItem = ListView1SelectItem
150 end
151 object ButtonSave: TButton
152 Left = 250
153 Top = 79
154 Width = 75
155 Height = 25
156 Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
157 Caption = 'Save'
158 TabOrder = 9
159 OnClick = ButtonSaveClick
160 end
161 object ButtonRemove: TButton
162 Left = 251
163 Top = 110
164 Width = 75
165 Height = 25
166 Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
167 Caption = 'Remove'
168 Enabled = False
169 TabOrder = 10
170 OnClick = ButtonRemoveClick
171 end
172 object ButtonTools: TButton
173 Left = 250
174 Top = 141
175 Width = 75
176 Height = 25
177 Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
178 Caption = 'Tools...'
179 TabOrder = 11
180 OnClick = ButtonToolsClick
181 end
182 object PopupMenu1: TPopupMenu
183 Left = 8
184 Top = 80
185 object RemoveAllAddresses1: TMenuItem
186 Caption = 'Remove All Addresses'
187 OnClick = RemoveAllAddresses1Click
188 end
189 object ClearCache1: TMenuItem
190 Caption = 'Clear Cache'
191 end
192 object N1: TMenuItem
193 Caption = '-'
194 end
195 object ExportAddresses1: TMenuItem
196 Caption = 'Export Addresses...'
197 OnClick = ExportAddresses1Click
198 end
199 object ImportAddresses1: TMenuItem
200 Caption = 'Import Addresses...'
201 OnClick = ImportAddresses1Click
202 end
203 end
204 object OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog
205 Filter = 'XML file|*.xml|All files|*.*'
206 Left = 40
207 Top = 112
208 end
209 object SaveDialog1: TSaveDialog
210 FileName = 'OpenWinBox address list.xml'
211 Filter = 'XML file|*.xml|All files|*.*'
212 Left = 8
213 Top = 112
214 end
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