source: trunk/Forms/UFormConnect.lfm

Last change on this file was 29, checked in by chronos, 21 months ago
  • Fixed: Load table fields in records list and record edit form.
  • Fixed: Record add needs to insert new row into database.
File size: 2.9 KB
1object FormConnect: TFormConnect
2 Left = 795
3 Height = 542
4 Top = 509
5 Width = 739
6 Caption = 'Connection parameters'
7 ClientHeight = 542
8 ClientWidth = 739
9 DesignTimePPI = 144
10 OnCreate = FormCreate
11 LCLVersion = ''
12 object EditName: TEdit
13 Left = 256
14 Height = 43
15 Top = 25
16 Width = 310
17 TabOrder = 0
18 end
19 object Label1: TLabel
20 Left = 18
21 Height = 26
22 Top = 32
23 Width = 56
24 Caption = 'Name:'
25 ParentColor = False
26 end
27 object Label2: TLabel
28 Left = 18
29 Height = 26
30 Top = 80
31 Width = 147
32 Caption = 'Database engine:'
33 ParentColor = False
34 end
35 object ComboBoxDbEngines: TComboBox
36 Left = 256
37 Height = 42
38 Top = 72
39 Width = 310
40 ItemHeight = 0
41 OnChange = ComboBoxDbEnginesChange
42 Style = csDropDownList
43 TabOrder = 1
44 end
45 object ButtonOk: TButton
46 Left = 624
47 Height = 30
48 Top = 496
49 Width = 90
50 Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
51 Caption = 'Ok'
52 ModalResult = 1
53 TabOrder = 2
54 end
55 object ButtonCancel: TButton
56 Left = 488
57 Height = 30
58 Top = 496
59 Width = 90
60 Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
61 Caption = 'Cancel'
62 ModalResult = 2
63 TabOrder = 3
64 end
65 object PageControl1: TPageControl
66 Left = 18
67 Height = 340
68 Top = 139
69 Width = 703
70 ActivePage = TabSheetRegistry
71 Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]
72 ShowTabs = False
73 TabIndex = 3
74 TabOrder = 4
75 object TabSheetXml: TTabSheet
76 ClientHeight = 336
77 ClientWidth = 693
78 object Label3: TLabel
79 Left = 17
80 Height = 26
81 Top = 24
82 Width = 69
83 Caption = 'Xml file:'
84 ParentColor = False
85 end
86 object EditXml: TEdit
87 Left = 110
88 Height = 43
89 Top = 16
90 Width = 446
91 Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]
92 TabOrder = 0
93 end
94 object ButtonXmlBrowse: TButton
95 Left = 566
96 Height = 37
97 Top = 19
98 Width = 113
99 Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
100 Caption = 'Browse'
101 OnClick = ButtonXmlBrowseClick
102 TabOrder = 1
103 end
104 end
105 object TabSheetSql: TTabSheet
106 ClientHeight = 336
107 ClientWidth = 693
108 object Label4: TLabel
109 Left = 19
110 Height = 26
111 Top = 19
112 Width = 44
113 Caption = 'Host:'
114 ParentColor = False
115 end
116 object EditHost: TEdit
117 Left = 150
118 Height = 43
119 Top = 14
120 Width = 312
121 TabOrder = 0
122 end
123 object Label5: TLabel
124 Left = 19
125 Height = 26
126 Top = 72
127 Width = 40
128 Caption = 'Port:'
129 ParentColor = False
130 end
131 object SpinEditPort: TSpinEdit
132 Left = 152
133 Height = 43
134 Top = 64
135 Width = 133
136 MaxValue = 65535
137 TabOrder = 1
138 end
139 end
140 object TabSheetSqlite: TTabSheet
141 end
142 object TabSheetRegistry: TTabSheet
143 end
144 end
145 object OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog
146 Left = 632
147 Top = 32
148 end
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